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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ C ] / Coachman

Coachman tradutor Francês

170 parallel translation
Coachman, you should go a little slower!
Cocher, vous devez ralentir un peu!
And the coachman, who is a good man... wishes to know whether you wouldn't mind... continuing the journey after sunrise.
Et le cocher, qui est un brave homme... veut savoir si vous seriez d'accord... pour continuer le voyage après le lever du soleil.
I have no idea what happened to the coachman and to my luggage.
Je ne sais pas ce qui est arrivé au cocher et à mes bagages.
Senhora De Rezende, I was a good coachman.
Senhora De Rezende, j'étais un bon cocher.
Drive slowly coachman. Home.
La voiture de M. le Baron von Eggersdorff.
Where is that fool of a coachman?
Où est ce stupide cocher?
Tell the coachman to take off his robe and put it under the other wheel.
Dis au cocher d'enlever sa robe et de mettre ça sous la roue.
He was a coachman when he was a boy.
Il était son entraîneur avant.
I think your coachman had better wait here.
Votre cocher devrait attendre ici.
Well, the coachman's safe.
Le cocher est sûr.
Well, that - that's the coachman.
Bien, c'est le cocher.
Told them where to hold up the coach and when to shoot the coachman.
Je leur ai dit oû attaquer la voiture et quand tuer le cocher.
A Royal Coachman, perhaps.
A la Royal Coachman, peut-être.
The coachman wishes me to remind Monsieur le Baron there are four horses to manage, and they're restless.
Le cocher se permet de vous rappeler que les chevaux s'impatientent.
I'll be frank with you. I want Clivet's horses because I want the coachman.
Pour être franche, c'est surtout le cocher qui m'intéresse.
I shall take a good look at your new coachman when I come back.
Je suis curieux de rencontrer ce cocher.
Go settle with the auctioneer, Nanine. Tell the old coachman we'll take him with the horses.
Dis au cocher que nous le prenons avec les chevaux, Nanine.
Look at that coachman.
Regarde ce cocher.
Now, that's a coachman! One no one can beat.
Ça, c'est un sacré cocher, personne le dépasse.
I'm the coachman!
C'est moi le cocher ici!
Tell the Coachman to have the carriage ready after dinner.
Dites au cocher de se tenir prêt.
Now, Coachman...
Alors, Cocher.
Oh, dear! Where is that coachman?
Mais où est ce cocher?
You see, into the gulf that separated this unfortunate couple... there was a coachman on the estate, a gay dog.
Dans le gouffre qui séparait ce malheureux couple, il y avait un cocher sur la propriété, un joyeux luron.
- A coachman?
Ai-je besoin d'en rajouter?
- We must close our minds to that fact. It brings up the dreadful, unfounded suspicion... we must carry to our tombs, as it is utterly untenable, that the coachman in both instances... need I say more?
- Nous devons fermer les yeux là-dessus car ça amène de la suspicion non fondée que nous apporterons dans la tombe, puisqu il est indéfendable que le cocher soit, dans les deux cas...
But I took the further precaution of telling him the plot... of "Cecelia," or "The Coachman's Daughter," a gaslight melodrama.
Mais j'ai fait en sorte de lui raconter l'histoire de "Cecilia, ou la fille du cocher", un mélodrame captivant.
Since potemkin lost an eye, he thinks i see badly if i win more of your money, i'll need a second coach i stake my coach, the five horses, the coachman and two outriders
Depuis que le comte est borgne il me croit miraude. Il me faudra un deuxième fiacre pour emporter tout ça! Je mise mon fiacre, les cinq chevaux, le cocher, les deux valets...
Oh, uh, Madame Millet's coachman was here... said there wouldn't be anymore washing for you to do.
Le cocher de Madame Millet est passé. Il a dit qu'il n'y aurait plus de lessive.
I'll buy my coachman a seat. It's worth trying.
- Je vous offrirai une avant-scène pour vos chevaux.
The coachman got confused.
Le cocher venait de ce côté-Ià, iI a dû confondre.
Wait, silly girl, how can you coach without a coachman.
Attends, petite étourdie, comment peut-on partir en carrosse sans cocher?
The horses will turn into mice, coachman into rat and coach into pumpkin.
Les chevaux redeviendront des souris, le cocher redeviendra un rat, et le carrosse une citrouille.
The landlord is a former coachman of ours.
L'aubergiste est un de nos anciens cochers.
For instead of a horse, why the coachman, of course.
Bien sûr. Au lieu d'un cheval, il faut le cocher, naturellement.
- No. lt's a coachman.
Est-ce André? - Non, c'est un cocher.
Your coachman has abominable timing.
Votre cocher est diablement rapide.
Last week the army even drafted the son of the coachman.
La semaine dernière, l'armée a enrôlé le fils du cocher.
What have you done with my coachman?
Qu'as-tu fait à mon cocher?
Coachman, pull up!
Cocher, arrêtez!
I need a tarantass, three horses and a coachman on.
Il me faut un tarentass, 3 chevaux et un cocher sur.
If Your Grand Ducal Highness wishes the stable door locked, the coachman- - Do you not know the English idiomatic phrase that it is foolish to lock the stable door after the horse has.... Dummkopf!
Si Votre Altesse veut que l'on ferme l'écurie, je donnerai l'ordre...
- This is Antonsson, the coachman.
Voici Antonsson,
You think Dracula killed that coachman?
Vous pensez que c'est Dracula qui a tué cet homme?
Easy, coachman.
The coachman knows I'm here.
Le cocher sait que je suis ici.
- I know what a coachman is.
- Je sais ce qu'est un cocher...
- He sent word through the coachman.
- Merci, Roberts.

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