He can't see me tradutor Francês
183 parallel translation
Excuse me, my friend, I can't see Mr Lestingois ; is he out?
Je n'aperçois pas M. Lestingois... Est-il sorti par hasard! Lestingois!
He didn't see me. I can make an awful racket, maybe break down the door.
Je peux faire du grabuge, casser la porte peut-être.
I just can't believe I'm going, that he really wants to see me.
Je ne peux croire que je vais...
He can't see me again.
Il ne faut pas qu'il me revoie.
He says, "You never want to see me again and then I can't even go out for air."
Et il a dit : "Tu ne veux plus me voir et je ne peux même pas sortir..."
He said she didn't want to see me. I can't believe that.
Soi-disant qu'elle refuse de me voir.
He wouldn't see me. - We gotta do something. Can't we sue him?
On ne peut pas lui faire un procès?
If he can't even walk across the plaza to say goodbye to me I don't want to see him again or think of him or hear his name.
S'il ne peut même pas venir me dire au revoir, je ne veux plus le voir, ni entendre parler de lui.
I can see that little angel on your knee can't you see he kind of sort of looks like me?
I can see that little angel on your knee can t you see he kind of sort of looks like me?
See, he's trying to make me furious, so that I'll turn around and kick him, but he can't do it.
Il tente de me faire fâcher, pour que je me retourne et que je le botte, mais il n'y arrive pas.
Shut up, can't you see he's trying to comfort me?
Tais-toi. Il essaye de me réconforter.
And he's holding her so close, I don't see how the poor girl can breathe.
Et il la serre si fort, je me demande comment elle arrive à respirer.
A Mr Stephen Torino gave this as his address but now I see it I can't imagine why he wants to work for me.
Un certain M. Stephen Torino m'a donné cette adresse, mais je ne sais pas pourquoi il veut travailler pour moi.
─ No, he can't see me like this.
- Il ne doit pas me voir.
I can't see him He can't see me
Je ne le vois pas Il ne me voit pas
You see, he can't put pen to paper until he's actually lived the whole plot.
- Allons nager. - Je ne me baigne pas.
Well, after what he said when he came to see me last month it can't do any good making it public.
Etant donné ce qu'il a dit quand il est venu me voir le mois dernier il vaut mieux que les gens ne sachent rien.
Well he can't see me now.
Il me voit plus maintenant.
Can't you see? He's asking me if I'm hurt.
Au-dessus de m'interroger si j'ai mal!
- He can't see me.
Il ne me voit pas.
... and now I see a psychiatrist about five times a week, and he told me that, uh... well, he told me that I can't have sex except under certain conditions, and he said that it's a matter of time, it's a matter of time.
Je vois un psy cinq fois par semaine, et il m'a dit... de n'avoir de rapports sexuels que sous certaines conditions, et il a dit que c'était une question de temps.
Do you know the name of a good hypnotist I can go and talk to and see if he could help me lay off these cigarettes before tomorrow night, or else Warren won't get that job, see?
Connaissez-vous un hypnotiseur qui pourrait m'aider à arrêter de fumer avant demain soir, sinon Warren ne sera pas pris.
You see, he knows you won't hurt me, but I can hurt you.
Il sait que vous ne me ferez pas de mal mais je peux vous blesser.
But yes, can't you see, now he turns his face over.
- Tu ferais mieux de me faire rire, maintenant, ou je t'écartèle membre par membre, comme les pétales d'une marguerite!
He can't see anyone. He'll see me.
Il a un ulcère au pied, et ne reçoit personne.
Alors je vais aller de l'autre côté, où il ne me verra pas.
He's coming over. I can't let him see me like this.
Il ne faut pas qu'il me voie dans cet état.
Well, I wish you would've called me. See, I can't let you take anything until he approves it.
Je ne peux rien vous laisser emporter tant qu'il n'a pas donné son accord.
Do you see how you accept what he says and you can't do the same for me?
Tu acceptes ce qu'il te dit et tu n'acceptes pas ce que je dis.
I can't wait to see if he makes our secret sign
J'ai hâte de voir s'il me fera signe.
He's poked me in the eye, I can't see!
Il m'a crevé un oeil! Je vois plus.
Can't you see how fascinated he is by me?
Tu ne vois pas combien je le fascine?
Whenever I see a car phone, I can't help wondering whether the person who owns it is important or wants everyone else to think he's important.
Quand je vois un téléphone dans une voiture, je me demande si le propriétaire est quelqu'un d'important ou s'il veut se faire passer pour quelqu'un d'important.
Can't you see he's not with me?
- Il est pas avec moi!
So he really can't see me
Il est incapable de me voir.
Can't he see what's inside of me?
Ne peut-il pas voir ce que je renferme?
He can't see me if I'm sitting down.
Il me verra pas si je suis assise.
I can see and hear him, and he can see and hear me, but we can't interact physically.
Je peux le voir et l'entendre et il peut me voir et m'entendre... mais on ne peut pas communiquer physiquement.
He can't see me or hear me.
Il peut pas me voir, ni m'entendre.
Funny. When I see a friend with an ugly girl, I tell myself : "Can't he see charming girls abound... while his is barely passable?"
- C'est drôle, quand je croise un ami au bras d'une fille moche, je me demande toujours s'il se rend compte qu'il y a des filles charmantes et que la sienne est pas terrible.
Show him I'm one of the boys. He won't let me see his files, but maybe he'll relax enough to drop his guard so that I can finesse a little information out of him.
Il me montrera pas ses dossiers, mais il me laissera peut-être lui extirper finement quelques renseignements.
Now look I can assure you he'll would want to see me.
Parles-tu anglais? Ecoute. Je t'assure qu'il voudra me voir.
He doesn't believe I'm on the team because he can't see me during the games.
Il ne croit pas que je suis dans l'équipe parce qu'il ne me voit pas pendant les matches.
Can meet each other once a year, at least but why can't he come and see me at all?
Une fois l'an. Une rivière lui barre t'elle le chemin? Pourquoi ne vient-il pas?
He can't see me here.
Il ne peut pas me voir.
He would call and say,''I love you, miss you, can't wait to see you.''
Il me téléphonait pour dire : "Je t'aime, tu me manques, je veux te voir."
You don't think he can cross it out and write it better... so you can see it's for me, that we're friends?
Ne penses-tu qu'il pourrait le barrer et l'écrire mieux... ainsi on verrait que c'est pour moi, que nous sommes amis?
But he's not here you see, so he can't, but I could, illuminate me.
Mais il n'est pas là et ne peut rien faire. Moi si. Éclairez-moi.
Won't be much help with this heat, the kind of heat... that makes me want to head for that swimming hole with my friend James... strip off everything, including my panties... which you can see right fhrough anyway... and poke my soft, pink tongue in his mouth... and slide my hand way up the inside of his leg... until he's so hot that he rolls over on top of me... and I'm yelling, "James," his name.
Mais qui ne changera rien à la chaleur. Ce genre de chaleur qui me donne envie d'aller à la piscine avec mon ami James, d'ôter tous mes vêtements, même mes dessous, bien qu'ils soient transparents, et d'insérer ma douce et rose langue dans sa bouche, de glisser ma main entre ses jambes jusqu'à ce qu'il soit si excité qu'il me roule dessus et que je hurle son nom.
You can see it where he's saying "Well, don't play this", or something
On le voit qui me dit quelque chose comme : "Non, joue pas ça"
He can't see me, but I'm always there.
Il ne peut pas me voir, mais je suis toujours là.
he can't swim 20
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can't help you 16
he can't be trusted 40
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can't help you 16
he can't be trusted 40