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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ A ] / And we'll talk about it

And we'll talk about it tradutor Francês

271 parallel translation
- We'll drop in and talk about it sometime.
- Nous pourrons passer en parler.
And we'll talk about it more tomorrow if you want to.
Nous en parlerons davantage demain, si tu veux.
I'll join you in Singapore in a little while and we'll talk about it there, and probably laugh about it.
Je te rejoindrai à Singapour. Nous en reparlerons et nous en rirons.
Come around tomorrow, and we'll talk about it.
Revenez demain.
We'll talk about it and straighten everything out before anything happens.
Nous allons en parler et résoudre ce problème avant que quelque chose n'arrive.
Do you read French? Well, read it, and we'll talk about it some other time, huh?
Alors, lisez-la et nous en reparlerons.
Go on and enjoy the dance. We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Amusez-vous, on en parlera demain.
Yes, and I'll do whatever necessary to prevent. - I think we should talk about it.
Oui, et je ferai le nécessaire pour l'en empêcher.
As for your health, and the decisions that go with it we'll have more time to talk about it tomorrow morning.
Pour ce qui est de votre état de santé et des décisions.. .. qu'il comporte peut-être, nous en parlerons plus à loisir demain.
Relax and we'll talk about it when the war is over.
On en reparlera aprés la guerre.
Come with me and we'll talk about it over lunch?
Venez avec moi, j'ai encore à vous parler.
The wife and I, we're spending a little time with her. I tell you what. I'll talk to her about it, and I'll let you know.
Ma femme et moi, on passe du temps avec elle, je lui parlerai et je vous ferai savoir.
Bring me something serious and we'll talk about it.
Nous verrons.
It's for his dress, and then we could also say who you are, we'll talk about the shop.
C'est pour sa robe... On dira aussi qui tu es? On parlera du magasin.
Come and sit down and we'll talk about it.
Viens t'asseoir. On va parler un peu de ça.
You come in on Monday afternoon at 4 : 00... and we'll have a nice long talk about it.
Je vous revois lundi après-midi à 16 h, et nous en discuterons longuement.
Let me get this eviction notice off my back and we'll talk about it. Will you? OK?
Laisse-moi régler cette histoire d'expulsion et on en discutera.
But he'll have to talk about it if we've got the money and still want it.
Mais si on a l'argent et qu'on le veut, il devra y réfléchir.
And if you don't mind, we'll talk about it in the morning.
Si vous voulez bien, on en parlera demain.
We'll come see you in London and talk about it again.
On viendra vous voir à Londres pour en reparler.
Come on, we'll get you off the rack and we'll talk about it.
Ils n'arrêtent pas de gazouiller et de chanter.
Let me fill this, and we'll talk more about it later.
On en reparlera après.
If you get tired of chasing'em, look me up and we'll talk about it.
Si t'en as assez de leur courir après, viens me trouver et on en reparlera.
That was a very interesting point you made, and we'll talk more about it next time.
Ce que vous avez dit est très intéressant, nous le reprendrons la prochaine fois.
Tell him it's not possible and we'll talk no more about it.
Dis-lui que ce n'est pas possible et qu'on n'en parle plus.
Now off you get home, and we'll talk about it tonight.
Rentrez chez vous, on en reparlera ce soir.
I'll be back tonight and we'll talk about it then.
On se voit ce soir, on en parlera à ce moment-là.
I'll walk you over the bridge and we'll talk about it, okay?
Je vous accompagne, on en parlera en chemin.
A room which excites sexual desire lf you go and nothing happens, we'll talk about it again
Une pièce qui exalte le désir sexuel... Si, là bas, rien ne se passe, nous en reparlerons plus tard...
No, because if we talk about it... we'll fight, and you wouldn't want that, would you?
Non, parce que si on en parle, on va se disputer. Tu ne veux pas ça, n'est-ce pas?
Why don't you come by tomorrow for breakfast, and we'll just talk about it.
Mais prenons le petit-déjeuner chez moi demain, nous en reparlerons.
Why don't you think about it and we'll talk again?
Réfléchissez-y et nous en reparlerons.
Oh, well, come on in and we'll talk about it, huh?
Entrez, nous allons en discuter.
Just relax and we'll talk about it at the airport.
Calme-toi, et on en parlera à l'aéroport.
You can get out of the bath. I'll make some coffee and we'll talk about it.
Sortez de votre bain, je ferai du café et on en parlera.
We'll get together and have lunch someday and talk about the whole thing and thrash it all out.
Nous irons déjeuner un jour, nous parlerons de tout cela et nous les débinerons tous.
I'll tell you something. Why don't we have dinner tonight and talk about it?
Dînons donc ensemble ce soir, nous pourrons en parler.
Well, get these chairs off and we'll talk about it.
Alors enlevez ces chaises et on en reparlera.
We'll have a drink. Okay? And we'll talk about it.
On va parler de tout ça autour d'un verre.
Bail me out, huh, and we'll talk about it.
Sors-moi de prison et on en parlera.
Doc, when we've got time, I'll be glad to sit down and talk about it.
- Un jour quand on aura du temps... je me ferai un plaisir de vous l'expliquer.
I'll think about it first, and we'll talk later.
Je voudrais réfléchir seul, je verrai ensuite avec vous.
Tell him to come up here tomorrow and we'll talk about it.
Dites-lui de venir ici demain. On en parlera.
Well, we're doing some new surveys, Jack. And as soon as we're finished, we'll talk about it, okay?
Nous faisons des expertises, nous en parlerons.
Aunt KrystlE, I'll think about it. And WE Can talk again. Okay?
Je vais y réfléchir et on en reparlera.
steven, let's go outside, just you and I, and WE'll talk about it.
Steven, viens dehors, juste toi et moi. On en parlera.
We'll talk about it later, shall we... when you've had some breakfast... and got your things.
On en reparlera tout à l'heure. Après votre petit déjeuner... quand vous aurez récupéré vos affaires.
I'll see you on the set tomorrow and we'll talk about it.
On se verra demain sur le plateau et on en parlera.
Well, why don't you sit down and we'll have a little talk about it?
Asseyez-vous. On pourrait en parler toutes les deux.
Why don't you get changed and we'll talk about it at home?
Va donc te changer et on en reparlera à la maison.
If he turns you down, give me a call... and we'll talk about it over dinner or... maybe a quiet lunch in the country.
S'ils vous refusent le prêt, appelez-moi et nous en discuterons au dîner... ou même en déjeunant calmement à la campagne.

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