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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ F ] / Fiamma

Fiamma tradutor Francês

40 parallel translation
Via Calpurnio Fiamma 47, apartment 24.
47 Via Calpurnio Fiamma, porte 24.
- Fiamma Coronna.
- Fiamma Corona.
- That's Fiamma.
C'est Fiamma.
Why are you late, Fiamma?
Pourquoi ce retard?
- Well done, Fiamma.
Bravo, Fiamma!
But I'm sure Fiamma won't mind sharing her treasures.
Fiamma va sûrement partager ses trésors.
Fiamma, tell me the story again.
Raconte encore l'histoire.
Miss G, tell Fiamma about how you rode on elephants with rajas!
Racontez-lui vos voyages en éléphants avec les rajahs!
I'd rather hear about Fiamma's adventures.
Écoutons les aventures de Fiamma.
Where else have you been, Fiamma?
Où as-tu voyagé?
Your father's a randy bugger, Fiamma.
Ton père est un chaud lapin, Fiamma.
Fiamma, dear?
Fiamma, the great British summertime rarely indulges us.
Le soleil anglais nous gâte rarement.
Fiamma has another dive in her.
Fiamma a encore un plongeon en elle.
Fiamma has an intrepid spirit.
Fiamma a un esprit intrépide.
Only Fiamma is willing to risk it all.
Seule Fiamma est prête à tout risquer.
That was top-notch today, Fiamma.
C'était excellent aujourd'hui.
- Fiamma set the standard.
Fiamma a fixé le niveau.
- Has anyone seen Fiamma?
Vous avez vu Fiamma? Non.
Right, let's find Fiamma.
Très bien, allons trouver Fiamma.
Bath night for Fuzzy, Laurel and Fiamma.
Bain pour Fuzzy, Laurel et Fiamma.
- Where is Fiamma Coronna?
Où est Fiamma Coronna?
Where is Fiamma?
Où est Fiamma?
Fiamma must learn that she is no more special than any other child.
Fiamma doit apprendre qu'elle n'est pas différente des autres.
Fiamma! Come on, Fiamma!
Fiamma, you can be captain of team B. Your turn to choose. Pick me!
Fiamma, tu es capitaine de l'équipe B. À toi de choisir.
Since Fiamma seems to know what's best for you, let her take the reins!
Puisque Fiamma sait ce qu'il vous faut, qu'elle prenne les rênes!
Fiamma, do you have a suggestion for us?
Tu as une idée?
Fiamma, you've kissed a boy, haven't you?
Fiamma, tu as déjà embrassé un garçon?
- Come on, Fiamma, help us out.
Fiamma, aide-nous.
- I'm waiting for Fiamma.
J'attends Fiamma.
Fiamma wants to make it impossible for me to stay.
Fiamma fera en sorte que je ne puisse pas rester.
- Fiamma, get out!
Fiamma, lève-toi! Va-t'en.
Miss G is leaving us, and it's all Fiamma's fault!
Miss G nous quitte et c'est à cause de Fiamma!
Not so fast Princess Fiamma.
Pas si vite, princesse.
Fiamma Coronna.
Fiamma Coronna.
Fiamma's not a virgin, you know.
Fiamma n'est pas vierge.

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