Don't listen to it tradutor Francês
539 parallel translation
Don't listen to blanche Don't listen to blanche It's dangerous
- Écoute pas Blanche, écoute pas Blanche, écoute pas Blanche... c'est dangereux.
I don't think it's something a jobless person has to concern. Listen well,
Je ne pense pas que ce soit l'intérêt d'une personne sans travail.
Listen, I don't invest money just to get it back.
Je n'investis pas de l'argent Juste pour le récupérer.
Listen, Loreto! You are useless to me. I don't know how you're going to do it.
Ecoute Loreto tu es de trop ici.
Listen, my dear girl, when it comes to playwriting, you don't know your... your dear little elbow from a barrel of flour.
Ma chère, en matière de dramaturgie, tu ne connais rien à rien.
Give it to me now. Listen, Brad, why don't you do this juvenile part yourself?
Pourquoi tu joues pas le jeune premier?
Well, listen, old fellow, you don't know it yet... but you're going to wake up a kinder and a wiser man.
Écoute, tu ne le sais pas encore, mais tu vas te réveiller plus gentil et plus sage.
Listen fellas, I don't want to get tough with ya, but we gotta go through with it.
Ecoutez, je ne veux pas sévir, mais on ira jusqu'au bout.
Why don't you listen to it?
Pourquoi ne l'écoutez-vous pas?
Well, I was gonna speak to them about it, but, boss, I don't think them people are in any position to listen to much.
J'allais leur dire mais, patron, je crois qu'ils ne sont pas en état de m'écouter.
Don't listen to it, Jigger.
- ne l'écoute pas, jigger.
If you don't listen to reason, it may be too late.
Bientôt, il sera trop tard.
Now listen, Sammy, that paper's got to be signed... so don't you leave there till it is signed, understand?
Ecoute, Sammy, le papier doit être signé. Tu vas rester jusqu'à ce qu'il signe, compris?
Listen, I ´ m your friend, but if it ´ s about money I don ´ t want to hear it.
Mon fils, je suis ton amie, mais si c ´ est pour de l ´ argent... m ´ en parle pas.
- Don't listen to him. Fill it up.
- Sacha, remplis mon verre.
Listen, if it's $ 27.50 from Stevenson to New York, don't tell me it's $ 32.50 from New York to Stevenson.
Ne me dites pas que l'aller coûte 27,50 et le retour 32,50!
Sure, and if you don't like it, you don't have to listen to it.
Personne t'oblige à écouter.
The pit he talks about isn't down below... it's up here. I don't know why I listen to him.
L'enfer qu'il évoque n'est pas ici, mais là-haut.
No, don't listen to it.
Ne m'écoute pas!
Just between you and me, I don't get it either, but I got to listen to it.
Entre nous, je n'y comprends rien, mais je n'ai pas le choix.
Not that I listen to people's conversations but you know how it is, don't you?
Non que j'écoute les conversations des autres, mais vous savez ce que c'est.
Hey, where is it? They don't have to listen to us.
On n'a besoin de personne.
Don't listen to him, it's a legend he got from the priest in town.
Une légende que raconte le curé de Puerto Miguel!
Listen, we don't want the General to know about it. I understand.
Que le general n'en sache rien, surtout!
Don't listen to him. It's not that bad, not at all.
Ecoute Paul, c'est pas comme ça, quoi, ah non, non!
Just because it's Sunday... you don't expect us to listen to the kind of pious bilge...
Même si c'est dimanche, rien ne nous oblige à écouter le bavardage pieux
Don't listen to me, I'm over it now.
Ne faites pas attention, je l'ai surmonté.
Listen, pal, we don't wanna rush you, but we're anxious to get it done with.
On veut pas vous bousculer mais il faut se mettre au boulot.
Listen to what? Dad, don't you hear it?
- Maman, tu entends?
There's an official news broadcast. Don't you know it's an order to listen?
C'est une émission officielle, on a ordre d'écouter.
Just pick it up and listen. You don't have to speak. Just listen and see if it's Miep.
