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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / He wants to see me

He wants to see me tradutor Francês

291 parallel translation
He wants to see me dance.
- Il veut me voir danser.
And announce that he wants to see me right away.
Et vous annoncerez qu'il me demande tout de suite :
Oh, well, I could see him between trips, if he wants to see me.
Je le verrai entre deux voyages s'il veut me voir.
He wants to see me tomorrow
Il veut me voir demain.
He wants to see me before I start on my vacation.
Il veut me voir avant que je parte en vacances.
- Do you really think that he wants to see me?
Vous croyez qu'il veut me voir?
He wants to see me urgently.
Il voulait me voir d'urgence.
He told me about Regan, but that's not what he wants to see me about.
II m'a parlé de Regan, mais je ne suis pas venu pour ça.
I think he wants to see me.
Je crois qu'il veut me voir.
Well, he wants to see me.
Il voudra me voir.
He wants to see me.
Il veut me voir.
He said he wants to see me again.
Il a dit qu'il voulait me revoir.
You tell Alec Waggoman I'll be right here if he wants to see me.
Dites á Alec Waggoman que je suis ici, s'il désire me rencontrer.
My son just phoned me. He wants to see me.
Mon fils désire beaucoup me voir demain après-midi.
He wants to see me about something important.
Il voulait me voir pour une raison importante.
He wants to see me on my own.
- Il me demande de bien vouloir le recevoir seul.
Well, honey, Brad's my brother, he wants to see me.
Eh bien, mon ange, Brad est mon frere, il veut me voir.
That he likes me, and I'm beautiful, and he wants to see me again.
Que je lui plais... qu'il reviendra me voir... Et tu sais ce qu'il m'a dit?
If he wants to see me right away then I'm afraid I won't be able to come with you.
S'il veut me voir tout de suite, je pourrai pas venir avec toi.
He wants to see me alone. Go away!
Je dois être seule, file!
He wants to see me tonight.
Il veut me voir ce soir.
He wants to see me badly
Il veut que je le retrouve.
He wants to see me alone
Il dit qu'il veut me voir seul.
- He wants to see me?
- Moi?
What are you going to do if Saigo-san still remembers me, and says he wants to see me?
Et s'il se souvenait de moi? Et s'il voulait me voir?
- He wants to see me?
- Il veut me voir?
He wants to see me tomorrow.
Il veut me voir demain.
He'll be here tomorrow on business and he wants to see me.
Il vient à Hambourg pour autre chose, bien sûr.
In case i don't see the squire, would you ask him when i come to his limit, blow his nose if he wants me to go on.
Si je ne le vois pas, demandez-lui... de se moucher, j'enchérirai.
Tomorrow, he wants to see the farm I'm going to get married on.
Il veut venir voir demain la ferme où je veux me marier.
Pardon me, Mr. Fenner wants to see you. - Where is he?
M. Fenner veut vous voir.
I just can't believe I'm going, that he really wants to see me.
Je ne peux croire que je vais...
Harriston has new planes that he wants me to see.
Harriston veut que j'aille voir ses avions.
He's disappeared, and I think it's foul play... because Mr. Farnsworth wants to see me, and if he could, he would.
Il a disparu, et pour moi, c'est louche. Car M. Farnsworth veut me voir, et s'il le pouvait, il le ferait.
No. he'll have to see me now, whether he wants to or not.
Maintenant elle va devoir me recevoir, qu'elle le veuille ou non.
You see, I love Tony but if he wants to come back it's got to be for me.
J'aime Tony, mais s'il revient un jour, je veux que ce soit pour moi.
Tomorrow in Bourges, he wants me to go see him.
- Il sera demain à Bourges, il me demande d'aller le voir.
He asked me to tell you he wants to see you.
Il m'a demandé de te le dire.
He wants me to fix it so that he can see this Dory with his own eyes.
Il veut voir Dorrie de ses propres yeux.
He wants to put me away in an institution and I'd never see you again.
Il veut me placer dans une institution et je ne te reverrais jamais.
Mr Oxly sent me. He wants to see you right away.
M. Oxly veut vous voir d'urgence.
You'll tell him that he wants to see me, he can demand it himself.
On va te conduire.
A Mr Stephen Torino gave this as his address but now I see it I can't imagine why he wants to work for me.
Un certain M. Stephen Torino m'a donné cette adresse, mais je ne sais pas pourquoi il veut travailler pour moi.
He wants to see me again.
Il veut me revoir...
Well, the colonel wants to see me, doesn't he?
Le colonel veut me voir, n'est-ce pas?
Goodbye. He wants me to go and see him.
Cade aussi.
He wants to humiliate me, see me suffer, make me throw away my hard-earned money!
Il veut m'humilier, me torturer, me forcer à lâcher un argent durement gagné!
He wants me to go and see him right away.
Il veut que j'aille le voir immédiatement.
M.A.A. Sent me. He wants to see you right away.
Le chef veut te voir immédiatement.
He told me, he wants to see love in her eyes before he dies.
Il m'a dit que il veut voir amour dans ses yeux avant qu'il meure.
I want to see that scoundrel dead, but he just has to touch me and he can do whatever he wants.
Bien que rien, je tape du contre le mur, me maltraite, vous ne pouvez pas faire avec moi ce que vous voulez.

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