Disculpe tradutor Francês
287 parallel translation
- What? - I guess that exonerates Mr. O'Malley.
Ça disculpe M. O'Malley.
If you go before a pardon board and they turn him down... it'll go on Wiecek's record.
Si vous allez à l'audience et qu'ils ne le disculpe pas... Cela aparaîtra dans le dossier de Wiecek.
Yeah. Leaves you in the clear.
Ça te disculpe.
From what he told, it was anything but murder.
Son témoignage vous disculpe.
Ah, so he's innocent then.
Alors, ça le disculpe.
Isoda may be in charge, but that doesn't absolve the rest of you.
Isoda est peut-être le responsable, mais ça ne vous disculpe pas pour autant.
With no one to clear your name, you'll have to face your punishment.
Si personne ne te disculpe, tu n'échapperas pas à ton châtiment.
Norma, justify yourself!
Hélas! Norma, disculpe-toi!
Because it means quite simply that Mademoiselle Jacqueline could not have done it.
Parce que ça disculpe Mlle Jacqueline.
If he gets Stacey off, he's won the Super Bowl and to all the scum out there he's a hero.
S'il disculpe Stacey, il gagne le gros lot, et il devient le héros de tous les malfrats.
Then stand up in court and defend yourself.
Alors va devant le tribunal. Et disculpe-toi!
Did you smack him... hard?
- On peut pas disculper tout le monde. On a disculpé ni la femme de ménage, ni la copine de Nick.
- That's a good alibi.
Votre querelle vous disculpe. C'est votre alibi.
We have documents, one of which is a report by retired fbi agents... which completely absolves Mr. Rothstein from any wrongdoing.
- Parmi ces documents, un rapport du FBI disculpe entièrement M. Rothstein de tout crime ou délit...
Sir, in this audience, let my disclaiming from a purposed evil free me so far in your most generous thoughts that I have shot mine arrow o'er the house and hurt my brother.
Que le désaveu que je fais ici de toute mauvaise intention me disculpe et persuade votre générosité que c'est par une flèche lancée au-dessus de la maison que j'ai blessé mon frère.
It says to the public that Anne has forgiven him for killing her husband therefore exonerating him from his crime.
Ça indiquerait qu'Anne lui a pardonné d'avoir tué son mari, et le disculpe donc de son crime.
- Captain! - I didn't come here to be exonerated.
Je ne suis pas venu pour être disculpé.
That is why the general staff has screened Esterhazy :
Voilà pourquoi l'Etat-Major a disculpé Esterhazy.
And finally I accuse the Esterhazy court-martial of covering up this illegality by order, thus, in turn...
J'accuse le tribunal qui a disculpé Esterhazy d'avoir couvert cette illégalité par ordre, commettant ainsi le crime judiciaire d'acquitter sciemment un coupable.
- Then I shall be cleared.
Alors je serai disculpé.
Oh, there was a little trouble with the cops, but he talked his way out of it.
Des pépins avec la police, mais il s'est disculpé.
It'll mean complete vindication.
Tu seras disculpé.
Well, I quite appreciate that nobody can be exonerated without proof.
Nul ne sera donc disculpé sans preuve.
Then your Johnny will be cleared.
Johnny sera disculpé.
The d.a. Cleared you on all counts.
- Oui, Steve. Le procureur vous a disculpé.
Well, you're all clear, son.
Vous êtes disculpé.
If Wiecek is exonerated, he'll get a pardon.
Si Wiecek est disculpé il obtiendra le sursis,
And can be excused.
Vous pourriez en sortir disculpé.
Oh no, Deke was exonerated and the other kid was fined for starting the fight.
Oh non, Deke a été disculpé Et l'autre condamné à une amende pour avoir commencé.
When Diomede was cleared of that theft, he was unsuspectible.
Une semaine après l'autre vol dont Diomede avait été disculpé.
Then, I take it I'm to be cleared.
Je vais enfin être disculpé!
If he can prove those engines were really taken out of her, then he's in the clear, his master's ticket's safe.
S'il peut prouver que les moteurs ont été débarqués, il sera disculpé et il gardera sa licence.
- Yes, sir. And when you do, you'll dismiss me as a possibility, and you can get down to the real business of finding the real killer.
Quand vous l'aurez fait, je serai disculpé et vous pourrez chercher le vrai coupable.
I got you off the charge.
Quand je vous ai disculpé.
So far as one can see there was a period when an Englishman came under suspicion but he has now been cleared.
Il semblerait que pendant un temps, on ait soupçonné un Anglais, qui a cependant été disculpé.
We'll appeal to the state Supreme Court, and you'll get relief.
On fera appel devant la Cour suprême, et vous serez disculpé.
By the time I get some relief, it'll be too late.
Quand je serai disculpé, il sera trop tard.
Of course, I tried to vindicate Sergey as well as I could.
Évidemment, j'ai disculpé Serge autant que j'ai pu.
- I was cleared of that charge.
J'ai été disculpé.
Once you've been cleared, you can never be sued or face any charges.
Une fois disculpé, on ne pourra pas te poursuivre.
- You want us to prove you didn't do it.
- Vous voulez être disculpé.
We'd have stepped in if you hadn't cleared him.
Nous serions intervenus si vous ne l'aviez pas disculpé.
A week after the trial, I discovered that during the trial one of our investigators had come up with evidence which would have exonerated the man we were prosecuting and that Mr. Krasny had buried that evidence.
Une semaine aprés le procés, j'ai découvert que pendant le procés, un de nos enquêteurs avait découvert une preuve, qui aurait disculpé l'accusé, et que M. Krasny avait enterrée.
Why was I cleared in Amanda's death?
Pourquoi m'a-t-on disculpé?
The Bureau and the DEA cleared me of all criminal charges.
Le FBI et la DEA m'ont disculpé de toutes les accusations.
Charges were dropped today for lack of evidence against Lukas Hart III in the investigation of the West Pennsylvania Savings and Loan scandal.
Lukas Hart III a été disculpé ce jour pour manque de preuves dans l'enquête sur le scandale de la West Pennsylvania.
If I ever get reinstated, Bullock, remind me to do something about the food in here.
Si je suis disculpé, rappelez-moi de changer la nourriture, ici.
He was questioned and cleared in the Sloan matter.
Et disculpé.
I mean, he was cleared and then they caught the guy who did it.
Il a été disculpé quand on a retrouvé le vrai coupable.
We know you're doing a good job, and I'm sure you'll be exonerated.
Nous connaissons votre valeur, vous serez sûrement disculpé.
The president cleared him and his crew, Henry and she called him the hero of the hour.
La présidente l'a disculpé, Henry... et l'a appelé le héros du jour.