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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ B ] / But you have to understand

But you have to understand tradutor Francês

718 parallel translation
But you have to understand my situation.
Mais vous devez comprendre ma situation.
I'm sorry, Susan, but you have to understand, I just can't take it anymore.
Susan, il faut que tu comprennes. Je n'en peux plus.
I didn't mean to sound dictatorial or to try to run your life, but you have to understand how I feel.
Je ne veux pas sembler dictatorial ou essayer de vous contrôler... mais vous devez comprendre mes sentiments. Et moi?
But you have to understand that the other day we were enemies.
Comprends-le, hier, on était encore ennemis.
I know what a wonderful feeling it is to be part of the magical life. But you have to understand that we're living in a world that isn't quite ready for us yet.
C'est un sentiment merveilleux d'appartenir à un monde magique, mais tu dois comprendre que nous vivons dans un monde qui n'est pas encore prêt pour nous.
But you have to understand something too.
Mais vous devez aussi comprendre une chose.
We have fun working together... but you have to understand that between...
Nous aimons bien travailler ensemble, mais il faut que tu comprennes qu'entre...
Now I'm sure you'll understand but we have some very serious family business to discuss.
Je suis sûr que vous comprendrez, nous avons des affaires de famille urgentes à régler.
You're not going to understand it, I know, but I want you to believe me as you always have when I tell you it's for the best.
J'ai quelque chose à te dire. Tu ne comprendras pas bien. Mais je te demande de me croire, c'est mieux ainsi.
I didn't fully understand all he tried to tell me, but it was something about you living the rest of your life for him as he might have lived it himself if he'd had the right breaks when he was a kid.
Je n'ai pas tout saisi. Il voulait que vous viviez la vie qu'il aurait menée si on lui avait donné sa chance.
Now, I don't want to seem inquisitive, you understand, but there's certain information I have to have.
Je ne voudrais pas paraître trop indiscret, mais on a besoin de certaines informations.
If you'd just said you were skating on thin ice... all right, I-I would have tried to understand, but I wouldn't be in a spot like this.
Si seulement tu avais dit que tu étais sur un terrain glissant... j'aurais tenté de comprendre, mais je ne serais pas dans cette situation.
But, Colonel, I don't understand... suppose these two did have a romance, that's nothing you have to worry about.
Mon colonel, je ne comprends pas. S'ils ont eu une aventure, ça ne doit pas vous inquiéter.
Well, you have to understand that none of this will bring my uncle back to life. It's not about your uncle, but about you.
Mais je me souviens d'une chose qui est peut-être liée.
Don't be angry, but I'm not the way you dreamed. You have to understand me.
- Mais je vous aime, moi, Garance.
Sorry, I'm sure you'll understand, but I have to get ready.
Veuillez m'excuser. Je dois me préparer.
I'm sorry to have to continue pressing these questions, Miss Starr but I think you understand the importance of your testimony in this inquiry.
Je suis navré de devoir vous poser ces questions, Mlle Starr, mais votre témoignage est important.
I'm awfully sorry to have to go while you're still on your vacation, but try to understand.
Je suis désolée de partir pendant vos vacances, mais... Essayez de comprendre.
But you understand what it is to have your bellyful of fighting.
Mais comprenez-vous ce que c'est que d'être saturé de combats?
I don't know how to say this and I hope you understand but you're not going to have the pleasure of your daughter's company either.
J'espêre que vous comprendrez, mais votre fille ne vous fera pas l'honneur de sa compagnie.
I perfectly understand that you don't care at all about it, but on the other hand, your unexpected arguments, which you sometimes push to the point of paradox, could eventually have rather unpleasant consequences.
Que vous vous en moquiez, je le conçois, mais vos arguments inattendus, poussés parfois jusqu'au paradoxe, pourraient avoir de fâcheuses conséquences.
I hope you will understand, Mrs. Gilvray, the purpose of this hearing is to learn the whole truth of the shooting. And if you have any reason to believe there was an irregularity on the part of Officer Garwood, it is your duty so to state.
Comprenez bien, Mme Gilvray, que notre but est de connaître toute la vérité et que si vous croyez à une irrégularité de M. Garwood, vous devez nous en faire part.
I would never understand men. But I guess you have to accept them as they are... and I had decided to conquer him.
Je n'arriverai jamais à comprendre les hommes... mais on ne peut les changer...
Of course, you understand I can't pay you while you learn, but you'll have a nice bed to sleep in and a stove to cook a little supper, and in the morning, you will open the shop and sell a few buttons and pins and, uh... be my little helper, huh?
Bien sûr, vous comprenez que ne peux pas vous payer pendant que vous apprenez, mais vous aurez un joli lit pour dormir et une cuisinière pour cuire votre souper, et le matin, vous ouvrirez la boutique et vendre quelques boutons et épingles et, euh être ma petite assistante, hein?
The frustrated dancer, clumping along with a leg anchored to the ground, and a heart anchored to... but you don't have to understand me or even like me.
Le danseur frustré, boitant par ci, avec une jambe fixée au sol, et un cœur ancré à... mais vous n'avez pas à me comprendre ou même m'aimer bien.
