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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ B ] / But it doesn't matter

But it doesn't matter tradutor Francês

988 parallel translation
But it doesn't matter where I live, because I don't really live at all when I'm not with you.
Mais peu m'importe où je vis. Sans toi, je ne vis pas.
It's very expensive, but that doesn't matter.
Ça m'a coûté cher mais qu'importe.
I'd like to have had you here for the party, but it really doesn't matter.
J'aurais aimé vous voir à la fête, mais peu importe.
- No, but it really doesn't matter.
- Non, mais ça ne fait rien.
Yes, I know, but it doesn't matter.
Ça n'a pas d'importance.
It doesn't matter so much to me, but it's Rose.
Ça ne m'ennuie pas pour moi, mais pour Rose.
But I guess it doesn't matter anyway.
Mais ga n'a pas d'importance.
But then, perhaps it doesn't matter for there's really very little difference between them.
Peut-être cela n'a-t-il pas d'importance car il n'y a que peu de différence entre les deux. Tu vois?
It doesn't matter, but Jimmy's about to blow a gasket.
Jimmy ne va pas tarder à exploser.
It doesn't matter how we do it, but we will get home.
Je rentrerai. Peu importe comment, mais on rentrera.
It doesn't matter how she achieves that destiny, but she will achieve it.
Comment, peu importe. Mais elle la dominera.
It wasn't my fault... - Maybe, maybe not. But it doesn't matter.
Que tu t'expliques ou pas n'a aucune importance.
I'm sorry I'm the one to do this to you, but it doesn't matter what you believe.
Je regrette d'être celui qui vous fait ça, mais peu importe ce que vous croyez.
Yes, but it doesn't matter.
Oui, mais peu importe.
But with all these rumors, it doesn't matter if they're all lies.
Seulement, avec les bruits qui courent... - Cette fois, j'ai compris.
But it doesn't matter. I've decided to leave town.
Je suis décidé à quitter la ville.
It doesn't matter what you think of me... but don't feel any bitterness toward Jean.
Peu importe ce que vous pensez de moi, mais n'en veuillez pas à Jean.
But it doesn't matter now.
Mais ça n'a plus d'importance.
But it doesn't seem to matter enough to you for you to leave your nice, quiet, safe little corner and step out and fight the people who killed him.
Mais ça ne suffit pas pour que vous quittiez votre petit coin tranquille pour vous battre contre ceux qui l'ont tué.
But it doesn't matter where we are, Bill, as long as we're together. The three of us.
Mais peu importe où nous allons, tant que nous sommes ensemble, tous les trois.
It doesn't matter tonight, but, as a favour, if...
Il en a deux. Ce soir, ce n'est pas grave. Mais ça me fera plaisir.
But it doesn't matter.
Mais peu importe.
I never had the courage to discuss it with you before... but it doesn't matter now.
Je n'ai jamais eu le courage d'en discuter avec toi... mais ça n'a plus d'importance.
He would do that. But it doesn't matter.
C'est bien de lui.
I don't know what you're doing, but no one expects me to anymore, so it doesn't matter.
J'ignore ce que tu fais... mais plus personne ne s'attend à ce que je le sache, alors ça n'importe plus.
I might have killed someone, but it doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with it.
Même si j'avais tué, ça n'aurait rien à voir!
But - Well, it doesn't matter.
Mais... passons.
My belly has grown very large, but it doesn't matter as long as Bo finds me pretty.
"Mon ventre est devenu énorme " mais je m'en fiche car Bo me trouve toujours jolie.
No, that's not what I mean, but it doesn't matter.
Ce n'est pas ce que je veux dire, mais qu'importe.
But it doesn't matter.
Cela ne m'intéresse pas.
But when it suits them, the law doesn't matter... and they let us out.
Mais quand ça les arrange, il n'y a plus de délit. Et on nous libère!
Little things here and there, but it doesn't matter.
Quelques défauts, c'est tout.
If you don't believe he has nothing but love for you... you don't believe when he's well he'll be running right over to see you... if you don't know him better than that... you or your riflemen, it doesn't matter, go ahead.
Si tu ne crois pas qu'il t'aime, tu ne crois pas qu'il courra te voir quand il ira mieux. Tu le connais mal! Tes hommes et toi, faites votre sale besogne... tant qu'il dort.
But it doesn't matter.
Mais ce n'est pas important.
But, dear, you know it doesn't matter when one plants in central Africa.
Mais, en Afrique Centrale, on peut semer toute l'année.
I don't know what you're father did or didn't do. I couldn't possibly know. But you've got to realise, even if it's very hard to... that that really doesn't matter.
J'ignore ce que ton père a fait ou pas fait, mais tu dois comprendre que c'est sans importance.
But it doesn't seem to matter at the moment.
Mais peu importe.
But it doesn't matter so much, does it, Jim?
Mais il n'a pas tant d'importance, Jim.
But it doesn't matter where you get it
Peu importe où on le prend
I just went there but it was for the funeral doesn't matter.
Je viens d'y aller mais c'était pour les funérailles peu importe.
Yes, but it doesn't matter.
Oui, mais ça ne fait rien!
Although naturally it doesn't matter as much with men as it does with women, but ─
Bien entendu, c'est davantage un problème pour les femmes.
But this doesn't matter to us for the deceased expressly stated that, if it was found, it should remain in the hands of the landowner...
Cela, pour nous, est sans importance car le défunt en fait don au propriétaire du terrain.
Don't think I'm rude, but it doesn't matter to me what an art critic says.
Sans être grossier, ce que dit un critique d'art m'est égal.
No, not now, but it doesn't matter.
Pas pour l'instant, mais ce n'est pas grave.
But it doesn't matter who gives them as long as you never wear anything second-rate.
Peu importe qui les donne... tant que tu ne portes pas de bijoux de second ordre.
We may not be able to enjoy the kind of life Father has in mind but it doesn't matter to us.
Mais je ne veux pas de la vie que père me propose. Nous serons heureux tous les deux.
- But it doesn't matter.
- Peu importe.
Yes, but it doesn't matter.
Oui, mais tant pis.
But it doesn't really matter.
Mais là n'est pas l'essentiel.
Mais cela ra plus d'importance.

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