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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / Has the jury reached a verdict

Has the jury reached a verdict tradutor Francês

122 parallel translation
Will the foreman of the jury please stand? Has the jury reached a verdict?
Monsieur le président du jury... les jurés se sont-ils prononcés?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
Le jury est-il arrivé à un verdict?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
Avez-vous décidé d'un verdict?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
Le jury a-t-il arrêté un verdict?
Mr. Tubick, has the jury reached a verdict?
M. Tubick, le jury s'est-il prononcé?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
Quel est le verdict du jury?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
Le jury est-il parvenu à un verdict?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
Le jury a-t-il rendu son verdict?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
- Le jury a un verdict?
Has the jury reached a verdict? Yes, we have, your honor.
- Le jury est-il arrivé à un verdict?
( judge ) Has the jury reached a verdict?
- Le jury a-t-il rendu un verdict?
( Judge Schreiber ) Has the jury reached a verdict?
- Le jury a-t-il délibéré?
- Has the jury reached a verdict?
Le jury a-t-il rendu son verdict?
Mr. Foreman, has the jury reached a verdict?
M. Le premier juré, le jury est-il parvenu à un verdict?
- Has the jury reached a verdict?
- Le verdict est-il rendu?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
Le jury a-t-il obtenu un verdict?
- Has the jury reached a verdict?
Le jury a-t-il un verdict?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
Le jury veut-il se prononcer?
Mr. Foreman, has the jury reached a verdict?
Mr.Foreman, le jury a-t-il rendu son verdict?
- Has the jury reached a verdict?
- Le jury a-t-il rendu son verdict?
- Has the jury reached a verdict?
- Le jury a-t-il un verdict?
Mr. Foreman, has the jury reached a verdict?
M. Foreman, le jury est-il arrivé à un jugement?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
- Le jury a-t-il délibéré?
- Has the jury reached a verdict?
Madame la présidente du jury...
JUDGE : Has the jury reached a verdict?
Avez-vous un verdict?
- Has the jury reached a verdict?
- Le jury a un verdict?
Mr. Foreman, has the jury reached a verdict?
Le jury a-t-il un verdict?
– Has the jury reached a verdict?
- Je fais du mieux que je peux!
Mr. Foreman, has the jury reached a verdict?
M. Le président, le jury a-t-il rendu son verdict?
Madam Foreman, has the jury reached a verdict?
Êtes-vous arrivé à un verdict?
Mr Foreman, has the jury reached a verdict?
M. le président du jury, le jury a t'il rendu son verdict?
- Has the jury reached a verdict?
- Le jury est-il parvenu à un verdict?
Foreman, has the jury reached a verdict?
Premier juré, le jury a-t-il rendu son verdict?
Has the jury reached a verdict?
Le jury a-t-il rendu un verdict?
- The jury has reached its verdict. - Why?
Le jury a délibéré.
Has the Jury reached the verdict as to the charge of the murders of Miss Jane Newby and Miss Vera Newby?
Le Jury a-t-il un verdict concernant les meurtres de Mesdames Jane et Vera Newby?
Has the jury reached the verdict as to the charge of accessory to the murders of Mrs Heather Newby and Miss Petra Graf?
Le Jury a-t-il un verdict concernant les meurtres de Madame Heather Newby et de Mademoiselle Petra Graf?
The jury has notified the judge that they've reached a verdict.
Les jurés ont déclaré pouvoir rendre leur verdict.
- The jury has reached its verdict? - We have.
Le jury a-t-il établi son verdict?
Has the jury reached its verdict?
Le jury a-t-il un verdict?
Madame Foreperson, the jury has reached a verdict?
Le jury est-il parvenu à un verdict?
The jury has reached a verdict?
Le jury a-t-il rendu un verdict?
The jury has reached a verdict.
Le jury est parvenu à un verdict.
Mr. Foreman, the jury has reached a verdict?
Le jury est-il parvenu à un verdict?
The jury may retire to the jury room. I'll advise counsel when the jury has reached a verdict.
Le jury peut se retirer jusqu'à ce qu'il ait rendu son verdict.
Madame Foreperson, the jury has reached a unanimous verdict?
Madame la présidente, le jury a rendu un verdict unanime?
Mr. Foreman, has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?
M. Foreman, le jury a-t-il tranché?
It is my understanding that the jury has reached a verdict, hat correc
D'après ce que j'ai compris, le jury a rendu son verdict. Est-ce exact?
Madame Foreperson, the jury has reached a unanimous verdict?
Madame la présidente, le jury est-il parvenu à un verdict unanime?
Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?
Est-ce que le jury en est arrivé à un verdict unanime?
Mr Foreman, the jury has reached a unanimous verdict?
Monsieur le 1er juré, le jury est-il arrivé à un verdict unanime?

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