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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ C ] / Cray

Cray tradutor Francês

232 parallel translation
Hey, ix-nay acking-cray.
Fais attention!
Nix on the acking-cray, Frankie.
Sois sérieux.
Proceed, Mr. Cray.
Posez la question, s'il vous plaît.
- Are you cray?
Tu déraisonnes.
- Am I cray?
Je déraisonne?
I'm completely cray about jazz.
Tu as raison, ça m'électrise!
Some cray.
Complètement folle!
Well, he was so cray about it. Don't you think it would make a nice planter? Sure.
Si vous trouvez trop dense le dialogue de cette scène, sachez que la personne ici présente, c'est l'alpiniste imprudent dont elle parlait
We will fight the author, Sir Lexius Cray, and...
Nous lutterons contre l'auteur, sir Lexius Cray...
'We will fight the author, Sir Lexius Cray,''and...'
Nous lutterons contre l'auteur, sir Lexius Cray...
A midnight visit to Sir Lexius Cray.
Une visite nocturne chez sir Lexius Cray.
Mrs Peel spoke to Sir Lexius Cray.
Mme Peel a parlé à sir Lexius Cray.
If you didn't want anyone to know, why write to Sir Lexius Cray?
Si vous teniez à garder le secret, pourquoi avoir écrit à Cray?
Carol Cray, you come up here, too. What happened to you?
Que vous est-il arrivé?
What would you like to drink, Senor cray?
Que voulez-vous boire, Senor Cray?
Peter cray?
Peter Cray?
Peter cray.
Peter Cray.
He told me that Peter cray is going to kill me.
Il m'a dit que Peter Cray va me tuer.
- It's Senior cray.
Il est supérieur Cray.
- Senior cray would like to talk to you.
Senior Cray aimerait vous parler.
Senior cray, did you know this woman before?
Cray principal, saviez-vous cette femme avant?
- Senior Peter cray, please.
Senior Peter Cray, s'il vous plaît.
- My compliments, Senior cray.
Mes compliments, senior Cray.
Oh, Peter cray!
Oh, Peter Cray!
Peter cray in person!
Peter Cray en personne!
Hey don't you dare to take Senior cray with you.
Hey ne vous avisez pas de prendre senior Cray avec vous.
Hello, Senior cray?
Bonjour, senior Cray?
Senior cray?
Cray principal?
Senior cray, Dr. Stone is here and would like to talk to you.
Cray principal, le Dr Stone est ici et je voudrais vous parler.
I've heard that Peter cray is back?
Je l'ai entendu dire que Peter Cray est de retour?
But Senior cray must stay here for some more time.
Mais Cray principal doit rester ici pour un peu plus de temps.
What's wrong with your patient Peter cray?
Quel est le problème avec votre patient Peter Cray?
This man simply abuses the condition of Peter cray.
Cet homme simplement l'état des abus de Peter Cray.
I'll tell them that you've blackmailed Peter cray!
Je vais leur dire que vous avez chantage Peter Cray!
Here's the janitor of Peter cray.
Voici le concierge de Peter Cray.
The famous playboy Peter cray in the claws of his doctor.
Le célèbre playboy Peter Cray dans les griffes de son médecin.
- Am I talking to Peter cray?
Suis-je parlé à Peter Cray?
Captain Cray, here's a team and wagon, sir.
Capitaine Cray, un chariot vient d'arriver.
Paul Murray
Sophie Perret du Cray
He's landing at Cray Oey.
Il atterrit à Cray Key.
Crayfish, that sort of thing?
La fête du Cray, des choses comme ça?
Julie Clayton
Sophie Perret du Cray
You got that? The killer was the kidnap victim... who was brought here by these two now-headless kidnappers, a Mr. Lowell Lewis and a Mr. Frank Cray, and during an apparent altercation between the two of them, said victim, Mr. Michael Max, the guy they carjacked in that mercedes there, freed himself and blew both theing heads off.
Le tueur était la victime kidnappée... emmenée ici par ces deux kidnappeurs sans tête... un certain M. Lowell Lewis et un certain M. Frank Cray... et apparemment, pendant une dispute entre ces deux-là... la dite victime, M. Michael Max, le gars enfermé dans cette Mercedes... s'est libéré et leur a fait exploser la tête.
Inspector Cray.
Inspecteur Cray.
Inspector Cray, please.
L'inspecteur Cray.
Martin, it's Inspector Cray.
Ici, l'inspecteur Cray.
And the pilot, Captain Cray, managed a controlled crash that his co-pilot, Lieutenant Flynn, walked away from.
Et le pilote, le capitaine Cray, a pu contrôler le crash dont le copilote, le lieutenant Flynn est sorti vivant.
Why not delegate the responsibility to someone else? There's nobody else cray enough to take it. Except yourself.
On n'a pas beaucoup parlé de Kyle McCulloch, la star de trois de mes films,
Right now! - Okay.
- Carol Cray, venez, aussi.
Cray, why are you doing this?
Pourquoi faites-vous ça?

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