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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / His grandmother

His grandmother tradutor Francês

462 parallel translation
Miss Joan, there's a man down here wants you for his grandmother.
Mlle Joanne, un homme vient vous voir de la part de sa grand-mère.
Something the matter with his grandmother's paisley shawl.
Quelque chose cloche avec le châle en motif cachemire de sa grand-mère.
Your father brought a man into the bank who sold me... his grandmother's paisley shawl with a beer river running through it.
Ton père a amené un homme à la banque qui m'a vendu... le châle de sa grand-mère à motif cachemire où coule une rivière de bière.
That mayor would hang his grandmother to be reelected.
Le maire est capable de tout pour être réélu.
Another guy wanted me to rub out a name in his grandmother's will.
Un autre voulait falsifier un testament.
I don't like fooling around with Leo. He'd shoot his grandmother.
Je me méfie de Leo, il tuerait sa grand-mère.
Queen Isabel, his grandmother, was lineal of the Lady... of the Lady... of the Lady... of the Lady Ermengard, daughter to Charles, the foresaid Duke of Lorraine.
Reine Isabelle, sa grand-mère, descendait en droite ligne de Dame... de Dame Hermengarde, fille du susnommé Charles, Duc de Lorraine.
As a matter of fact, Job says she looks like his grandmother.
D'ailleurs, Job dit qu'elle ressemble à sa grand-mère.
A guy that can't remember the maiden name of his grandmother...
- Attends... Si tu oublies le nom de ta grand-mère...
A boy in Des Moines took a blowtorch to his grandmother.
Un garçon de Des Moines a menacé sa grand-mère d'un chalumeau.
That miser Every fur coat he gives his wife he inherited from his grandmother
Ce pingre? Les fourrures de sa femme lui viennent de son aïeule.
She could have been his grandmother!
Elle était vieille.
He'd crucify his grandmother for a story.
Il tuerait père et mère pour la une.
Yes. Tell her what happened... and that I suggested the boy spend the night... at his grandmother's house.
Dites-lui ce qui s'est passé... et que j'ai suggéré qu'il serait peut-être préférable... que le garçon passe la nuit... chez sa grand-mère.
His grandmother was the cousin of my mother's aunt.
Sa grand-mère était la cousine de la tante de ma mère.
Bobby stays on with his grandmother.
Bobby reste avec sa grand-mère.
He said it was from his grandmother... and you'd know what to do with it.
Pour M. Caulfield, monsieur. De la part de sa grand-mère... et il dit que vous saurez quoi en faire.
- Who cut up his grandmother.
- Qui avait découpé sa grand-mère...
I think that Admiral will have his grandmother made skipper.
Votre amiral est pire qu'un négrier.
Richard offered me his grandmother's earrings.
Richard m'avait offert les boucles d'oreilles de sa grand-mere.
His grandmother on his father's side was Jewish.
Sa grand-mère paternelle était juive.
You see, as a matter of fact his grandmother was also from County Cork.
Vous voyez, il se trouve que sa grand-mère était aussi du comté de Cork.
He'd sell his Grandmother for tuppence half penny.
Il vendraient leur grand-mère.
Now he enters my sight looking as though he just exhumed his grandmother with his bare hands.
Et là, on dirait qu'il a exhumé sa grand-mère de ses propres mains.
His grandmother.
De sa grand-mère!
- It was his mother, his grandmother...
- C'était à sa mère, à sa grand-mère...
The baby grew up with his grandmother.
L'enfant grandit avec sa grand-mère.
He ate his wife, saleswoman in a store, His two children and his grandmother.
Il a mangé sa femme, vendeuse dans un magasin, ses deux enfants et sa grand-mère.
But, first of all, you got to understand about his grandmother.
Mais vous devez savoir au sujet de sa grand-mère.
His grandmother brought up him... and his sisters.
Sa grand-mère les a élevés, lui et ses soeurs.
We came to ask if you want to go with us..... to the funeral of Marcello and his grandmother
Nous sommes venues te demander si tu voulais nous accompagner à l'enterrement de Marcello et de sa grand-mère.
Yes, it's sad the Lord took Marcello and his grandmother
Oui. C'est triste que le Seigneur ait pris Marcello et sa grand-mère.
Yet the man he called father and the woman who was his grandmother do not come out to greet us!
Et l'homme qu'il appelait son père et sa propre grand-mère ne viennent même pas nous accueillir!
His grandmother tried to interest him in letter-writing and his wife bought him a two-way radio, but Hirt's allegiance to the phone was unshaken.
Sa grand-mère essaya de l'intéresser à la correspondance et sa femme lui acheta un émetteur-récepteur, mais l'allégeance de Hirt au téléphone était inébranlable.
If you please, Herr Baron, we thought that Mr Henry could do with a glass of his great-grandmother's wine.
Pardon, Herr Baron, le vin de son arrière-grand-mère ferait du bien à M. Henry.
I can assure you that in your grandmother's case he knows his business.
Je peux vous assurer que dans son cas, il sait ce qu'il fait.
I sworn to man, that feller would sink his own grandmother... to salvage the gold in her teeth.
Je le jure, cet homme ferait couler sa propre grand-mère pour récupérer l'or de ses dents.
Today, he's all jade and emeralds and his coat is a most wonderful pattern of pale violet stripes, worked entirely in petit point, just like my grandmother's footstool!
Aujourd'hui, des émeraudes. Et son manteau a de superbes rayures violet pâle. Tout travaillé au petit-point, comme le tabouret de grand-mère.
He will shoot his own grandmother in the back and lay bets on which way she's falling.
Il tirerait sur sa propre grand-mère pour parier sur la façon dont elle s'écroule.
The fact that at one time my mother... your grandmother... was employed as a maid in his father's house.
Du fait qu'à un moment ma mère... ta grand-mère... était employée comme domestique dans la maison de son père.
You are Mark's maternal grandmother, Mrs. Robbins? His mother's mother?
Vous êtes sa grand-mêre maternelle, Mme Robbins?
Couldn't catch his own grandmother.
Il ne rattraperait pas sa grand-mère.
One of a set of eight belonging to his great-grandmother.
Elle venait d'un service qui appartenait à son arrière-grand-mère.
Go to his sister, because his sister is like his grandmother.
Allez chez sa sœur, elle est comme sa mère.
His grandmother is like his mother, like his daughter, if he could make one.
Et sa mère, comme sa fille, s'il en avait une.
He wouldn't drop his guard with his own grandmother!
Il ne relâcherait même pas l'attention avec sa grand-mère.
Shortly after this, grandmother, who liked Terumichi very much... wand who was responsible for his upbringing, died
Grand-mère, qui aimait bien Terumichi et l'avait élevé. Elle est morte peu après.
Mr. Duke, my grandmother bequeathed his villa near the sea to the nuns and to me a rectory in the mountains.
M. Ie duc ma vieille bique de grand-mère a légué sa villa à la mer aux bonnes soeurs et à moi Ie presbytère à la montagne.
He taught his children to use it when they were young and educated his Estonian grandmother to treat it with admiration and affection.
Il apprit très tôt à ses enfants à s'en servir et à sa grand-mère estonienne à le traiter avec admiration et affection.
We don't have his decoration either. My grandmother keeps it.
La médaille de mom père se trouve chez ma grand-mère.
My grandmother never recognized my mother and didn't give us his order.
Elle n'a pas voulu reconnaîre maman, et elle a gardé la médaille.

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