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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ G ] / Gulping

Gulping tradutor Francês

64 parallel translation
The way you're gulping it up, there won't be enough left to go around.
Au rythme auquel vous l'aspirez il n'en restera bientôt plus du tout!
You were gulping it down like an express train.
Et vous l'avez avalé à la vitesse d'un train rapide.
- I can't stop gulping. - You will.
- Je n'arrive pas à me calmer.
Now stop gulping down the champagne and go home.
Arrête de boire et rentre à la maison.
And you, stop gulping it down like a pig.
Et toi, arrête de mâchouiller ça comme un porc.
You're gulping that stuff down like it was milk. I'll be all right.
- Tu bois ça comme du petit lait.
[Jessica Gulping From Bottle] Proof?
Des preuves?
- Three shots of gulping whisky, ma'am.
- Trois bonnes rasades de whisky, m'dame.
[Gulping] Stop being such babies.
Grandissez un peu.
They seem to be gulping...
On dirait qu'elles portent...
'Forbidden Lust','Gulping Cheerleaders','Nice bodies',.............
"Plaisirs interdits", "Pom pom girls suceuses", "Jolis corps"...
[Gulping] I don't know where you magic pixies came from... but I like your pixie drink.
Je sais pas d'où viennent ces lutins mais j'aime leur élixir.
Mmm, semi-imported. [Gulping]
[Loud Gulping]
[Loud Gulping]
- Super.
- [Gulping, Chomping] I feel guilty coming here every Sunday... and never actually buying anything.
Je me sens mal de venir ici le dimanche sans jamais rien acheter.
[Gulping, Swishing] And another thing!
Autre chose, si jamais j'ai...
If they're pumping anesthesia and you're also gulping it down. What did I do with... By the maskful, then what's going to prevent us from passing out ourselves?
"Si le gaz est répandu dans la pièce et qu'on l'inhale aussi par masque, comment allons-nous pouvoir rester éveillés?"
You are miserable because you are always guzzling, gulping or puffing.
Tu te pourris la vie parce que tu picoles, tu bâfres et tu clopes.
Oh, j'ai le moral dans les chaussettes.
( gulping ) no wonder they call it "the good book."
Il n'y a pas de doutes quand ils l'appellent "le bon livre".
You were asked to chug-a-lug, and a-lug you shall chug! ( Gulping ) ( drunkenly ) :
On vous a demandé de siffler un verre, et vous allez ecluser! Il y a quelque chose que je veux vous demander... depuis longtemps...
I think I-I threw my back out. ( Gulping ) ( slurping ) you know, I wish I had an exciting life, like that class picture photographer.
Je crois que je devrais cambrer le dos.
What are you trying to tell me, skinner? ( Gulping ) ah...
Qu'est ce que vous essayez de me dire, Skinner? Euh...
( Gulping ) ( groans ) principal skinner is having second thoughts?
Il faut que je m'en aille. Le principal Skinner a changé d'avis?
- [Gulping] Yes.
And look at him gulping down large drinks with my little children's money!
Et regarde-le, il avale des boissons chers avec l'argent de mes enfants!
- [Gulping] Hey, I'm Roger.
Hé, je suis Roger.
- [Gulping] Gets the beer into your system faster.
Ça fait circuler la bière plus vite dans ton système.
M thought that there wouldn't be a lot for you to eat out here and you might have to resort to gulping down insect larva or something.
M pensait qu'il n'y aurait pas grand-chose à manger ici... et que tu devrais te résoudre à avaler des larves ou un truc du genre.
I just chased off a bunch of them, and there was Eugene in the middle of the swamp, gulping down somebody's arm.
J'ai poursuivi certains d'entre eux, et il y avait Eugène au milieu du marécage, qui avalait un bras.
Who is this prankster Kannan, who came sneaking and who waited gulping down.
Who is this prankster Kannan, who came sneaking and who waited gulping down.
He begins by gulping in air bubbles, forcing them up into his head.
Celui-ci avale des bulles d'air qu'il fait remonter vers le sommet de sa tête.
Thousands of mouths gulping plankton.
Des milliers de bouches qui engouffrent du plancton.
- Oh, hé, salut patron.
( gulping ) - l'd sky dive.
- Du parachutisme.
[Gulping] All right, main boosters are ready for a "go." It's a beautiful morning for a launch, ladies and gentlemen.
Quand nous reviendrons, vous apprendrez quelle UV de Mo-Larr a été transférée dans sa nouvelle école.
What came next was a frantic mix of kicking and gulping and bubbles and gasps.
La suite n'était que coups de pieds et eau avalée, bulles et halètements.
( james and mark gulping )
( James et Mark engloutissant )
( gulping )
( gloups )
The house... wonderful memories and a great life... that... that we all had there at some point, and... [gulping]
La maison... de merveilleux souvenirs et une vie formidable qu'on a tous vécu là, et...
You too, bro, only lies. You didn't help either and you're gulping it down.
Tu nous as pas aidés non plus, pourtant tu manges.
( Allen shouts ) I'm gulping for air.
J'ai du mal à respirer.
[Jay gulping] lt was you!
lt was you.
[All Gobbling, Gulping] - Pass the chutney.
- Passe-moi le chutney.
[Smacking, Gulping] Get me a towel.
Une serviette.
- [Gulping]
Voilà un inconditionnel.
[Gulping] Ew, it's warm.
Elle est chaude.
So she's gulping down the food and at some point the guy goes,
Et alors il lui dit : "Madame, vous mangez comme une cochonne."
Just so long as people keep on gulping down one or the other. Makes you kind of wonder if they're in cahoots.
Ça vous fait limite vous demander s'ils ne sont pas de mèche.
That's not... [gulping]
C'est pas...

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