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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ C ] / Chucho

Chucho tradutor Francês

37 parallel translation
- Chucho, Chicho.
- Chucho, Chicho.
It wasn't me. Chucho paid the boxer.
C'est pas moi!
It was Chucho!
C'est Chucho qui a payé le boxeur...
Sotero, Chucho, Jacinto and Jose.
Sotero, Chucho, Jacinto et José!
I'll do it for you and for Chucho.
Je vais le faire pour vous et pour Chucho.
Where is Chucho?
Où est Chucho?
The house in Portales will be Chucho's.
La maison à Portales sera Chucho de.
That's certain.
N'est-ce pas, Chucho?
Chucho Montoya saw it with his own eyes.
Chucho Montoya l'a vu de ses yeux.
Cuca and I were walking down Olympic.
Chucho et moi, on se baladait.
Armadillo and a few of his guys... came up to us... and asked Cuca if he had changed his mind... and Cuca said no.
Armadillo et une partie de sa bande sont venus vers nous. Il a demandé à Chucho s'il avait changé d'avis. Chucho a dit que non.
Armadillo took me... away from Cuca... to his house.
Armadillo m'a emmenée... loin de Chucho. Chez lui.
When I went back to Cuca... and he saw the tattoo... he called me puta.
Quand je suis retournée voir Chucho et qu'il a vu le tatouage... il m'a traitée de puta.
He told Cuca he could join him, or he could die.
Il a dit à Chucho : "Bosse avec moi ou tu es mort."
He kept looking at me, like he was trying to scare me... but I'm not afraid of him like Topo is.
Il me regardait comme pour m'effrayer. Mais j'ai pas peur. Contrairement à Chucho.
Tell your boyfriend, Carlito, that Manny and Chucho want to talk to him tonight.
Dites à votre Carlito que Manny et Chucho veulent lui parler cette nuit.
This my cousin Chucho from Jersey.
Voici mon cousin Chucho, du Jersey.
But while you was in the joint... me and Chucho here, we had our own distribution thing going.
Mais pendant que tu étais au trou, Chucho et moi, on s'occupait de la distribution.
- Adiós - Adiós, Chucho.
- "Adiós." | - "Adiós," Chucho.
Hide your bong, Chucho!
Planque le bong, Chucho.
Hit it, Chucho.
Go, Chucho.
Suck a fat dick, Chucho.
Va te faire mettre, Chucho.
I'm not a chauffeur, and neither is Chucho over here. Right, buddy?
Je suis pas chauffeur, et Chucho non plus.
Chucho, what's up, buddy? You got something to say?
T'as un truc à dire?
Second, your boy Chucho is dead as fuck.
Deuzio, ton Chucho est hyper mort.
We heard they rode by Chucho's.
Nous avons entendu qu'ils arrivaient par Chucho.
Chucho, take her to the guest house, please.
Chucho, emmène-la dans la chambre d'amis.
Man, I got a cousin, his name is chucho, he can hook all that shit up.
J'ai un cousin qui s'appelle Chucho. Il peut t'arranger ça.
How much are you asking for, Chucho?
Combien demandez-vous, Chucho?
How about 10, Chucho?
Que dites-vous de 10?
Sorry, cousin Chucho.
Désolé, cousin Chucho.
This motherfucker right here works for Chucho.
Ce fils de pute bosse pour Chucho.
Do you think you can look after Chucho?
Tu veux t'occuper de Chucho?
- You know who Cuca was?
- Vous connaissiez Chucho?
Cuca's friends say you were his girlfriend.
On dit que vous sortiez avec Chucho.
He made threats to Cuca right in front of her.
Il a menacé Chucho devant elle.

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