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Amamiya tradutor Francês

104 parallel translation
Amamiya is very sick.
Amamiya est souffrant.
Amamiya, we discovered Ogata's place.
Chef, on a trouvé où loge Ogata.
Amamiya, you will laugh at me, but I cannot give up Sayo.
Amamiya, je suis un pauvre type. Je n'arrive pas à oublier Sayo.
Amamiya is planning something.
Amamiya va venir te tuer.
Amamiya, don't... don't.
Arrête, mon amour! Arrête, mon amour!
Amamiya, you did not try you best, did you?
Amamiya, tu as retenu tes forces.
Amamiya, take him with you to the other world.
Amamiya, cet homme va t'accompagner dans l'au-delà. Emmène-le avec toi.
Amamiya, did you see that?
Amamiya, tu as vu ce que je viens de faire?
Je te confie Sayo. - Amamiya!
Yuko Shiose, Yuko Amamiya Noriko Ota
You're worse than Lance-Corporal Amamiya!
Vous êtes encore plus violente que le lieutenant Amamiya.
code-name "Langes Haar".
Kei Amamiya, nom de code : Cheveux-longs.
Kazuhiko Amamiya?
Kazuhiko Amamiya?
Let's talk about Kazuhiko Amamiya.
Parlons de Kazuhiko Amamiya.
Stop, Amamiya!
Non, Amamiya!
Don't shoot, Amamiya-san!
Ne tirez pas, Mr Amamiya!
Stop it, Amamiya!
Arrêtez ça, Amamiya!
Amamiya Kazuhiko.
Amamiya Kazuhiko.
Stop it, Amamiya what're you thinking!
Amamiya! A quoi tu penses?
Are we gonna talk about Kazuhiko Amamiya?
On va parler de Kazuhiko Amamiya?
Try and kill me, Kazuhiko Amamiya!
Alors essaies de me tuer, Kazuhiko Amamiya!
Alright, Amamiya?
D'accord, Amamiya?
Who on earth is Amamiya?
Qui est ce Amamiya?
I'm not Amamiya.
Je ne suis pas Amamiya.
I've got a great shot of the very moment Kazuhiko Amamiya killed Shinji Nishizono.
J'ai eu une super image du moment où Kazuhiko Amamiya a tué Shinji Nishizono.
The Return of the Multiple Personality Detective Kazuhiko Amamiya
Le retour du détective à personnalités multiples Kazuhiko Amamiya
So Amamiya's been married.
Alors Amamiya s'est marié.
From the day he found Chizuko's dead body in her Honda and turned into Kazuhiko Amamiya up until the day he killed Shinji Nishizono and returned to being Yosuke Kobayashi, everything is missing.
Depuis le jour où il a trouvé le corps de Chizuko dans sa Honda et qu'il est devenu Kazuhiko Amamiya jusqu'au moment où il a tué Shinji Nishizono et est redevenu Yosuke Kobayashi, il a tout oublié.
Hide Chizuko and shock the personality of Kazuhiko Amamiya into awakening.
Vous voulez cacher Chizuko pour provoquer le réveil de la personnalité de Kazuhiko Amamiya.
Shinji Nishizono is one of the personalities that emerged along with Kazuhiko Amamiya when Yosuke Kobayashi first suffered the multiple personality disorder.
Shinji Nishizono est une des personnalités qui ont émergé avec celle de Kazuhiko Amamiya quand Yosuke Kobayashi a commencé à souffrir de troubles de la personnalité.
The only one who know about this are you, Ms. Machi Kazuhiko Amamiya, and myself.
Les seules persones personnes au courant de ça sont toi, Mlle Machi Kazuhiko Amamiya, et moi-même.
Since the time the first Chizuko was killed and Yosuke Kobayashi disappeared I stayed as Kazuhiko Amamiya.
Quand la première Chizuko a été tuée Yosuke Kobayashi a disparu et je suis resté Kazuhiko Amamiya.
That's why there's been only five cases reported of multiple personality disorders including Amamiya.
C'est pour ça qu'il n'y a que cinq cas officiels de personnalités multiples, y compris Amamiya.
Don't say it just yet, Amamiya. Let me do a quick profile.
Non, ne dites rien, Amamiya, je vais m'en rappeler.
Hey, Amamiya, I was thinking...
Hé, Amamiya, je pensais à un truc...
Kazuhiko Amamiya or whatever.
Kazuhiko Amamiya ou qui que ce soit.
Kazuhiko Amamiya...
Kazuhiko Amamiya...
Amamiya Shuuhei-kun.
Shuhei Amamiya.
Now, Amamiya-kun, will you introduce yourself for us?
C'est à toi, Amamiya. - Présente-toi, tu veux?
I'm Amamiya Shuuhei and I came here from Tokyo.
Shuhei Amamiya. Je viens de Tokyo.
Amamiya-kun, there's a challenge to test your courage.
Amamiya, tu vas passer un test de courage.
Amamiya, don't worry.
Ne t'en fais pas, Amamiya.
Say, Amamiya, do you want to go now and see for yourself that the piano in the forest can produce sound?
Viens, je vais te prouver que le piano de la forêt fonctionne!
But Amamiya...
Mais chef...
Go back to Amamiya.
Allez, va vite le retrouver.
Iwagiri, Amamiya has just arrived.
Iwakiri. Amamiya est en route, lui aussi.
Amamiya, be strong.
Chéri, courage!

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