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Ae tradutor Francês

549 parallel translation
Go and take a seat at one of those tables. I can't serve you here.
Asseyez-vous à une table, ae ne peux pas vous servir ici.
Go Sun-ae, Wang Sock-rang Kang Suk-jae, La Jeong-ok
Ko Suneh, Wang Sookrang Kang Sukjae, La Jungock
Ae-soon, find him.
Ae-soon, va le chercher!
- No, it's for Ae-soon.
- Non, c'est pour Ae-soon.
- Is it Ae-soon?
- C'est Ae-soon!
Jung Ae-Ran Lee Min-Hwa
Jung Ae-Ran Lee Min-Hwa
Oh my... This is Ae-Ja.
Mais c'est Ae-Ja!
Ae-Ja, tell me your secrets.
Ae-Ja... Révèle-moi tes secrets.
- I saw Ae-Ja today.
J'ai vu Ae-Ja, aujourd'hui.
- That Dr. Park was killed by Ae-Ja. - What?
Park a été tué par Ae-Ja.
- Hey, Ae-Ja!
- Chérie!
Until you make your decision... we will leave this house and I will take care of her.
En attendant votre décision, Ae-Ja et moi allons quitter cette maison.
That's how I became enslaved by Ae-Ja.
" C'est ainsi que Ae-Ja m'a ensorcelé.
Ae-Ja, I have been so blind to everything.
Ae-Ja, je n'ai jamais rien soupçonné.
Please forgive me, Ae-Ja.
Ae-Ja, pardonne-moi.
I have just picked up a fault in the AE-35 unit.
Je viens de relever une erreur dans l'unitéAE-35.
Roger your plan to go EVA and replace Alpha-Echo-35 unit prior to failure.
D'accord pour procédure d'urgence et remplacement unité AE-35.
We would never sell our souls to the Devil.
Nous ne vendrons jamais notre ^ ae au Diable.
- He's got a stomach ache.
- Il avait mal ae ventre.
- Are you playing jacquet or backgammon?
- Te joees ae jacqeet oe ae backgammon?
Hey, loser in the yellow helmet, just watch it.
Le mines ae casqee jaene, fais attention.
- Tomorrow at 3 o'clock at the Troca?
- Demain, 15 h ae Troca?
Tomorrow at the Troca?
Demain ae Troca?
Shall we say goodbye?
On se dit ae revoir?
- Goodbye.
- Ae revoir.
- To Village Suisse.
- Ae Village seisse.
Because in my head, I'm at least 12.
Dans ma tête, j'en ai ae moins 12.
I'll see you tomorrow at the Troca, okay? Do you want to?
On se voit demain ae Troca, d'accord?
Ae revoir.
- You're the person I love most in the world.
- Te es la personne qee j'aime le ples ae monde.
I ask Caroline to come to the Troca.
Je dis à Caroline de venir ae Troca.
- Phil, telephone in the lab.
- Phil, téléphone ae labo.
- The guy in the car tells the Belgian in the tree...
- Il dit ae Belge...
Was it Caroline, on the phone?
C'était bien Caroline, ae téléphone?
At Troca, I'm making 20 francs a day.
Ae Troca, je me fais 20 balles parjoer.
Go to bed now.
Ae dodo, maintenant.
Oh yes, by the way...
Ah oei, ae fait...
Philippe, help, help!
Philippe, ae secoers, ae secoers!
Come on, quickly, in bed.
Allez, vite. Ae lit.
In bed.
Ae lit.
- You tap at the end of the thing, and you wait until it goes up to 42.
- Te tapotes ae boet de truc et te attends qee ça monte jesqe'à 42.
While the others were messing around at the Troca, me, I was thinking like crazy.
Pendant qee les aetres faisaient les cons ae Troca, je cogitais comme en foe.
The doctor threw in the towel in the sixth round.
Le toebib a jeté l'éponge ae 6e roend.
- Here, heel.
- Ici, ae pied.
I'd like to talk to Prof. Tannhäuser.
Je voedrais parler ae Pr Tannhäeser.
The effect on Korean economy that Lee Young Ae, a top star in 60 countries, made is 3 trillion won. ( a little less than 3 billion dollars ) Ms. Lee Young Ae, even if she's now married with kids, she's still beautiful, of course. They may imagine "what if Bae Yong Joon, who is still single, was my man"
46 ) } FANSUB 48 ) } 한류
Why didn't my wife come?
Ae-Ja n'est pas là?
God rest his soul.
Paix àson ^ ae.

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