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Heywood tradutor Francês

129 parallel translation
Floyd, Heywood R.
Floyd, Heywood R.
This is my good friend, Dr. Heywood Floyd.
Un cher ami, le Dr Heywood Floyd.
And there's another thing, Heywood.
Il y a autre chose, Heywood.
I know you will all want to join with me in welcoming our distinguished friend and colleague from the National Council of Astronautics, Dr. Heywood Floyd.
Je sais que vous tous avec moi souhaitez la bienvenue à notre estimé ami et confrère du Conseil National d'Astronautique, le Dr Heywood Floyd.
That was an excellent speech you gave us, Heywood.
Votre discours était excellent.
Don't worry about it, Heywood. Mr. Wilcox and I will take care of that.
M. Wilcox et moi, on s'en occupera.
HEYWOOD : Stones!
Des pierres!
Heywood, if the bank closes, we're out of a job.
Si on ferme, nous crèverons de faim!
Heywood, open it. Open it or you're fired.
Ouvrez, ou je vous chasse!
They killed Heywood in cold blood.
Il ont tué Heywood de sang-froid.
Because, with this, you're stepping into a new class. Heywood Bruin.
Parce qu'avec cet article tu rejoins les grands.
H.L. Mencken.
Heywood Bruin. HL Mencken.
You are Dr. Heywood floyd?
Vous êtes le Docteur Floyd?
Good evening, Mr Heywood, sir.
Bonsoir, M. Heywood.
Evening, Mr Adams, sir.
- Bonsoir, m'sieu Heywood.
Seasick, Mr Heywood, sir?
Le mal de mer, M. Heywood?
Make sure Mr Heywood has some, though.
Merci. Mais assurez-vous que M. Heywood en ait.
Away. Coming up for sup, Mr Heywood.
Vous remontez, m'sieu Heywood!
Mr Heywood's going to have to answer for this, you know.
M. Heywood devra en répondre.
Poor Heywood.
Pauvre Heywood.
Last night. Three men of Mr Heywood's watch deserted ship. The penalty for which is death by hanging.
Pendant le quart de M. Heywood, trois hommes ont déserté, ce qui est passible de mort par pendaison.
Mr Heywood, how is it you did not see them?
M. Heywood, comment se fait-il que vous ne les ayez pas vus? - Vous dormiez?
I'm afraid you're gonna have to, Miss Heywood.
Je crains que vous soyez obligée, Mlle Haywood.
That's a Heywood-Wakefield.
C'est un Heywood-Wakefield.
Hey, Heywood. Hey, Dex.
Bonjour, Heywood.
- Thank you, Heywood.
- Merci, Heywood.
- Heywood.
Heywood, that isn't soapstone! And it ain't alabaster either.
C'est pas de la saponite, ni de l'albâtre.
You won't hurt Heywood. We all know that.
Tu ne lui feras rien, on le sait.
- Right, Heywood?
- Même Heywood le sait.
The man's been in here 50 years, Heywood, 50 years!
Il est là depuis 50 ans.
P.S. Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat.
P.S. Heywood, pardon pour le couteau.
His name is Stan Heywood.
Il s'appelle Stan Heywood.
is Stan Heywood there? Stan, John Kelly.
Passez-moi Stan Heywood.
HEYWOOD : John Kelly?
John Kelly?
Stan Heywood.
Stan Heywood.
I swear, Stan Heywood gambles no more.
Je vous le jure...
I swear to you, I really appreciate Robin helping me out like this.
Stan Heywood ne joue plus. Et je vous jure que... je remercie Robin de m'aider de la sorte. Sincèrement.
Mrs. Heywood, come over here now. All right.
Mme Heywood, veez, maiteat.
All right, Mrs. Heywood!
C'est bie, Mme Heywood!
Lou Sur, and Heywood Jablome.
Albert Lingo, Arthur Lu, et Lou Pomme.
- Heywood.
- Heywood.
Dr. Heywood Jablowma.
Dr. Heywood Jablowma.
Dr. Heywood Jablowma to the emergency room.
Dr. Heywood Jablowma en salle d'urgence.
Oh Heywood!
Oh Estève!
I don't know a Heywood Jewblowm either.
Je ne connais pas non plus d'Estève M'Susse.
Heywood Jabloome, Heywood Jabloome.
Estève M'Sussé.
- Mayor Heywood.
Major Hayward.
Now, you have a nice lunch, Heywood.
Bon appétit!
Heywood, you keep your mouth shut about this, you hear?

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