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Gigli tradutor Francês

27 parallel translation
Beniamino! We'll call him after Gigli! That way he'll be famous too!
On l'appellera Benjamin... comme Gigli.
And now, gentlemen, Loca Spazia will sing foryou
Messieurs, l'oie Aspasie chantera mieux que Gigli...
For that one you need to call Beniamino Gigli! Such manners!
Bon, pour régler ça, on appellera Benjamino Gigli!
Gigli and Tito Schipa will sing there.
Gigli et Tito Schipa y chanteront.
The King of Sweden, Laurel and Hardy, Benjamino Gigli and Grock.
Le roi de Suède, Laurel et Hardy, Beniamino Gigli et Grock.
I'm gonna have to send GigIi over. He's gonna have to settle up with you.
Faudra que j'envoie Gigli s'arranger avec toi.
meanwhile, you got something for me, GigIi? Rhymes with really.
En attendant, t'as la chose, Gigli-qui-rime-avec-guili?
- It's nice to meet you, Larry GigIi.
- Enchanté, Larry Gigli.
Suffice it to say I now know how the makers of Gigli must have felt.
Ça me suffit pour savoir comment les réalisateurs de Gigly ont dû se sentir.
That reminds me, I gotta return Gigli. It's a week overdue.
D'ailleurs, je dois rendre Gigli.
Movie cost 80 mil, did less business than "Gigli."
Le film a coûté 80 millions et a rapporté encore moins que "Amours Troubles".
It is kind of the "Gigli" of snuff films.
{ \ pos ( 200,230 ) } C'est le "Gigli" des snuff movies.
It's like you're Matt Damon, and I'm Ben Affleck and I just made Gigli.
Comme si tu étais Matt Damon et moi Ben Affleck venant de tourner Gigli.
"Gigli." I honestly- - "Gigli" is a movie that I really didn't find as atrocious as most people.
Ce film n'est pas aussi mauvais qu'on le dit.
So same thing with "Gigli."
Pareil pour Gigli.
But, um- - the one thing. My only issue with "Gigli" was like, dude, you really going to play- - ring this fucking bell twice where you're like,
Mais ce qui m'a énervé dans Gigli c'est qu'il allait remettre ça.
That, to me, was they only mistake of "Gigli," double dipping and shit like that.
Refaire ce genre de truc.
And there was fucking crickets, sir.
Vous êtes Gigli personnifié.
So he writes "so gay" with an arrow pointing to me. And then I write "not really."
Ou j'écris Gigli, et je pointe une flèche sur lui.
- It's the "Gigli" effect.
C'est l'effet "Gigli".
Okay, we just sent down the gigli saw.
On a envoyé la scie de Gigli.
Students that when you study how
Saving Private Gigli Episode 5x01 ( 81 )
It's Gigli.
C'est Gigli.
How did the orphan boy afford tickets to see Gigli?
Un orphelin pouvait se payer une place pour Gigli?
"Team America."
- Team America. - Gigli, franchement...

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