I can understand. I know that in a moment of confusion or of anger you could make a mistake, but you must have the courage to admit that you were wrong.
Je peux comprendre que dans un moment de colère, on soit amené à commettre une faute.
I think I understand what you're trying to do. But have you considered that a conviction for perjury would ruin you?
Je crois comprendre vos raisons mais être accusé de parjure vous ruinerait.
Excuse me, I don't want to intrude but.. Maybe you'll understand when I say that I don't even have..
Quand vous saurez que je n'ai même pas... de quoi vous payer cette lettre.
But I want them to have complete isolation, you understand. Complete isolation.
Mais je veux qu'il soit en isolement, en isolement complet.
I could understand it if you were 15, but you're old enough to know now that you have to consider the consequences of everything you do.
Je comprendrais si tu avais 15 ans, mais maintenant tu dois penser aux conséquences de tes actes.
You couldn't understand because you don't have feelings, but I should be happy to go back home.
Tu ne peux pas comprendre parce que tu n'as pas de sentiments, mais je devrais être heureuse de rentrer à la maison.
- You're disgusting! - But... - You have to understand :
- Il sort de prison, il est exaspéré.
I must ask you to forgive their somewhat lackadaisical manners, but I have conditioned them, or brainwashed them, which I understand is the new American word, to believe that they are waiting out a storm in a lobby of a small hotel in New Jersey
Je vous demande d'excuser leur comportement apathique, mais je les ai conditionnés, ou plutôt, leur cerveau a été lavé. C'est la nouvelle expression américaine. Ils s'imaginent attendre que passe l'orage dans le hall d'un petit hôtel du New Jersey, où se tient une réunion du Club des Jardinières.
I don't know what you want, nor do I fully understand your black abilities. But if the two of you have not returned to Colbin within one night, I shall come back and kill you with my own hands, and burn this place to the ground once and for all.
j'ignore ce que vous voulez, je n'entends rien à votre magie, mais si vous n'êtes pas parties dès cette nuit, je vous tuerai de mes propres mains et je brûlerai cet endroit.
But you don't understand - i have to wind the clock.
Vous allez réveiller tout le quartier.
You might have been all kinds of a gay boy before, but you're married to me now... till death do us part, and I intend to keep it that way, understand?
Tu peux bien avoir été un tombeur avant, mais tu es marié avec moi aujourd'hui, à la vie, à la mort, et j'ai l'intention que ça reste ainsi, tu m'entends?
It's clear Roberts is a dangerous fellow, but if you ever have to restrain him again, I don't want him looking like a battle casualty, understand?
Oui, Roberts est dangereux, mais si vous devez encore le contenir, qu'il n'ait pas l'air de revenir du combat.
You don't have to understand anything. But don't interrupt even if you don't understand.
Tu n'es pas obligé de comprendre, mais ne m'interromps pas.
But as a good scientist, I'd have to use hypotheses... that you would probably not yet understand.
Mais les postulats de départ sont difficiles à expliquer à votre niveau.
But I can't make you understand, you're condemning us all to die, have you no heart?
Vous ne pouvez pas comprendre que vous nous condamnez tous?
You're not going to understand this, Larry, but I have to be.
Tu ne comprends peut-être pas, mais je n'ai pas le choix.
She could have said anything in the world about me but I didn't want her to knock you, don't you understand?
Elle aurait pu me traiter de ce qu'elle veut, mais je n'ai pas supporté qu'elle te rabaisse, tu comprends?
I understand the concept now. But I still have to learn... how to use it from you, brother.
Il me semble saisir assez bien l'idée de base mais pour acquérir l'habileté requise, tes leçons vont m'être nécessaires.
Tabitha, I realise these things are hard for you to understand but Grandma Stephens is downstairs right now so if you're real good, you can have two pieces of cake.
Tabatha, je sais que c'est difficile à comprendre pour toi, mais grand-mère Stephens nous attend. Si tu es sage, tu auras deux parts de gâteau.
I could tell you a lot about the hard life but you'd have to live it to understand it.
Je pourrais vous dire beaucoup sur la vie dure mais il faut la vivre pour la comprendre.
But we have to try to board the house up together. Now, I'm going to board up the windows and the doors. Do you understand?
Mais il faut nous protéger, je dois bloquer les fenetres et les portes.
But I want you to understand... that in making up my mind... I did not forget the country... or the empire... which as prince of Wales... and lately as king... I have for 25 years... tried to serve.
Je veux que vous compreniez qu'en prenant cette décision, je n'ai oublié ni mon pays ni l'Empire que, comme Prince de Galles puis comme roi, je me suis efforcé de servir depuis vingt-cinq ans.
What have you done with it? Yes, brain. You spoke to Luma also of brain, but we do not understand.
Vous avez parlé de cerveau à Luma, mais nous ne comprenons pas.
Now, sweetheart, I know it's hard for you to understand, but Daddy and I have enough love in us for both you and the new baby.
Mon cœur, je sais que c'est dur à comprendre, mais papa et moi, on a assez d'amour en nous pour toi et le nouveau bébé.
But once you fully understand your life will have to wind down a very different road.
Mais quand vous aurez pleinement compris, votre vie devra suivre une voie trés différente.
But I have a responsiblity to the public, too, you understand?
Mais je suis aussi responsable officiellement, vous comprenez?

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