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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ B ] / But i'm working on it

But i'm working on it tradutor Francês

196 parallel translation
But I'm working on it. - Ah.
Mais j'y travaille.
But I'm thinking of orchestrating it... and putting it into an opera I'm working on.
Je l'introduirai dans un opéra auquel je travaille.
Not yet, but I'm working on it.
Pas encore. Mais j'y travaille.
No, but I'm working on it.
J'y réfléchis.
I know it, but please, Zach, I can't go on working like this.
Je vous en prie. Cela m'empêche de travailler.
- Not yet, but I'm working on it.
- Non, mais ça va pas tarder.
I don't know what it is. I don't know how to explain it. But it seems when I know I'm working for you then something in me says, "He's on his way to Miss Thanatogenos."
J'ignore comment l'expliquer, mais lorsque je travaille pour vous, quelque chose me dit :
But I'm working on it, baby.
Mais j'y travaille.
Not yet, mummy, but I'm working on it.
Pas encore, maman, mais j'y travaille.
Not yet, but I'm working on it.
Pas encore, mais j'y travaille.
- I don't know what you sent Mama, but it's goddamn sure working'. ♪ And I'm on fire
Je sais pas quels sont tes talents, mais en tout cas, ça marche.
I'm already working on it, but I'll put in overtime tonight.
Oui, je resterai après la fermeture.
Well, maybe not completely yet, but I'm working on it.
Pas encore complètement, mais c'est pour bientôt.
You know I'm very proud and excited about your project, but I don't want you working all night on it.
Je suis fière de toi, et j'anticipe ton projet... mais je ne veux pas que tu passes des nuits blanches.
- Not yet, but I'm working on it.
- Pas encore, mais j'y travaille.
But I'm working on it.
Mais j'y travaille.
I don't have one of Alan yet, but I'm working on it.
Je n'en ai pas encore d'Alan mais ça va venir.
Some of these writers haven't yet been to jail. But I'm working on it.
Certains de ces écrivains ne sont pas allés en prison, mais j'y veille.
Right, sir. I haven't figured that out yet, but I'm working on it.
Je n'ai pas encore trouvé.
Well, the bank owns it, but I'm working on it.
Ma banque le possède, mais je vais arranger ça.
Single at the moment but I'm working on it.
Célibat pour le moment. Mais je rame.
Look, I don't know what was going on last night, but I think it's got something to do with what I'm working on.
Je n'ai rien compris hier soir, mais ça concerne mes recherches.
I'm already working on a dampening field to cut through the interference, but it'll take several hours at least.
Je travaille sur un champ d'amortissement. - Ça prendra plusieurs heures.
- Not yet, but I'm working on it.
Pas encore.
I wish I was on my boat right now, but I'm probably in my office working to pay for it.
J'aimerais être sur mon bateau, mais je travaille pour le payer.
Mr. Jonas, I'm no expert, but it doesn't look to me like you're working on the transporter subsystems.
Vous n'avez pas l'air de travailler sur les sous-systèmes du téléporteur.
I'm telling you our sources have come up empty so far, but we're working on it.
Nos recherches n'ont rien donné pour l'instant mais on y travaille toujours.
But I'm working on something to extend her Iife-span. It involves treating her with a bio-temporaI field in order to push her cells back to an earlier stage of entropic decay.
Mais je vais la traiter avec un champ biotemporel qui rajeunira ses cellules à un stade de dégénérescence moins avancé.
Actually, I'm waiting on a few phone calls, sir, but I am working on it.
J'attends qu'on me rappelle, mais j'y travaille.
Pyrus hasn't exactly agreed to let you go yet, but I'm working on it.
Pyrus n'a pas encore donné son accord là-dessus, mais j'y travaille.
But I'm working on it.
Mais je me soigne.
But I'm working on it.
Oui. Mais je me soigne.
But I'm working on it, sir.
Mais je me soigne!
But, uh, you know, I'm working on it, and it's evolving.
Mais je m'y mets sérieusement, ça évolue.
- Yes, I did. - I was told you would be working in the Majority Counsel's Office but it's my understanding I'd be talking to Brookline and Joyce seeing as how they work for me.
On m'avait dit que... vous alliez parler au conseil de la majorité... mais je pensais que je parlerais à Brookline et Joyce... vu qu'ils travaillent pour moi.
But still, I'm looking at you, and you got all this already... and you're sitting here with me, working with a partner... in the city where you live, on a job that's gotten more complicated... than you thought it was gonna be.
N'empêche, t'as déjà tout ça... et t'es là avec moi, pour bosser en équipe... dans la ville que t'habites, sur un coup... plus compliqué que prévu.
- I'm working on some leads but it's slow.
- Je suis sur quelques pistes, mais c'est lent.
Still a mystery, but I'm working on it.
C'est toujours un mystère, mais je travaille dessus.
We found something. I'm not sure how it fits but we're working on it.
On a trouvé quelque chose, on cherche le lien.
- I'm working on it, but I need time.
J'y travaille mais il me faut du temps.
I'm working on it now, but I'm not holding out any hope.
J'ai pas encore regardé, mais... je n'ai pas d'espoir.
I'm still working on a plan but so far it involves being sent to prison and becoming somebody's bitch.
Je travaille sur un plan... mais pour l'instant, il nous conduira en prison ou...
Yeah. I'm working on it, but hospital security's got every exit blocked.
C'est ce que j'essaie de faire, mais toutes les sorties sont bloquées.
Ecoutez, madame, j'ai épluché tous Ies rapports de disparition qui correspondent même de loin à sa description.
I'm still working on it. But as you can see...
J'y travaille encore, mais comme vous pouvez le voir...
Goes on television yet, but I'm sure he's working on it is disclosed as a lesbian?
Va voir à la télévision, mais je suis sûre qu'elle y travaille. Ca a été divulgué comme une lesbienne?
- No, not yet, but I'm working on it.
Non, pas encore, mais j'y travaille
It doesn't ha ve anything to do with any case that you're working on... but I thought you might be able to help me.
Ça n'a rien à voir a vec les affaires sur lesquelles tu tra vailles, mais j'ai pensé que tu pourrais peut-être m'aider.
It doesn't have anything to do with any case that you're working on... but I thought you might be able to help me.
Ça n'a rien à voir avec les affaires sur lesquelles tu travailles, mais j'ai pensé que tu pourrais peut-être m'aider.
Right now, I'm working on something, but I'll explain it all in the patisserie.
Justement, j'ai une affaire en vue. Bref, je t'expliquerai à la pâtisserie.
I'm working on it Jennifer, but you're not making it easy.
J'y travaille, mais vous ne me facilitez pas la tâche.

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