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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ B ] / But it's all right

But it's all right tradutor Francês

1,430 parallel translation
It's an open-and-shut case all right but I'm not going to press charges.
L'affaire est claire, mais je ne vais pas porter plainte.
But it's all right, I remember it now.
Je me souviens maintenant.
But it's all right now, I'm very, very clear on that.
Je suis tout à fait sûr maintenant.
You're a strong girl, Asuka, but it's all right if you want to cry.
Si Dieu existe, nous ne sommes peut-être que des poupées pour lui.
- It's all right. it's an important question. 'Cause you'll have bad times, but that'll always wake you up... to the good stuff you weren't paying attention to.
Tu auras des moments durs, tu seras d'autant plus sensible aux petites choses.
It's... it's all bacterial, but hey, what the fuck, right?
Tout est bacteriel, mais hé, qu'est-ce qu'on en a à foutre, pas vrai?
I know that, Mama, but it's all right for them to whistle at Scrappie?
Et ça leur donne le droit de siffler Scrappie?
Oh, well, I suppose I should have done it that way, but... that's all right.
Oui, j'aurais sans doute dû faire comme ça, mais... ce n'est pas grave.
A man said : "It's all right when your hobbies get in the way of your work." "But when they start to get in the way of each other..."
Quelqu'un a dit, "ça va si vos hobbies entravent votre travail... mais quand ils s'entravent réciproquement..."
I know, but I think it's all right.
Je sais, mais je crois que c'est bon.
I'll need to verify this through my people but if it's true you tell them I'll be there. All right. Alone.
Très bien, il faut que je vérifie de mon côté... mais si c'est vrai... dites-leur que je viendrai.
If they have eyes. All right, he's a honey, but it's just he's never around, and, when he is, all he wants to do is talk about vampires and I...
Il est mignon, mais... il est jamais là et... quand il est là, il ne parle que de vampires et je...
Is it constant? It's crampy, all right. But sometimes it's sharp too.
C'est comme une crampe, mais parfois aiguë.
It looks like a Cardassian military code but the computer doesn't recognize it. Oh, it's Cardassian, all right.
Cela ressemble à un code cardassien, mais l'ordinateur ne le reconnaît pas.
All right, I'll be here. But I won't guarantee it's going to be any fun.
Depuis la guerre, Bajor est coupée de tout commerce extérieur.
It's taken all my strength... but I believe you're right.
Je suis comme vidé, mais je crois que tu as raison.
It's back there now, flat as a pancake. But it's cool now. Everything's all right.
Plat comme une crêpe, mais c'est bon.
She comes to see you it's nothing but sweet talk through that glass. Send her away floating, all right?
Quand elle vient, fais-lui la cour au parloir, qu'elle parte sur un nuage, vu?
But let's just pretend for a minute that it's a seed, all right?
Mais disons que c'est une graine.
But since we rented the cop uniforms, let's try it my way, all right?
Mais puisqu on a loué ces uniformes de flics, essayons à ma façon, d'accord?
All right, I'll tell you where it is, but, uh... I don't think it's going to do you much good.
Je vais te dire où il est, mais... ça ne t'avancera pas beaucoup.
We thought it was a bit fancy when we seen it goin'up... but she's state of the art, all right.
Au dé but, je le trouvais un peu luxueux mais c'est ce qui se fait de mieux
It's all right, but we don't want it to happen again.
Je t'en prie. Il ne faut pas que ça se reproduise.
But it's all good, right, because you said he's controllable?
Alors tout va bien, non?
I'm sure you're just talking about perogies... and snow and shit, but let's cut it out, all right?
- C'est ça, vous ne parlez que de pirogis, mais basta, okay?
I got a little disc thing, but it's all right.
J'ai un problème de dos, mais ça va.
Well, it's a shame that things never worked out, but we saw you all right.
Dommage que ça ait foiré, mais tu t'en sors bien.
But then, my hair's too thick and dark. That bikini would cover it all right.
J'ai les cheveux épais et noirs, ça irait bien avec cette coupe.
All right, this may be tough but it's Ross. I survived college with him.
C'est peut-être dur mais j'ai survécu à la fac avec lui.
Oh, but it's all right just to say whatever pops into your mind?
Alors on peut dire n'importe quoi?
I got a scene that's pretty much intact, but it won't stay that way long, so every minute counts out here, all right?
Les lieux sont quasiment intacts, mais pas pour très longtemps. Alors, chaque minute compte, d'accord?
It's bad enough that we have missed Jarod... with all the close calls that we've had... but we're not even showing up in the right cities anymore.
On rate Jarod d'un cheveu chaque fois. Mais là, en plus, on se trompe de ville.
Try it. I'm glad you're feeling all right, but none of us should be taking any risks until we know exactly what's going on.
Je suis ravi que vous alliez bien, mais ne prenons aucun risque.
All right, of course it's happened. But never in this situation. Never with a client.
D'accord, bien sûr, c'est arrivé, mais jamais comme ça, jamais avec un client.
But it's all right. They're good people.
Mais ça va, ils sont gentils.
That it's all right to believe in something or have pride, but if you're just a little bit uncomfortable or hungry, sell it.
Que c'est bien de croire à quelque chose mais dès qu'on a un peu faim, on laisse tomber?
All right, mabunda, a little more time, but that's it.
D'accord, Mabunda, Je t'accorde un petit délai, après c'est tout.
All right, I am helping him. But it's better this way.
Enfin, si, mais ça vaut mieux comme ça.
Alcohol kills 30,000 people a year alone in Britain. But that's all right because that's a good taxable drug, nonetheless, isn't it? Your penis will shrivel up, and you won't be able to get an erection.
La surchauffe du corps, quand on danse sous ecstasy, accroît le rythme cardiaque et les palpitations et peut causer une hyperthermie suscitant la mort.
Mike's a nice fellow, all right, but it ain't that, you know. He ain't for you.
- Vous avez rendu votre rapport?
- It's all right, but... The profit margins are getting thinner.
- Ca marche plutôt bien... mais la marge bénéficiaire se réduit.
I don't know, but it's gotta be a good thing if we're all hearing it, right?
Je l'ignore. Mais c'est bon signe qu'on l'entende toutes.
But listen, it's my problem, all right?
Mais écoute, c'est mon problème, tu comprends?
It's unusual, but I suppose if everything went all right, there's no need to worry.
C'est inhabituel, mais si tout s'est bien passé...
But it's all buncombe, right?
C'est un truc, hein?
But on the distasteful subject of money just know that you're all making it, right now and it's all out there.
L'argent, c'est sale mais... sachez que vous en gagnez, en ce moment même... qu'il est lá, juste dehors.
[Murnau] All right, Hutter, it's been a fitful night, but you wake refreshed, eager to continue your journey to the castle of the nobleman, who may very well make your fortune.
Très bien, Hutter, la nuit a été agitée, mais tu te réveilles reposé, pressé de continuer ton voyage vers le château du Comte, qui pourrait très bien faire ta fortune.
Yes, you did, but it's all right.
Si, mais ce n'est pas grave.
All right, but you're hurting me, but it's good.
Ça va, mais tu me fais mal. Mais c'est bien.
It's not like I care or nothing, but being your roommate and all, you was just messing with Bertier, right?
Je m'en moque, mais vu que je partage ta chambre, tu chahutais avec Bertier?
No, it's nice and all, but, uh, see, my part's on the right.
C'est joli mais ma raie est du côté droit.

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