He can talk tradutor Francês
1,284 parallel translation
It's all he can talk about.
Il ne parle plus que de ça.
He thinks he can talk to me like that?
Il croit qu'il peut me causer comme ça?
He can talk, we can air it.
Il peut parler, on peut le diffuser.
He can talk to the fishes.
Il peut parler à la poiscaille.
He can talk anything with you... but don't talk about sexual thing.
Il peut vous parler de n'importe quoi... mais il ne parle pas de sexe.
Marco, if... you are near Peter Bowman, go and get him and put him on the radio... so he can talk to his wife, and we'll accept that as a proof of life.
Marco, puisque... Peter est pas loin, passe-le-nous Il parlera à sa femme et ce sera la preuve qu'il est toujours vivant
We've gotta find Phil. He's the only one who can talk some sense into him.
Il faut retrouver Phil, lui seul peut le raisonner.
Johnny, tell him he can't talk to you like that.
Ne le laisse pas te traiter comme ça.
You can't talk to Stan, Wendy, he throws up when you do.
Lui parle plus, Wendy, ça le fait vomir.
He has like a God complex. You can't talk to him anymore.
Il se prend pour un dieu et on ne peut plus parler avec lui.
He has, like, a God complex. You can't talk to him anymore.
Il a une sorte de complexe de Dieu.
I can translate American salivating boy-talk. He says you're beautiful.
En langage de salive d'ado américain, ça veut dire que tu es belle.
OK. If he can still talk.
D'accord, s'il peut encore parler.
He can't talk right now.
Il peut pas parler en ce moment.
Now, if you cooperate, I can talk to Admiral Locksley. He'll support your resignation and you can escape public humili...
Si vous coopérez, je parlerai à l'amiral Locksley, et vous pourrez éviter l'humiliation...
He can't talk because of his tongue. The research says it swells.
Sa langue l'empêche de parler, elle gonfle.
- He can talk.
- Il parle.
I was gonna talk to you... You know what, if Stuart thinks he can push me out of the White House...
S'il croit qu'il peut m'éjecter de la Maison Blanche...
- Can I talk to you alone for one second? - But, l-l called the plumber, and he assured me that he will be here as soon as he can- -
Mais j'ai appelé le plombier, il m'a assuré que...
He can't talk on the phone at will.
Ton père ne fait pas ce qu'il veut.
If he can clear me, I want to talk to him!
S'il peut me disculper, je veux lui parler!
Don't make it so he can't talk.
Pas trop fort, qu'il puisse parler.
If it's important he can come and talk to me.
Si c'est important, dis-lui de descendre me parler.
He must be burdened with a past that he can't talk about to anyone.
Mais il doit sans doute coltiner un sacré passé... trop lourd pour en parler.
We'II talk again. - Look, he can't do anything to you!
On se reverra!
Or you try to talk to him and he tries to look around you so he can see the TV.
Ou bien vous essayez de lui parler... et il tend le cou pour regarder la télé.
He's just bursting to talk to you. Can't wait another minute... just to find out what you'll say.
mourant d'envie de vous parler, ne pouvant pas attendre de savoir ce que vous direz.
Can he talk, Doc?
Il peut parler?
He is the one who you can talk to. "
C'est la personne à qui parler. "
I wanna talk to him, and I thought if I sue him, when I get to heaven he'll say, "What's up with that?" And then I can ask him some questions.
Je veux Lui parler face à face. Si je L'attaque, quand Il me verra au Ciel... Il dira "C'est quoi, tout ça?" et je Lui poserai des questions.
Yeah, but why can't he at least talk about it?
Mais alors pourquoi il m'en parle pas?
I'll talk to Brent and see if he can remember where they took him.
Je vais retourner voir Brent.
- No, he won't. I can talk to him.
- Non, je lui parlerai.
You know what I think, John? You can talk till your tongue falls out. He's going to kill you regardless!
Si tu veux mon avis, John, tu auras beau le raisonner des siècles durant, il te tuera quand même.
If he's still listening, I think we can get him to talk. To call in.
S'il écoute encore l'émission, on pourrait arriver à le faire appeler.
He can't talk, but, man, can he rock.
Il n'a pas de dent, mais il sait mordre.
Well, I said "Can we talk about this?" He said "Inside". I said "Inside what?" He said...?
j, ai dit :, Discutons-en, il a dit :, Entrez., j, ai dit :, Entrer où?
We can't talk about he fact that you're sick?
Quoi? On ne peut pas parler de ta maladie?
"ltem. lf any man be seen to talk with a woman within the term of three years,..... he shall endure such public shame as the rest of the court can possible devise."
"Si un homme est surpris parlant a une femme dans un delai de 3 ans... il subira l'humiliation publique que le reste de la cour pourra imaginer."
He can't just come out and talk to me, say what he's really feeling... and neither can I.
Il ne peut pas me parler de ses sentiments... ni moi des miens.
He can't even talk.
Il peut même pas parler.
A Bloodhound not only has a great nose, but he also- - They can talk.
Un saint-hubert n'a pas seulement un super flair, il sait parler.
I wish I could speak to JoJo to reassure him that I'll hurry back to see him. You can hardly blame Dean for wishing he could talk to his underwater companion.
Donc, quand un film grand format sur les dauphins s'est présenté... il est évident que j'étais très désireux d'y participer.
Can he talk?
- Il peut parler?
He can't do anything, don't talk nonsense.
Il ne peut rien faire, dis pas de conneries.
He asked you to move in and all you can talk about is this new therapist.
et tu me parles de ce nouveau... psy.
He can't talk now.
Il est occupé, là.
He can't talk, he has to do his chores.
Il peut pas parler, il doit faire ses corvées.
Listen, Angleman can talk all he wants, but I'm still in charge till the brass gets here.
Angleman peut dire ce qu'il veut, mais je commande jusqu'à l'arrivée des huiles.
Look, I'm going to Devon's to see if he's got a place I can crash, but I was hoping that we could talk.
Je vais passer chez Devon, voir s'il peut m'héberger, mais j'avais espéré qu'on pourrait discuter.
- Why won't you talk to me? - He can't.
- Pourquoi refuses-tu de me parler?
he can't swim 20
he can fly 25
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can fly 25
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19