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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ B ] / But i didn't say anything

But i didn't say anything tradutor Francês

281 parallel translation
I promised to help you, sure, but you didn't say anything about any black birds.
J'ai promis de vous aider, certes, mais vous n'avez rien dit concernant un petit oiseau noir.
But I didn't say anything.
Je n'ai rien dit.
I didn't say I didn't, I said I did. But now he won't want anything to do with me any more.
Il ne voudra plus rien avoir à faire avec moi maintenant.
- But I didn't say anything! - I can see it well.
Mais je n'ai rien dit!
And I didn't say anything about that horse deal in Sage, but your absence last night is something I won't put up with.
Mais votre absence hier soir est inadmissible.
But I didn't say anything, Corporal.
- Mais j'ai rien dit, caporal.
You see, son, I have come to the same conclusion long ago. But, I didn't want to say anything about it.
Tu vois, mon fils, j'etais du meme avis mais je ne voulais rien dire.
I was hoping something like this would happen but I didn't want to say anything until the time come.
J'espérais qu'un miracle comme ça arriverait. Je ne voulais pas en parler avant.
He didn't have the courage to say anything, but I...
Il n'a rien dit, mais...
- I say you didn't prove anything yet. - Oh, but...
J'en dis que jusqu'ici, tu ne me prouves rien.
I didn't want to say anything, but I knew that for this role he needed...
Je m'en doutais, tu sais... Pour un rôle comme ça...
You took some pretty big risks the other night, didn't you? Ramsey didn't say anything, but I can guess.
Vous avez pris trop de risques... cette nuit-là.
I'm sorry, but he didn't say anything bad.
Désolée, il n'a rien dit de mal.
But I didn't say anything about where you might go after that.
Je lui ai, bien sûr, rien promis sur ce que vous ferez.
Alan didn't say anything, but I could see it in his eyes.
Alan n'a rien dit, mais je l'ai lu dans ses yeux. Alan n'a rien dit, mais je l'ai lu dans ses yeux.
I didn't say anything,... but the soldiers at the camp will return to the US.
Je ne vous ai rien dit,... mais les soldats du campement se retirent en Amérique.
You knew I was seeing many women, but you didn't say anything.
Tu savais que je voyais beaucoup de femmes, mais tu n'as rien dit.
I didn't want to say anything, but that chicken dish we had...
J'ai rien osé dire, mais le poulet était...
Benjamin, I don't want to pry into your affairs, but I'd rather you didn't say anything at all than be dishonest.
Je ne veux pas être indiscrète. Je préfère ton silence à quelque mensonge.
But I didn't say anything to her'cause I wanted to see you first and hear what you've got to say.
Je ne voulais rien lui dire avant de connaître les faits.
I didn't say anything, but why would anybody buy a house in a place like that?
Je n'ai rien dit, mais pourquoi acheter dans un tel endroit?
She didn't say anything to me but I understood something straight away.
Elle n'a jamais rien dit, mais j'ai vite compris.
- I didn't say anything - But you thought it
Mais tu l'as pensé.
I was just conned but I didn't say anything.
Il me dépouille et je me laisserais faire?
I didn't want to say anything but there's a black rider, a Nazgul, over us.
Je ne voulais rien dire, mais il y a un cavalier noir, un Nazgul, au-dessus de nous.
Did I say anything yesterday, when you said you'd lost 20,000 ptas? I thought you'd probably spent them on a prostitute. I did think it, but I didn't say anything.
Quand tu m'as dit avoir perdu 20 000 pesetas, j'ai pensé que tu les avais dépensées avec une pute, mais je n'ai rien dit, j'ai laissé passer.
But I didn't say anything.
Mais je n'ai rien dit.
I just didn't say anything. But everything's OK now.
Je n'en parlais pas, mais maintenant, tout va bien.
I didn't say anything, because it's Christmas, but I will.
Je n'ai rien dit parce que c'est Noël, mais lundi, j'y vais de mon rapport.
Well, I didn't wanna say anything till we had positive identification, but, uh, your father's body washed up on shore early this morning.
Je ne voulais rien dire avant d'avoir une identification certaine... mais le corps de votre père s'est échoué sur la plage ce matin.
I didn't wanna say anything last night, but I had my doubts you'd even come.
Je voulais rien dire hier soir, mais je doutais même de ta venue.
They Didn't Say Anything, But I Could Hear Their Pulses Quicken.
J'entendais leur pouls qui s'accélérait.
I didn't wanna say anything with George here, but isn't it time you faced reality?
George n'est plus là! Tu dois faire face à la réalité!
Honey, I didn't wanna say anything while the girls were here but I saw you cheating.
Chérie, je n'ai rien voulu dire tant que les filles étaient là, mais je t'ai vue tricher.
I didn't say anything but Rocky thinks you ought to have a blindfold.
Je n'ai rien dit, mais Rocky pense que vous devriez avoir les yeux bandés.
- Yeah, but you said... - No, I didn't say anything.
je n'ai rien dit.
I didn't say that, but it doesn't mean anything.
Je dis juste que ce mot n'a aucun sens.
- I didn't say anything. - But you were thinking.
Oui, ça m'irait bien, sans mon cul.
- I didn't want to say anything... - but yes, and for some time now.
Je ne voulais rien te dire, mais oui.
I was thinking it, but I didn't say anything.
Je l'ai pensé, mais je n'ai rien dit.
But he didn't say there was anything to be concerned about? No, I mean I assume this is absolutely routine.
- Et qui est le père, je te prie?
Um, I'm sorry I didn't say anything after school when I saw you, but...
Désolée, je n'ai rien dit. après l'école, quand je t'ai vue, mais...
I didn't want to say anything, but I think we're being followed.
J'ai attendu d'en être sûr, mais nous sommes suivis.
I realized it when you were cooking, but I didn't want to say anything. I didn't want to embarrass you.
Je l'ai réalisé quand vous cuisiniez, mais je ne voulais pas vous gêner.
I know I said make an appointment... but I didn't say anything about filling out any form.
Beverly n'a jamais tapé aussi bien. Il fallait d'abord maîtriser la machine à poissons. Soyons clairs, Dud.
I didn't want to say anything, but that happens to be a very good fork.
Je n'ai rien voulu dire, mais c'est une très bonne fourchette.
I didn't want to say anything in front of her, but you don't have to be a genius to figure out the company's story doesn't hold up.
Je n'ai rien dit devant elle, mais la version de la société ne tient pas debout.
I didn't want to say anything to upset her, but between you and me, I have an awful feeling he's stuck back on Rain world.
Je ne voulais rien dire devant elle, mais entre nous, je crains qu'il ne soit encore dans ce monde de pluie.
I didn't say anything when you told me... how Ray liked his underwear folded, but this is over the line.
Je n'ai rien dit quand vous m'avez montré comment plier ses slips, mais lâ, c'est trop!
I've had my suspicions about your personal life but I didn't want to say anything
J'avais des soupçons sur ta vie privée mais je n'avais rien voulu dire.
I didn't wanna say anything, but the carpet smells too.
Je ne voulais rien dire, mais la moquette sent mauvais.

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