He's right about that tradutor Francês
227 parallel translation
He didn't know that he was doing anything that you might call noble but being one of the best oil men there is, he's got the right hunch about oil.
II ignorait totalement qu'il faisait quelque chose de noble, mais c'est un des meilleurs pétroliers et il a toujours eu de bonnes intuitions.
He's right about that part of you, Father.
Au moins en partie
And I just want you to know that I'll bring him back, Dorinda. He's going to be all right, Dorinda. Don't worry about it.
Mais je veux que tu saches que je le ramènerai et que tout ira bien, ne t'inquiète pas.
Just because he didn't know about Jessica's coma... you thought everything he said was wrong... and that mother's story was right.
Comme il n'était pas au courant du coma de Jessica, tu pensais que tout ce qu'il disait était faux. Tu croyais à l'histoire de mère.
All right, it's OK if that's the way he feels about it, but if he wants his ampoules, he'll have to come out of hiding and get them.
Très bien, si c'est ce qu'il pense. Mais s'il veut ses ampoules, qu'il vienne les chercher.
I have a notion, if your husband could have seen your face, when you were telling about that birthday party in 1947, he'd have painted you right smack in the middle of that picture, with his arms around you.
S'il avait vu votre visage quand vous racontiez cet anniversaire en 1947, il vous aurait peint en plein milieu et dans ses bras.
But if he's right about that, he may be right about the tail falling off. - Who is he?
Mais s'il a raison sur ce point, il peut avoir raison pour la rupture de la dérive.
Even if he is right about her... he is doubly wrong about my client, because... if Harry K. Thaw found his bride... to be what the district attorney claims she is... was it not inevitable that something should have snapped in his young mind... when he saw the man who had turned her into his -
Même s'il a raison pour elle... il a doublement tort pour mon client, parce que... si Harry K. Thaw avait découvert que son épouse... était ce que le procureur prétend qu'elle est... n'était-il pas inévitable que quelque chose craque dans son jeune esprit... en voyant l'homme qui l'avait transformée en...
He's gone right offhis rocker at the thought that she might find out about him.
L'idée qu'elle pourrait l'apprendre le rend fou.
That lousy union'll say anything about a boss who won't sign. Why let him get away with it? What right's he got to accuse...
Il s'acharne sur les patrons qui rejettent le syndicat.
That's right, he seems to know more about this Indian than a stranger should.
II semble en savoir bien long sur le Peau-Rouge.
He's a big boy, all right. There's no fooling about that.
Il est grand, ça oui, on ne peut pas dire le contraire.
He'll get you there all right, Mr Peters, that's all you need worry about.
Il nous conduira à destination, ne vous inquiétez pas.
All right, Joy Boy, go tell Darcey that the Dude ain't available cos he's diggin'up a husband for some old souse cos he's nuts about her apples.
Joe la Joie, va dire à Darcey que le Dandy n'est pas disponible. Il doit dénicher un mari pour la vioque qui vend ses pommes chéries.
He's just about ready with that contract. You'd better be right. And don't go away.
Patience, le contrat est presque signé.
If you really care about that boy... you've got to tell him the truth... that he's got to go to an orphanage right here.
Si tu tiens vraiment à ce garçon tu dois lui dire la vérité, qu'il ira dans un orphelinat ici.
He's right about that.
Il n'a pas tout à fait tort.
He's right about that!
- C'est aussi bon!
Of course, he's very upset about his wife but business is so heavy right now that he can't afford to neglect it for a moment.
Il est bouleversé par le décès de son épouse, mais ses affaires sont très prenantes.
You mean like that story about the lion cub who's tame until he gets his first taste of fresh meat, right?
C'est comme l'histoire du lionceau qui reste apprivoisé jusqu'à ce qu'il goûte de la viande pour la première fois?
And old Charlie's hound dog got loose right about that time... - Did he confess?
- Les chiens de Charlie se sont sauvés...
- He's right about that. Shut up or I'll take your scalp.
ah ça, il a raison ah vous, taisez-vous ou je vous scalpe ah non!
If you're right about Darrin, that means he's changed.
Si tu as raison à propos de Jean-Pierre, ça signifie qu'il a changé.
That's just what I wanted to talk to you about. The photo shows Dr Calabresi as he's falling, right?
La photo montre Calabresi au moment de sa chute, exact?
But at one thing he was right about, though, was that girl of Genovese's.
Mais, pour ce qui était de la petite amie de Genovese, c'était vrai.
No he hasn't confirmed, but he feels that's about right.
- Pas encore.
And if he doesn't then I may be right about something that's been nagging at me. I sure hope I'm not.
Autrement, c'est que j'ai vu juste, et ça ne me plairait pas du tout.
My opinion about experts is that it's something far too overestimated. It's a métier which shouldn't even exist. And how right he was!
À mon avis, les experts sont une race qui ne devrait pas exister!
