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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ A ] / All that sort of thing

All that sort of thing tradutor Francês

152 parallel translation
They like music and art and all that sort of thing.
Ils aiment la musique, l'art, ces choses-là. Je ne sais pas...
Can't stand it any longer and all that sort of thing.
Il dit qu'il n'en peut plus d'être ici.
Trees and a lake and all that sort of thing.
Un lac, des arbres.
- Of course, I know you'd consider it vanity and all that sort of thing. But just at this time it's very necessary that we have an informal get-together.
Je sais que vous jugez cela futile, mais il est vraiment nécessaire de faire une réunion informelle.
Besides, you're just the man for medals and all that sort of thing.
Et puis, tu fais partie de ces hommes qui rêvent de médailles.
You know, tell me who to invite and all that sort of thing.
Me dire qui inviter et ce genre de choses.
Yes, and all that sort of thing.
Oui, et tout le tralala.
That ought to make a good story, the revival of British shipping and all that sort of thing.
"Les chantiers navals repartent", voilà un sujet.
T - t-the army a-a-and all that sort of thing, I mean.
Que vous soyez dans l'armée, et tout.
And look after yourself and all that sort of thing.
Et prenez bien soin de vous.
Ocean voyages, south Americans in Paris, and all that sort of thing?
Les croisières, les Sud-Américains à Paris...
But all that sort of thing is all gone now - gone for ever!
Mais tout cela est fini... - Pour toujours, non?
Men and marriage and all that sort of thing take up too much time.
Les hommes, le mariage, cela accapare trop.
You mean children, all that sort of thing?
- Pas d'enfant, ni... ni rien?
Home and all that sort of thing.
Notre pays, et tout le reste.
Maids, valets — all that sort of thing.
Des domestiques, des maîtres d'hôtel — toutes ces sortes de choses.
Where are the bombs, torpedoes, death-dealing devices and all that sort of thing?
Où sont les bombes, les torpilles, les engins de la mort et toutes ces choses?
And you mean you can pirouette and all that sort of thing?
Vous savez faire une pirouette?
Tu sais... L'encre rouge et tout.
Good old Welsh blood, you know, and all that sort of thing.
Du bon vieux sang gallois, vous savez, et tout ce genre de choses.
It's a lot of fun docking around interviewing chorus girls and all that sort of thing.
Ça doit pas être désagréable d'interviewer des danseuses.
You see, my dear girl.... I say, I rather like this feeling of big business and all that sort of thing.
J'aime cette sensation d'être un homme d'affaires!
What ho, and all that sort of thing.
Mon Dieu, est-ce possible?
Quiz Kids and all that sort of thing.
Enfants prodiges!
They had to give up gas, tires and all that sort of thing, and Lambert Davidson's got a warehouse full of them.
Ils ont dû abandonner l'essence, les pneus, tout ça, et Lambert Davidson en a un entrepôt plein.
Picnic baskets. All that sort of thing.
Paniers de pique-nique, tout ça.
- It's an active battle zone, and all that sort of thing.
- C'est une zone de combat active.
Pip-pip and all that sort of thing.
Hop-hop et tout ça. Au revoir.
You're not going to let me in for the curse of the Allenbys... and all that sort of thing.
Vous allez me repousser... à cause de la malédiction des Allenby.
"Stand to attention when you address an officer." All that sort of thing.
"Soyez au garde-à-vous en parlant à un officier." Ce genre de chose.
- All that sort of thing.
- Toutes ces choses.
A strong sense of the dramatics and all that sort of thing.
Le sens des situations dramatiques!
Defeat, against him, all that sort of thing. You know it is.
La défaite, être contre lui, etc. Vous le savez très bien.
We believe in fair play and all that sort of thing.
On respecte les régles et tout ça.
English ingenuity, never say die, all that sort of thing.
Comme l'ingénuité anglaise et la persévérance.
You know how some people think of our people in our business. Hucksters, and all that sort of thing. Always some kind of gimmick behind everything we do.
Vous savez comme on soupçonne la radio privée d'avoir toujours une idée derrière la tête.
And all for formalities, backing out, all that sort of thing he's very touchy about that.
Il tient au cérémonial... Aux courbettes. Il est très chatouilleux là-dessus.
It's pretty awful and all that sort of thing.
C'est quand même affreux!
Don't you think the world would be a better place, Commander, if we all did that sort of thing a little more often?
Vous ne croyez pas, capitaine, que le monde serait beaucoup meilleur si nous faisions tous de même?
That's the sort of thing I've had all my life.
J'ai vécu ça toute ma vie.
Now, I want you to tell him that if he will come to me... and make a public statement through the newspapers... that he's the only man who could do this sort of thing... and that the Ranger System is perfectly all right, then I'm perfectly willing to overlook all the things he's been doing.
Je veux que vous lui disiez que s'il vient me voir... et qu'il fasse une déclaration publique dans les journaux... qu'il est le seul homme à pouvoir faire ce genre de choses... et que le Système Ranger est parfaitement sûr... alors, je suis tout à fait prêt à oublier tout ce qu'il a fait.
That sort of thing always depresses me... praying for the dead and all that.
Je trouve ça toujours un peu déprimant, de prier pour les morts.
Only, do you think that sort of thing's right for you? - It doesn't seem your type at all.
Mais trouvez-vous que ce soit vraiment votre style?
It's a miracle his wife is standin for that sort of thing all these years.
Je ne sais pas comment son épouse peut supporter tout ça.
After all, you did take me out of the restaurant, introduce me to the right people... and that sort of thing, but, well, I have some brains too.
Après tout, c'est toi qui m'a présenté aux bonnes personnes mais je ne suis pas idiote...
That sort of thing's going on all over London.
Ce genre de choses se reproduit partout à Londres.
She knows I'm all over that sort of thing. Too much work to do these days.
Elle sait que j'ai trop de travail pour ça.
I realize now that much as I enjoy this sort of thing... field trips, roughing it, so to speak... it's not for Linda at all.
Je comprends que moi seul suis heureux dans ces expéditions. Elles ne conviennent pas à Linda.
It's a question of, well, alloys and stress and all of that sort of thing, you know.
C'est une question d'alliages et de pression me semble-t-il.
From my group, I mean. After all, red tape and that sort of thing.
Que leur avez-vous dit?
No, Nardo, I'm all through with that sort of thing.
Non, Nardo, ça ne m'intéresse plus.

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