Décrochez, écoutez si c'est Miep, et ne dites rien.
- Just think, it's 10 years that I've had to listen to them and I don't understand one bit!
Même moi, je ne les comprends pas! Ça t'arrange!
I don't listen to it anymore.
Je ne l'écoute plus.
No the captain don't listen to people. He'll know who done it.
Le capitaine écoute personne.
Listen, I still don't have it... but I plan to pitch in money for the hospital.
Écoute, je ne l'ai toujours pas fait, mais je projette de faire un don à l'hôpital.
Don't you know it's very rude to listen to other people's conversations?
C'est malpoli d'écouter les conversations des autres.
Va donc t'asseoir, je t'apporte ta coupe.
It might help the Kohayagawa family but if I don't listen to my feelings no doubt I'll regret it later
J'en souffrirai, mais ça sera utile à la famille. Si je trahis mes sentiments, je le regretterai.
It'not fair for you to say I don't listen when you didn't even told me what it is.
Parlons et essayons de se comprendre!
- I don't deny it, but listen to my lawyer.
- Je n'en doute pas, mais écoutez mon avocat.
I don't know what was said, not liking to listen to other folks'conversations but if it's buttering him up you are, beware.
Je n'ai pas écouté ce que vous disiez, mais si tu essaies de l'attendrir, méfie-toi.
Listen, it's tough luck if you don't want me to go.
C'est compris? Pas la peine de t'y opposer!
Listen... I don't even know if I want to live or if I want to end it all.
Ecoutez... je ne sais même pas si je veux vivre... ou si je veux en finir.
It's Gladys. If you don't think this is a crazy house, well, listen to this :
Désolé, mon vieux.
Listen, you may be an oracle of wisdom when it comes to atoms, rockets and missiles, but i don't need an electronic brain to advise me.
AGNES SAIT TOUT. Vous êtes peut-être un puits de sagesse en matière d'atomes et de missiles, mais je ne veux pas des conseils d'un cerveau électronique.
Listen, joe, maybe it's your heart. Why don't you go to bed, and i'll call a doctor?
Ecoute, c'est peut-être ton cœur.
Listen, if we don't shoot off soon we won't make it to the rendezvous with the freighter, you know?
LOWERY : Si on ne décolle pas rapidement, on ne sera jamais au rendez-vous avec le cargo.
And this time, Beck, don't try reading it. Just listen to his tone.
Cette fois, n'essaie pas de comprendre.
Maybe we ought to call it No-Ears. You don't listen much, do you, boy?
T'as pas l'air de bien entendre, "Sourdingue"?
But don't listen to it.
Ne l'écoute pas.
Well, whatever it is, I don't like what you're doing. Now you listen to me...!
Je n'aime pas du tout ce que vous faites.
don't listen 86
don't listen to me 47
don't listen to him 492
don't listen to her 248
don't listen to them 94
listen to it 46
to it 19
don't play games 34
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't listen to me 47
don't listen to him 492
don't listen to her 248
don't listen to them 94
listen to it 46
to it 19
don't play games 34
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't worry 18301
don't 13731
don't you 9508
don't look at me 835
don't leave me here 98
don't look up 32
don't try this at home 21
don't be a stranger 86
don't be late 287
don't fuck with me 157
don't 13731
don't you 9508
don't look at me 835
don't leave me here 98
don't look up 32
don't try this at home 21
don't be a stranger 86
don't be late 287
don't fuck with me 157
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't worry about it 3159
don't be shy 514
don't beat yourself up 132
don't cry 1202
don't forget me 61
don't call me 195
don't touch me 1540
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't worry about it 3159
don't be shy 514
don't beat yourself up 132
don't cry 1202
don't forget me 61
don't call me 195
don't touch me 1540
don't go far 26
don't be afraid 1221
don't you dare 523
don't forget 829
don't be sorry 259
don't forget it 61
don't follow me 120
don't ask me 220
don't be afraid 1221
don't you dare 523
don't forget 829
don't be sorry 259
don't forget it 61
don't follow me 120
don't ask me 220