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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ C ] / Coughs

Coughs tradutor Francês

854 parallel translation
It's typical, as are repeated coughs, and sometimes even loss of consciousness.
Est-ce que... quand on a eu la tuberculose, on peut redevenir malade, meme si on était guéri?
If he coughs, I'll have you cut in half!
S'il tousse, tu seras écartelée.
If he coughs twice, it means "I love you."
S'il tousse deux fois, c'est qu'il me dit "Je t'aime".
If he coughs too much, he has a cold.
S'il tousse trop, il a pris froid.
- Now, you talk and talk about this Valjean. [Coughs]
Maintenant, vous parlez et parlez de ce Valjean.
( too low ) ♪ Rock-a-bye baby on... ( coughs )
Fais dodo...
- ( Coughs ) How about a drink?
- Un verre?
That's right, but you see, red is the colour of health, and yellow is the colour of coughs and fevers.
Vous avez peut-être raison, mais le rouge est la couleur de la santé, et le jaune la couleur des bronchites et des fièvres.
[Coughs] Ladies and gentlemen.
Mesdames et messieurs.
There was a train, and then, uh... there was a doctor, and he told me that... [Coughs]
Il y avait un train et... il y avait un docteur, et il m'a dit de...
I've seen what it's done to you with your coughs and your silicosis.
Je sais ce que provoque le charbon. La toux, la silicose.
Sorry I can't kiss your hand. [Coughs] Bad cold. And how is Scheherazade?
Louis, dis bonjour à Shéhérazade.
[Coughs] Louis, come on.
Ou une exposition d'horticulture?
- Oh, if Janet coughs, give her the syrup. - Yes, Mama.
Si Janet tousse, donne-lui du sirop.
That's why he coughs.
Voilà pourquoi il tousse.
That you can learn more from the way a man coughs than from the way he speaks.
La façon de tousser d'un homme en dit long sur lui.
She coughs and spits blood.
Elle tousse, elle crache le sang.
Walter, Leonard te regarde.
[COUGHS] - Still a little shaky?
- Encore ébranlée?
Nobody coughs, nobody sneezes, nobody cries, nobody even whispers.
Personne ne doit tousser, éternuer, pleurer, ni même chuchoter.
Incurable lassitude, occasional spells of dizziness, acute internal disorders after heavy meals, and above all, an indefinable crushing sense... ( coughs ) that one is not, as it were, in tiptop condition.
Vos symptômes? Lassitude, étourdissements, indigestions, mais surtout le sentiment écrasant que ce n'est pas la forme.
( buzzer ) ( coughs )
- Vous êtes bien aimable, soudain!
( coughs ) Honey, Phil's got to go on to a meeting, after he drops me off.
Phil doit aller à une réunion après m'avoir déposé.
( Coughs ) - Do you mind if I close the window?
- Puis - je fermer la fenêtre?
Then there was Hannibal crossing the Alps, an assassination... ( Coughs )
Il y a eu Hannibal traversant les Alpes, un assassinat.
I was up to my waist in mud, blinded and choked by smoke... ( Coughs )... and somewhat hampered by a severe shoulder wound.
J'avais de la boue jusqu'à la taille. La fumée m'aveuglait et m'étouffait. Une grave blessure à l'épaule entravait mes mouvements.
- Money's no object with us. None at all. - ( Minnie coughs )
L'argent ne compte pas, pour nous.
Whenever we feed him, it either comes right back up or he coughs and he turns blue.
Quand on l'alimente, il vomit ou il tousse et devient tout bleu.
I'm always nice, especially to someone who coughs up £ 500.
Je suis toujours gentille. Surtout quand on m'offre 500 Livres.
You're an insulting ruffian, aren't you? ( COUGHS )
Vous êtes un bandit insultant, n'est ce pas?
[Coughs] I'd like - I'd like a lucky - a lucky number.
J'aimerais un numéro porte-bonheur.
[Laughs ] Christ, [ Coughs]
Mon Dieu!
When daddy coughs up, you'll play tennis again and get screwed in your car, dirty girl.
Lorsque papa aboulera, tu pourras de nouveau jouer au tennis et te faire sauter, salope.
[Coughs] Well, if that's your attitude, perhaps Crabs will end up with all the patrols.
Et bien, si telle est votre attitude, Crabs aura peut-être bien toutes les patrouilles.
- [Coughs] - You're a chicken.
T'es une poule mouillée.
If he pushes it just a bit, he coughs up blood.
S'il force un peu, il crache du sang en toussant.
He coughs, he grumbles...
Il tousse, il grogne.
Just looking at a peony, which is good for the stomach, makes my stomachache go away. Same thing with coughs and angelica herbs! And of course, the sight of eels makes my virility even stronger.
Mon mal de ventre disparait dès que je regarde le médicament. je suis plein d'énergie.
Oh - [Coughs] God.
Oh - [toux] Dieu.
[Coughs, Retches]
[Toux, Retches]
not when the accused coughs up the victim!
Je n'ai pas mangé de chat depuis que j'ai quitté Melmac. Brian.
He used to have these long, rattly coughs.
Il avait de longues crises de toux rauque.
[Coughs] Okay, just let me breathe.
Oui, mais laisse-moi respirer.
It coughs apologetically. Now for the main event.
Fêtons cet événement.
( coughs ) The next one will be better, I hope.
Vous faites attention à mon appareil photo?
( DOCTOR COUGHS ) Chesterton.
[Coughs] The who?
Les quoi?
[Gulps ] Banzai, my balls- - [ Coughs]
Banzaï de mes deux- -
[Coughs, Sniffles]
[Coughs] All right?
- D'accord?
[Groans, Coughs]
- Quoi?

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