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His alibi checks out tradutor Francês

54 parallel translation
But his alibi checks out perfectly.
Son alibi est valide.
His alibi checks out... he was in Laughlin with his wife at a farmers market.
Il était à Laughlin, avec sa femme, à un marché.
Yeah, he's an ass, but his alibi checks out.
Oui, c'est un con, mais son alibi a été vérifié.
The man that George had a fight with at work, his alibi checks out.
L'alibi de l'homme avec qui George s'est battu au travail tient debout.
I've been through this footage a thousand times, and his alibi checks out
J'ai repassé la bande une centaine de fois, et son alibi tient la route.
Well, Carl Fisher lives in the neighborhood, but, so far, his alibi checks out.
Et bien, Carl Fisher vit dans le voisinage, mais, pour le moment, son alibi tient debout.
Son alibi est bon.
His alibi checks out.
Son alibi est vrai.
His alibi checks out.
Son alibi tient la route.
For one thing, his alibi checks out.
Déjà, son alibi tient la route.
Problem is, his alibi checks out.
L'ennui, c'est que son alibi est valable.
And we know Drew Rich didn't do it... his alibi checks out.
Et nous savons que Drew Rich ne l'a pas fait... son alibi a été vérifié.
Dave was at Paradise Isle, but his, his alibi checks out.
Dave était à Paradise Isle, mais son alibi a été vérifié.
- Not if his alibi checks out.
- Pas si son alibi est bon.
I hope his alibi checks out.
Que ce n'est pas lui.
His alibi checks out.
Son alibi est vérifié.
- His alibi checks out.
- Son alibi tient.
Well, his alibi checks out, too.
Son alibi correspond aussi.
I'll go check that number he gave us again, See if his alibi checks out.
Je vérifie le numéro qu'il a donné pour voir si son alibi tient.
Yeah, his alibi checks out.
Son alibi concorde.
He was having dinner at the Moore Street Grill from 6 : 30 to 10 : 00, and his alibi checks out with the restaurant.
Il était en train de dîner au Moore Street Grill de 6h30 à 10h00. Et son alibi a été vérifié auprès du restaurant. - A-t-il pris le sac de sport?
And you and I both know his alibi checks out.
Et toi et moi savons que son alibi concorde.
His alibi checks out.
Son alibi concorde.
The thing is, his alibi checks out.
Le truc c'est que les alibis concordent.
His alibi checks out, and he was telling the truth about his car.
Son alibi est vérifié, et il a dit la vérité pour sa voiture.
But his alibi checks out.
Mais son alibi est bon.
Well, his alibi checks out.
Son alibi a été vérifié.
And his alibi checks out.
Et son alibi est vérifié.
Turns out he was out of town for all of the kills and his alibi checks out.
Il s'est avéré qu'il était en dehors de la ville pendant tous les meurtres et son alibi est vérifié.
His alibi checks out for the Simon Kelly murder.
Son alibi tient pour le meurtre de Simon Kelly.
And if his alibi checks out, then I'm back to square one
Et si son alibi est vérifié, je reviens à la case départ avec
He was supposed to be at Yale the night she was killed, and I need for you to tell me that he was there, that his alibi checks out.
Il était supposé être à Yale le soir où elle a été tuée, et tu dois me dire qu'il était là-bas, que son alibi soit vrai.
He was supposed to be at Yale the night she was killed, and I need for you to tell me - that his alibi checks out. - Okay.
Il était supposé être à Yale la nuit où elle a été tuée, et j'ai besoin que tu me dises que son alibi est bon.
He was supposed to be at Yale the night she was killed, and I need for you to tell me that his alibi checks out.
Il devait être à Yale la nuit du meurtre. Vérifie son alibi.
So his alibi checks out.
Donc son alibi tient la route.
His alibi checks out.
Je viens de parler à la mère de Corey.
Um, his alibi checks out.
Son alibi tient la route.
And his alibi checks out.
Et son alibi est confirmé.
But if his alibi checks out, then what are we left with? Robbery?
Mais si son alibi est confirmé, alors qu'est ce qu'il nous reste?
His alibi checks out.
Son alibi à été vérifié.
His alibi checks out, but you were right, Castle.
Son alibi tient debout, mais tu avais raison Castle.
His alibi checks out, and Barry Newly is legit.
Son alibi est confirmé, et Barry Newly est légitime.
His alibi checks out.
Son alibi a été confirmé.
Hypothetically speaking, how would you feel about a betting pool on whether his alibi checks out?
Sans jouer d'argent, que diriez-vous de parier si son alibi se vérifie?
See if his alibi checks out.
Voir si son alibi tient la route.
His alibi checks out.
Son alibi vérifie.
Thanks. His anger-management alibi checks out.
Je viens de vérifier son alibi sur une thérapie contre la colère.
Boss, his alibi for yesterday morning checks out
Son alibi pour hier matin est confirmé.
I'll check out his alibi, run background checks on his employees.
Je vais vérifier son alibi, et faire des recherches sur le passé de ses employés.
His alibi for the Truman killing checks out.
Son alibi pour Truman s'est vérifié.
His alibi for the night of the eighth checks out.
Son alibi pour le huit est vérifié.

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