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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ G ] / Gellhorn

Gellhorn tradutor Francês

50 parallel translation
Martha Gellhorn.
Martha Gellhorn.
Well, Gellhorn, big game's no fun if it just wanders up to you.
Gellhorn, un gros gibier ne vaut rien si c'est lui qui vient vers vous.
- Come on, Gellhorn.
- Allez, Gellhorn.
" Who is this Martha Gellhorn?
" Qui est cette Martha Gellhorn?
Martha Gellhorn, John Dos Passos, greatest writer in America not named Hemingway.
Martha Gellhorn, John Dos Passos, le plus grand écrivain d'Amérique qui ne s'appelle pas Hemingway.
Gellhorn here is a bestselling author.
Gellhorn est un auteur de best-sellers.
Oh, Gellhornl ls that...
Oh, Gellhorn! Est-ce...
- I'm Martha Gellhorn.
- Je suis Martha Gellhorn.
Martha Gellhorn, meet my Hungarian friend, Robert Capa.
Martha Gellhorn, voici mon ami hongrois, Robert Capa.
In case you hadn't noticed, Gellhorn, as you're the only blonde in the joint, but there's a city of men, desperate men, some of whom know they're gonna die, death frees the beast.
Au cas où vous n'auriez pas remarqué, Gellhorn, vous êtes la seule blonde, et la ville est pleine d'hommes désespérés, dont certains vont mourir, et la mort libère la bête.
Gellhornl Come on!
Gellhorn! Viens!
SP3 / il1g, Gellhorn?
Tu m'épies, Gellhorn?
There's nothing to writing, Gellhorn.
Écrire n'est rien, Gellhorn.
- Fucking get in the ring, Gellhorn.
- Monte sur le ring, Gellhorn.
- Gellhorn.
- Gellhorn.
Gellhorn, incoming bombs.
Gellhorn, bombardement.
A writer for Collier's magazine, please give a warm welcome to Martha Gellhorn.
Un auteur du magazine Collier's, veuillez applaudir Martha Gellhorn.
I won't see you destroyed by some, some Gellhorn.
Je ne te laisserai pas te faire ruiner par une Gellhorn.
You think that this Gellhorn cares about you?
Tu crois que cette Gellhorn s'intéresse à toi?
Gellhorn's a real thoroughbred, but she's skittish in the stretch.
Gellhorn est une pure race, mais elle s'épuisera vite.
You listen to me, Gellhorn.
Écoute-moi, Gellhorn.
Come on, Gellhorn.
Allez, Gellhorn.
Gellhorn, you inspire the hell out of me.
Gellhorn, bon sang, ce que tu m'inspires.
Oh, for Christ's sakes, Gellhorn.
Bon sang, Gellhorn.
Apes or Gellhorns?
Les singes ou les Gellhorn?
Some balls, Gellhorn, telling offthe Empress of China in front of Chiang Kai Shek.
Tu as du cran, Gellhorn, de contredire l'impératrice de Chine devant Tchang Kaï-chek.
This is some fucking honeymoon, Gellhorn.
Fichue lune de miel, Gellhorn.
- I'm Gellhorn.
- Je suis Gellhorn.
To Hemingway and Gellhorn.
À Hemingway et Gellhorn.
It's Gellhorn.
C'est Gellhorn.
- Gellhornl
- Gellhorn!
Miss Gellhorn?
Mlle Gellhorn?
Thank you, Miss Gellhorn, for your time.
Merci, Mlle Gellhorn.

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