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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ B ] / But not impossible

But not impossible tradutor Francês

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Difficult, but not impossible.
Difficile, mais pas impossible.
- That'd be difficult. But not impossible.
Ce sera difficile... mais pas impossible.
The way may be difficult but not impossible.
Cela peut être difficile, mais pas impossible.
Unconventional, but not impossible.
C'est pas impossible.
It's an unusual, but not impossible, occurrence... although I'd place it more in the realm of meta-psychics... than in that of rational medicine.
C'est une expérience insolite, mais pas impossible. Un phénomène, bien sûr, qui est plus voisin de la métapsychique, que de la médecine rationnelle.
It will be difficult, but not impossible.
Ce sera difficile, mais pas impossible.
That might be difficult. But not impossible.
- Mais pas impossible.
- It's improbable. - But not impossible.
- Mais pas impossible.
But not impossible, Mr. Spock.
Mais pas impossible, M. Spock.
But the police are faced with the almost impossible task of catching a criminal who left not the slightest clue behind.
Le criminel n'a laissé aucun indice.
But for other shots, such as the close shots of the head unwrapping, this was not possible, and the actor had to work blind.
Mais parfois, comme pour les gros plans de la tête, c'était impossible et l'acteur travaillait à l'aveuglette.
We got to the boat before she did, but we could not get to Mr. Espinoza.
On est arrivés sur le bateau avant elle, mais impossible de trouver M. Espinoza.
- But you can not...!
- C'est impossible.
" Dear, I'm sorry it's impossible for me to come to your party... but I'm thinking of you this afternoon... and I hope you will not be disappointed.
" Chérie, il m'est impossible de prendre part à ta fête mais je pense à toi cet après-midi et j'espère que tu ne seras pas désappointée.
- Oh, but I couldn't possibly. - Why not?
- C'est impossible.
I don't know what the difficulty is but I can assure you, that the word "impossible" is not in the vocabulary of Matuschek and Company.
J'ignore le probleme, mais je peux vous dire que le mot "impossible" n'existe pas chez Matuschek et Co.
To millions of people I am suppose to say I know my husband to be honest, uncompromising, fearless. I could've said that once and meant it, but not anymore.
Dire à des millions de gens que mon mari est honnête, cela m'est impossible.
But that won't happen, not even with penicillin.
Mais, c'est impossible même avec de la pénicilline.
- But remember, it does not wash off.
- II est impossible à nettoyer.
But I'm afraid it's not possible.
Du tout. Mais, c'est impossible.
I always blamed Ken, but I guess it was my fault too, not understanding what made him seem so mean and impossible.
Je lui en voulais, mais de mon côté... je n'ai pas su comprendre ce qui le rendait aussi méchant.
- But I can't, sir! - Why not?
- C'est impossible.
But that's not possible.
C'est impossible!
With someone else you can talk man to man, but is this impossible with you? You're not a man...
Tu pars quand?
Yes, it's true, but not like this on the telephone. You also know it's impossible!
Oui, c'est vrai, mais comme ça, par téléphone, c'est impossible.
But of course I can not allow you to renounce your citizenship. It would be impossible.
Mais je ne peux autoriser votre abandon de citoyenneté.
- Impossible. - I tried, but he would not say a word. - Oh.
J'ai essayé mais il est resté muet.
I do not understand where you got such an extraordinary idea, but please give it up for your own good.
Il m'est impossible de comprendre votre façon d'agir mais je vous supplie de n'en rien faire.
- But why not? Just for the simple reason that.. It can't be done.
Impossible, pour la simple raison que c'est impossible.
But that's not possible.
- Mais c'est impossible.
I'm really touched that you want to come, but it's not possible.
Je suis touché que vous souhaitiez venir, mais c'est impossible.
But I'm not taking you to no dance.
Impossible de vous emmener.
You will have to answer directly but not commit your emperor to impossible conditions.
Il faudra répondre directement... mais sans acculer l'empereur à l'impossible.
- It may be easy for you, but not for us.
C'est facile pour vous... mais pour nous impossible.
- Yes, Colonel, but it is not possible.
- Oui, mon colonel, mais c'est impossible.
But our love was not to be.
Mais notre amour était impossible.
I'm sorry but it's absolutely not feasible.
c'est absolument impossible!
Well, I grant you England's a long way, but the journey's not impossible, Ian.
MARCO : Les Croisés l'ont fait.
But... you can't be, I mean, not... not really!
Mais... c'est impossible. Je veux dire, pas... pas réellement!
But not Spock. lt's impossible.
Mais pas Spock. C'est impossible.
But to have the proper models in the finished gowns by morning, it is not possible.
Mais trouver les bons modèles pour mes robes avant demain matin, c'est impossible.
Well... not quite impossible, but you'll have to win a few games first.
Impossible? FABRICANT : Pas tout à fait, mais vous devrez d'abord remporter des jeux.
I'm sorry to evoke my personal case, but as the disappearance of my miserable person is not indispensable, I could get out of car. Impossible.
- Je m'excuse d'évoquer mon cas personnel, mais la disparition de ma misérable personne n'étant pas indispensable, je descendrais volontiers de voiture.
But that is not possible.
NANINA : C'est impossible.
But that's not possible!
C'est impossible.
But that's not possible!
But only you... and not with Milo!
Il est impossible de discuter avec toi. Mais seul, sans Milo!
- But I can not please everyone.
- Pour certaines, c'est impossible.
Go back and tell your pa we're going to do whatever we can, but it's up to him whether he gives up or not.
Repartez dire à votre père qu'on fera l'impossible. Mais c'est à lui de décider.
But that's not possible.
Mais c'est impossible.
But if the tranquilliser does not function, which is clearly impossible, then a radical alteration of our thought patterns must be in order.
Mais si le tranquillisant ne fonctionne pas, alors une altération de notre mode de pensée doit se produire.

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