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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / He'll know what to do

He'll know what to do tradutor Francês

175 parallel translation
Oh, I wish Dr. Ranger would come. He'd know what to do.
Si seulement le Dr Ranger venait ll saurait quoi faire
He's in for 10 years, and I know what it'll do to him.
Il en a pris pour dix ans, je sais comment ça finira.
And you know what he'll do to you.
Et vous savez ce qu'il vous fera.
But he'll never be able to go back and do the kind of work... you know, darling I don't think I understand what kind of work he was doing.
Mais il ne pourra jamais retourner faire le travail qu'il... tu sais, ma chérie, je ne comprends pas bien quel genre de travail il faisait.
He'll know what to do.
Il saura quoi faire.
- He'll know exactly what to do.
- Il saura exactement quoi faire?
We'll get to Lt. Quincy, he'll know what to do.
Le Lieutenant Quincy saura quoi faire.
He'll know what to do with them.
Il saura quoi en faire. Allez.
He must go to a hospital. They'll know what to do.
Il doit aller à l'hôpital, où l'on saura le soigner.
He'll know what to do better than anybody.
Il saura quoi faire mieux que quiconque.
" What I'll do if he decides to go down, I don't know.
" Que ferai-je s'il va au fond? Je l'ignore.
I don't know what the hell he wants to do... but it'll be a problem if we can't collect the estimated production by next week.
J'ignore ce qu'ils complotent mais on a besoin d'indigotiers avant la fête des Morts.
So you go around here twice, so that when he sees that real track, he'll know what to do.
Fais le tour d'ici deux fois pour qu'il sache quoi faire en voyant la vraie piste.
- He'd know what to do.
- ll saurait quoi faire.
He'll know what to do with you.
Il saura quoi faire de vous.
If anything happens to me, he ´ ll know what to do.
Comme ça s'il m'arrive quelque chose... Il saura quoi en faire.
He'll know what to do with it.
Il sait quoi en faire.
Just so there'll be someone around who'll know what to do... in case he tries to get in touch.
Il saura quoi faire au cas où il essaie de vous contacter.
When we get to the Great Owl he'll know just what to do about everything!
Quand nous arrivons chez la Chouette il trouvera la solution!
He knows the address. He'll know What to do When he comes.
Il saura quoi faire.
He'll know what to do with it. "
Il sait y faire. "
He'll know what to do.
II saura quoi faire.
Don't you know what he'll do to us?
Vous ne savez pas ce qu'il va nous faire?
He'll know what to do with the check.
Il saura quoi faire.
If he doesn't hear from us within an hour, he'll know what to do with them.
S'il n'a pas de nouvelles dans une heure, il saura quoi faire.
Breaks my heart to do this, but the next time I'm down here, you'll gang up on Jack so fast he won't know what the hell happened.
Ça me crève le cœur, mais la prochaine fois, vous vous vengerez avant que je comprenne ce qui m'arrive.
You know, He can come to you, if you do what He expects of you.
Tu sais, ll peut venir à toi, si tu fais ce qu'll attend de toi.
I'll get in touch with Ethan. He'll know what to do.
je suis sûre qu'il saura quoi faire
If he pipes up, you give a holler, And I'll know just what to do.
S'il se met à parler, prévenez-moi, et je saurai alors quoi faire.
We need Dad. He'll know what to do.
Il faut prévenir papa, il saura quoi faire.
He'll know what to do with them.
Il saura quoi en faire.
You don't happen to know what he meant when he said... he'll call you back later, do you? No.
Que voulait-il dire par "Je te rappelle"?
He's a lawyer. He'II know what to do. "
Il est avocat. ll saura quoi faire. "
Give this to your dad. He'll know what to do with it. I gotta go.
Donnes-le à ton père.
Because he'll know what to do?
Il saura quoi faire?
- He'll know what to do.
Il saura quoi faire.
After he sees Wong is alive, he'll know exactly what to do.
Quand il aura découvert la vérité, il saura exactement quoi faire.
Without me. Not that I do drugs, but I'd like to be asked. You know what else he wouldn't tell either of us?
sans moi... je me drogue pas mais quand même... ll est peut-être très malade.
He's gonna make more friends than he'll know what to do with. - Yeah?
Il va se faire plein de copains, il saura plus quoi en faire.
But do you know, after marriage, when my husband came to know about you... without given a thought to what people will say... without giving a thought to his own happiness... he brought me here to unite me with you... to fulfill that vow of marriage, that he'll give me all happiness.
Mais sais-tu qu'après le mariage, quand mon mari a tout su sur toi... sans penser à ce que les gens allaient dire... sans penser à son propre bonheur... il m'a amenée ici pour nous réunir... Pour mon bonheur. Comme il en a fait le serment à notre mariage.
I'll talk to Frank and he'll know what to do.
Frank saura quoi faire.
Tell the Vice President what's happened. He'll know what to do.
Informez le vice-président, il saura quoi faire.
You'll meet some great guy, and he'll make your head all foggy... and you won't know what to do with yourself.
Tu vas rencontrer un mec super qui te tournera la tête et tu ne sauras pas comment réagir.
He'll know what to do.
Croyez-moi, Frodon, il saura quoi faire.
Well, he'll know what to do.
Et bien, il saura quoi faire.
He'll know what to do. Now go.
Il saura quoi faire.
All right, then all we have to do is think of everything that someone could protest that starts with an "R", and then we'll know what he's protesting.
Ok, ce qu'on doit faire, c'est réfléchir à tout ce contre quelqu'un pourrait protester qui commence avec un R, et on saura contre quoi il manifeste
Yeah, the High Elf! He'll know what to do!
Ouais, les Haut Elfes.
I don't know if what he's doing is right. I don't know if he'll reach the machine city. And if he does, I don't know what he can do to save us.
J'ignore si c'est bien, ou s'il arrivera jusqu'à la ville des Machines, et s'il y arrive, j'ignore comment il nous sauvera.
You know exactly what they'll do to him once he leaves Rosenstrasse.
Tu sais ce qui arrivera quand il quittera la Rosenstrasse.
- He'll know what to do.
- Il saura quoi faire.

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