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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / How'd you find me

How'd you find me tradutor Francês

468 parallel translation
- How'd you find me?
- Comment m'as-tu trouvé?
- How'd you find me?
- Comment m'avez-vous trouvé?
Gee, Pop, how'd you find me?
Ciel, papa, comment tu m'as trouvé?
Well, I didn't know how to find you, and the Mayor wouldn't give me your address, so, I felt that if I offered to buy your land, that you'd be sure to come.
- Je ne savais pas comment vous trouver. Le maire ne voulait pas me donner votre adresse, alors j'ai pensé... que si je proposais ïacheter votre terre... vous viendriez certainement.
I was hoping you'd call. How'd you know where to find me?
Comment avez-vous su où me trouver?
How'd you find me?
On t'a dit où j'étais?
First to find out if I would have you as a lawyer, and also so that you'd tell me how I should go about it.
Savoir si je vous aurai comme avocat. Et pour que vous me disiez comment m'y prendre.
- Tell me, inspector how'd you find out about the attaché case?
La mallette... d'où savez-vous?
- How'd you find me?
Comment t'as su?
- How'd you know where to find me?
- Comment êtes-vous venue?
- How'd you find me?
Comment m'avez-vous trouvée?
Neither did I. How'd you find me?
Moi non plus, comment m'avez vous trouvé?
How'd you find me?
- Comment tu m'as retrouvé?
Tell me something, Bama. How'd an old pro like you find your way to a hole like this? Me?
Dis-moi, comment un vieux pro comme toi a pu finir ici?
I wondered how soon you'd find me.
Je me demandais quand tu me trouverais.
How'd you know where to find me? - Well, we got a good...
Comment avez-vous su où me trouver?
If you can find out how to get it, please let me know because if, God forbid, anything went wrong it'd be nice to have an American to blame it on.
Si vous trouvez comment l'exercer, je vous en prie, tenez-moi au courant. Si ça tourne mal, je pourrai rejeter la faute sur un Américain.
How'd you find me?
Tu m'as trouvé?
Hi. How'd you find me?
Comment tu m'as trouvée?
Even if you did get them, and you got to San Francisco, how'd you find me?
Si tu viens plus tard à San Francisco, comment me trouveras-tu?
How'd you ever find me?
Comment tu m'as trouvé?
How'd you find me?
Comment tu m'as trouvé?
And at last I find a mountain of gold and I can't put it in my poor pockets until I find a cat. How will you help me?
Je finis par trouver de l'or et je ne peux pas en profiter... avant d'avoir trouvé un chat.
How'd you find me?
Comment m'as-tu trouvée?
How'd you find me?
Comment m'avez-vous trouvé?
That is why you find me, I am not a coward... because I know exactly how I am going to die, following all what has been happening.
Je peux le repérer tout de suite. Ainsi Dieu le punira directement car je travaille d'après les instructions de Dieu.
How'd you know to find me?
Comment tu as su où me trouver?
How`d you find me? I don`t know.
Comment m'avez-vous trouvé?
How'd you find me?
Comment m'as-tu trouvé?
You told me how envious you were and how much you hoped you'd find a way to get a starship command again.
Vous m'avez dit à quel point vous avez envie et à quel point vous espériez trouver un moyen de commander un vaisseau à nouveau.
How'd you find me, anyway? No one knew I was here.
Comment m'avez-vous trouvée?
Listen, how'd you find me?
Comment tu m'as trouvé?
- The office told me I'd find you here. - How very thoughtful of them.
- Le bureau m'a dit que tu serais là.
How'd you boys know where to find me?
Comment avez-vous su ou me trouver, les garçons?
- How did you find me?
- D'ou tu sors?
- How'd you know where to find me?
- Comment as-tu su où j " étais?
How'd you find me?
Comment tu m'as retrouvée?
How'd you find me?
- Comment tu m'as retrouvée?
Well, I figured I'd better come over here or how else would you find me?
Il valait mieux que je vienne ici sinon vous n'auriez pas su où j'étais.
But if these people were to find out you was looking for them, I wonder how they'd feel about that.
Mais si ces gens apprenaient que vous les cherchez, je me demande ce qu'ils diraient.
How'd you find me?
Comment as-tu trouvé?
- How'd you find me here?
- Et vous m'avez trouvé!
So how'd you find me?
Comment m'avez-vous trouvé?
- How'd you find me? - Moneypenny.
- Comment m'avez-vous trouvé?
So, how'd you find me?
Comment as-tu su où je vivais?
- How'd you find me?
Vous m'avez trouvé...?
No, Kitty, how could you? You said you were going to the beauty parlour, and now I find you here, where they said I'd find you, in room 19-H of the Bird of Paradise Motel in Redondo Beach, at two in the afternoon with this man.
Tu me dis que tu vas au salon de beauté, à Hollywood, et je te trouve là où on m'a dit, chambre 19-H, au motel Bird of Paradise, à Redondo Beach, à 2h de l'après-midi, avec cet homme.
- How'd you find me anyways?
- Comment m'as-tu trouvé, d'ailleurs?
I'll tell you what. While I check on where that one came from, and find out how big it was, and pick up all the mess here, let me play something for us by Roger Eno.
Je vais demander d'où est partie la secousse, voir son amplitude et ranger un peu ce chantier.
You? How'd you find me?
Que fais-tu ici, comment m'as-tu retrouvé?
Danny, how'd you find me?
Comment m'as-tu trouvée?

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