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And what did you say tradutor Francês

463 parallel translation
And what did you say?
Et qu'as-tu répondu?
And what did you say?
Si hélas!
And what did you say?
- Et vous, qu'avez-vous dit?
And what did you say?
Et tu as dit quoi?
And what did you say to the girl, before I came out?
Et qu'as-tu dit à la jeune femme?
And what did you say to him?
Et qu'est-ce que vous lui avez dit?
And what did you say to that?
Que lui as-tu dit?
- And what did you say?
- Et qu'as-tu répondu?
And what did you say about coffee?
- Et que me dit tu d'un café?
And what did you say about me? Don't you remember?
Et toi, tu ne te souviens pas de moi?
And what did you say your name was?
comment avez vous dit vous nommer?
- And what did you say?
Qu'avez-vous répondu?
- And what did you say?
Et tu lui as dit...
And what did you say?
Rappelle-toi tes paroles :
And what did you say? Nothing.
Et qu'as-tu écrit?
And what did you say?
Qu'as-tu répondu?
And what did you say?
Que dis-tu?
- And what did you say?
- Et qu'as-tu dit?
- And what did you say to him?
- Et que lui avez-vous répondu?
And what did you say?
Et qu'avez-vous dit?
- And what did you say?
- Que leur as-tu dit?
And what did you say?
Toi, qu'as-tu dit?
What did you say? Are you going to be decent and leave? Who is it, Mrs. Ritchey?
Oui est ce, Mme Ritchey?
"Sam, what would your wife say?" And what do you suppose he did?
"Sam Bisbee, que dirait votre épouse?" Mais que pensez-vous qu'il a fait?
They're simple and kind, and yet, somehow, they're royal. What did you say?
Ils sont simples, gentils... et pourtant, ils sont royaux.
What name did he mention and then say that you shouldn't mention?
Quel nom a-t-il dit qu'il ne fallait pas mentionner?
So what? You're saying she didn't do it if you say she's not guilty, and she already says she did it.
Vous dites qu'elle ne l'a pas tué et qu'elle n'est pas coupable... mais elle a déjà reconnu l'avoir tué.
If Helen could send me that message, and she did send it then there must be a way to establish controlled and scientific... Do you really believe what you say?
Si Helen a pu m'envoyer ce message... il y a alors un moyen d'établir scientifiquement une communication... entre les vivants et ceux que l'on appelle les morts.
And when you told him that, what did he say?
Que vous a-t-il répondu?
I don't know that i did, but if i did invite him to your clambake tonight... and if you did invite him, what did he say?
J'ai dû l'inviter à votre sauterie... Qu'a - t-il répondu?
I'll sit down and listen to them say that I'm insane because of what I did in Gander. And perhaps I am. I-I'm not sure, you know.
Je vais me rasseoir et les écouter dire que je suis fou à cause de Gander... et peut-être que je le suis.
And have them say what you did :
Pour m'entendre dire :
And now, my father What did he say I cannot tell you now
Hé bien, mon père? Qu'a-t-il dit? Ne me demande rien
But what did you say? Frola and Lavra?
Mais pas Frola et Lavra.
And what did I say I'd be paying you, Nevsky?
Et j'ai dit combien je vous paierais, Norsky?
And what did your mother and Franz say about you coming?
- Qu'ont dit votre mère et Franz?
I thought maybe you'd better have a look at this, and see what your husband did say.
Je pensais qu'il serait bien que vous lisiez ceci pour voir ce que votre mari a dit.
Mrs Martin, what did you say about a conference, and Miss Sanders?
Que disiez-vous à propos d'une réunion et de Miss Sanders?
What did you say about going ashore and speaking to the Admiral?
Et s'il s'agit d'une autre mission?
And what did he say to you about the case?
Quelle a été sa réaction, face à ces accusations?
And it was like i said to my late husband, you can... what did you say you were, dear?
Comme je répétais toujours à feu mon mari...
You're gonna try and have... What? What did you say?
Un deuxième quoi?
Well anyway you don't look like and honest man. What did you say your name was, Bloch?
Vous avez l'air d'un honnête homme.
Let's say you heard this voice. And it did what you say. What's your explanation for this phenomenon?
Katya a joué ensuite dans "X-Files", et ça faisait bizarre de la voir.
And what did Dr. O'Sullivan say to you'?
Que vous a dit le médecin?
Did this man lie to you, and if so what did he say?
Vous a-t-il menti?
And I did not know what is, how you say it, proper.
Je ne sais pas ce qui est, comment dire, convenable.
- And what did you mean to say?
- Et qu'est-ce que vous me dites?
- And what you said. - Did I say something?
Curzio vous aime beaucoup, vous savez.
- And what did Rupert say? Do you know?
Et qu'a dit Rupert?
And what did Edna say when you told her?
Qu'est-ce que Edna a dit quand tu lui as appris?

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