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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ G ] / Goot

Goot tradutor Francês

14 parallel translation
And up there is Marie-Goot.
Et au-dessus, Marigott, c'est ma mére, la soeur de Katharina.
Goot and Pat.
La Marigott et le parrain...
Marie-Goot, I'll tell you something, that's wealth.
Crois-moi, Marigott... ça, c'est l'opulence!
Marie-Goot, this doesn't concern you.
Marigott, ça ne te regarde pas!
See, Marie-Goot, Paul is a normal, healthy man.
Tu vois, Marigott, Paul est un homme normal!
Marie-Goot, my residence permit has expired.
- Mon permis de séjour.
Leave Paul alone, Marie-Goot.
Laisse Paul tranquille.
Marie-Goot, be quiet.
Marigott, vas-tu te taire!
Marie-Goot was at Wiegand's for coffee... and she buttered her bread so thick.
Paul, ce matin, Marigott a pris le café chez Wiegand. Elle a mis tant de beurre sur son pain que les yeux de Wiegand ont failli lui sortir de la tête.
But Marie-Goot wasn't put out saying : "Nice soft cheese you've got".
Mais Marigott, imperturbable, lui dit :
- No, Marie-Goot.
Non, Marigott.
Marie-Goot, get over by your Washing.
Marie-Goot, fais ta lessive!
You just have to find what you're goot at.
Tu n'as qu'à trouver ce à quoi tu es bon!
Marie-Goot, What are you doing?
Que fais-tu, ma chére Marigott? Mets ça devant la fenêtre!

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