I know I'm drunk, but he's still the whitest nigger in town, and I ain't gonna change my mind about that, I'll tell you right now.
Je sais que je suis bourré mais n'empêche que c'est le nègre le plus blanc de la ville et vous ne me ferez pas changer d'avis, je vous le dis.
That's right, he's been... working with us for about ten years
Ainsi, tu es l'espion. Exactement. Cela fait dix ans que nous le payons.
- He's right about that...
- Il a raison...
He probably sent that S.O.S. to the Coast Guard about the sinking yacht... right on your flight path.
Il a dû alerter les garde-côtes au sujet du yacht qui coulait.
If Sidney's right about it and I'm sure that he is.
Et je suis sûre que c'est le cas.
That's right, Ben, that's right! When I look at that man I say what's there to worry about? All he has to do is go into any city, pick up a phone and he's making his living.
C'est juste, quand je le vois, j'oublie mes soucis ll n'a qu'à décrocher le téléphone n'importe où pour gagner sa vie!
I wanna put it to a vote right now... that Dominic Prizzi... tells us what the hell he's gonna do about it.
Je mets ça aux voix tout de suite. Que Dominic Prizzi nous dise ce qu'il compte faire.
He's known about you all along. Isn't that right?
II est au courant de votre liaison depuis toujours.
He's right about that.
Il a raison.
He was the one that, after the murder was committed... went right back home and bragged about it to his friends.
C'est lui qui, après que le meurtre a été commis, est retourné chez lui et s'en est vanté auprès de ses amis.
I wonder if he's right about that killer striking again tonight.
Je me demande s'il a raison pour ce tueur qui doit frapper ce soir.
He's right about that, missy.
Ensuite, les gosses. Numéro trois, l'associé.
That's right, boy, and he about due for a snack.
Oui, mon pote, et c'est l'heure de son casse-croûte.
He's right about that.
- Sur ce point, il a raison.
Hall's right about that psychiatrist. He's turning you into a piano teacher.
Hall a raison, pour ton psychiatre... ll va te changer en professeur de piano!
There's no doubt in your mind that about 5 : 30 P.M. Jessie was sittin'- - he was sittin right down here.
Vous êtes certain qu'à 17 h 30, Jessie était assis... Il était là-bas.
All right, so he's right about that.
D'accord, il marque un point.
Or is it that Tumek said that you didn't know anything about Klingon women and you're afraid he's right?
Ou est-ce les propos de Tumek sur vos relations avec les Klingonnes? Vous avez peur qu'il ait raison?
He's right about a lot of things, but he's doin'stuff to kids now that... lt ain't good.
Il a raison sur plein de sujets, mais les trucs qu'il fait aux gosses... C'est pas bien.
So he put it about that Billy Rena's a grass, right?
Alors il a fait circuler que Billy Rena était une balance, pas vrai?
But I think the reason he kept silent, and I feel I'm right about this... is that he felt something special had happened as well.
Mais je crois que la raison de son silence, etje sens que j'ai raison lâ-dessus, c'est qu'il a senti aussi qu'un truc spécial s'était produit.
Well let me tell you, if he was being that concerned about me... I wouldn't be helping you into bed right now
S'il avait ce genre d'attentions pour moi c'est pas toi que je mettrais au lit.
But he won't know what to make of your blinker signal that says you're about to turn right. This is to let him know you're pulling off for a proper place to talk.
Mettez le clignotant à droite comme pour chercher "le bon endroit pour s'arrêter et discuter."
he's right 2452
he's right outside 22
he's right over there 72
he's right behind me 20
he's right there 145
he's right behind you 25
he's right here 197
about that 749
he's so cute 178
he's my uncle 44
he's right outside 22
he's right over there 72
he's right behind me 20
he's right there 145
he's right behind you 25
he's right here 197
about that 749
he's so cute 178
he's my uncle 44
he's mine 293
he's so handsome 49
he's my husband 167
he's dead 3015
he's got a gun 260
he's doing okay 17
he's my brother 335
he's my baby 20
he's gone 2224
he's my best friend 106
he's so handsome 49
he's my husband 167
he's dead 3015
he's got a gun 260
he's doing okay 17
he's my brother 335
he's my baby 20
he's gone 2224
he's my best friend 106
he's a doctor 159
he's my cousin 54
he's an idiot 170
he's my dad 94
he's back 468
he's so hot 26
he's an architect 23
he's coming for you 27
he's a liar 128
he's my man 22
he's my cousin 54
he's an idiot 170
he's my dad 94
he's back 468
he's so hot 26
he's an architect 23
he's coming for you 27
he's a liar 128
he's my man 22
he's so little 16
he's a good boy 135
he's coming 800
he's so beautiful 30
he's awake 133
he's in the shower 29
he's my hero 20
he's a 342
he's all 26
he's a good boy 135
he's coming 800
he's so beautiful 30
he's awake 133
he's in the shower 29
he's my hero 20
he's a 342
he's all 26