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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / How'd you get it

How'd you get it tradutor Francês

540 parallel translation
Funny how easy it is to get the truth when you're holding this eh?
C'est fou comme c'est simple d'avoir la vérité quand t'as ça dans les mains, hein?
You will see with your own eyes from now on how hard it is to get the time slot.
Vous le verrez de vos propres yeux à quel point il est dur d'obtenir un créneau.
How can you make it all into nothing like this? ! Hyun Min, at any rate, now that it's been decided, let's go for 30 % of viewership rating, and get more money for the extended episodes.
Comment peux-tu changer tout cela en rien! Et gagner plus d'argent avec les nouveaux épisodes.
There's something phony here. How'd you get it?
Comment avez-vous fait?
How do I know where you get it?
C'est à vous, d'en trouver!
Yes, and I know how you intend to raise it. Get my name on a contract... shake down some new angel on the strength of my reputation.
En secouant le cocotier d'un généreux mécène attiré par ma signature en bas d'un contrat.
How did you get it?
D'où te vient cet argent?
How would you like it if you'd been counting on a break sure you was gonna get it and all you got was laughed at just because some guy's been sucking around the boss?
Tu réagirais comment si tu avais été sûr de l'avoir et que tu te récoltais une veste à cause d'un type qui fait de la lèche auprès des patrons?
How'd you get it, Crab?
Comment t'as eu ça?
How'd you get away with it?
Comment tu t'es tiré?
No matter how tough it looks or how long it takes, I'll get you out.
Ce sera dur et long, mais je te sortirai d'ici.
How'd you get it?
- Comment?
How'd you get it?
- Comment? La paix!
I figure it depends a might on how you get it and how you spend it.
Ça dépend d'où il vient et de ce qu'on en fait.
How can I be sure you'll get it by Saturday?
Suis-je sûr d'être payé samedi?
How'd you get it?
Comment l'avez-vous eu?
No matter how many planes and tanks and guns you pile up, no matter how many men you got, it doesn't mean a thing, unless the men get the stuff when they need it.
Peu importent les tanks, les fusils ou le nombre d'hommes. C'est inutile si tes gars ne livrent pas à temps.
Yeah, I can easily see how it wouldn't take much courage... to get a notorious patriot off Devil's Island. But just for professional reasons, I'd like to know how you're gonna do it.
Il ne faut pas un grand courage pour tirer un patriote de l'île du Diable, mais... j'aimerais savoir comment vous comptez faire!
Now, Dan, foolin'is fooling', but this has took on a serious turn. Ever figure how many votes it'd get you if people in town saw you ride in with a murderer across your saddle?
Vous avez pensé à tous les votes que vous allez gagner quand on vous verra arriver avec le meurtrier attaché à votre selle?
Soon at school you'll get it known How a peasant from Arkhangelsk State, By God's will and by his own Came to be so learned and great.
On t'apprendra à l'école comment venu d'Arkhanguelsk un paysan est devenu un grand homme grâce à Dieu et à soi-même.
How'd you get out of it?
Qui vous a sauvé?
Did you ever stop to think how it is? The judge can never say anything but "thirty days!" "Thirty days!" You'd think it'd get monotonous.
Quand on y réfléchit, le juge ne dit jamais autre chose que "trente jours!" Ça doit être monotone.
How'd you get it?
- Où tu l'as eu?
- How'd you get out of it, Mark?
- Comment t'en es sorti?
How'd you get it?
- D'oû ça vient?
How'd you get it?
Il en voulait 25000 dollars.
Okay, how did you get it?
D'accord. Comment l'avez-vous eu?
Calder, how long do you think it'll take us to get from here to Council City?
Calder, combien de temps il faut d'ici à Council City?
You don't know how wonderful it is to fall in love and get married and raise a family.
Et comme c'est bon d'aimer et d'avoir des enfants.
How hard it must be to live in the modern world with these sensibilities that you get from...
Ce doit être difficile de vivre dans le monde d'aujourd'hui avec cette sensibilité qui te vient...
It's crazy how you can get yourself in a mess sometimes and not even be able to think about it with any sense, and yet not be able to think about anything else.
C'est fou comme parfois, on se met dans le pire pétrin et on n'arrive ni à y réfléchir de façon sensée, ni à penser à quoi que ce soit d'autre.
- How'd you get it? - Give me a drink, I'll tell you.
- Sers-moi à boire et je te raconterai.
You don't know how it can get blown up. You don't know what one off-horse can do to a house.
La mauvaise réputation d'un seul élève peut le détruire!
How'd you get the stuff, anyway? Just go in my store and take it?
Vous les avez pris dans mon magasin?
How'd you get it?
How'd I know it was you? You get yourself all dolled up like Aster's pet horse and then stick your nose in that door and don't say nothing.
Tu t'es fait beau, et tu passes la porte sans rien dire.
Perhaps you thought that I made too much of that trip. and you were afraid to meet me because you didn't know how to get out of it.
Craignant que je ne donne trop d'importance à notre escapade, tu as préféré m'éviter pour te tirer d'affaire.
- How'd you get her to do it?
- Comment vous avez fait?
How'd you get it back?
Comment l'as-tu récupérée?
He has enough votes sewed up to get you through on the floor. So it looks like you're in. How'd you like a drink, Mr. Secretary?
Le Sénat suivra, vous voilà élu.
You'd be surprised how much fun you can have sober, when you get the hang of it.
C'est sympa d'être sobre. Il faut trouver le truc.
If we don't figure a way on how to get down from here, you won't need any food, because you're gonna have no place to put it.
Si nous ne trouvons pas le moyen de descendre d'ici, tu n'auras plus besoin de nourriture, parce que tu risques de ne plus avoir de place où la mettre.
How'd you get it into the States, smuggle it?
Comment l'avez-vous fait entrer? - En le cachant?
- How did you get it?
- D'où le tiens-tu?
- Well, I am trying to be reasonable, but it's awfully difficult to understand how you let yourself get in this absurd position.
- d'accord? - J'essaie, mais j'ai du mal à comprendre que tu te sois laissé entraîner dans une telle situation.
I don't care how you do it, but get her off.
peut importe comment vous ferez, mais sortez la d'ici.
- How'd you get it?
- Mais comment es-tu devenue hôtesse?
It was very considerate of you to get this for me when I know how much you hate it.
C'est très gentil de ta part, d'autant que je sais combien tu la hais.
If you can find out how to get it, please let me know because if, God forbid, anything went wrong it'd be nice to have an American to blame it on.
Si vous trouvez comment l'exercer, je vous en prie, tenez-moi au courant. Si ça tourne mal, je pourrai rejeter la faute sur un Américain.
How'd you get it?
Comment tu l'as eu?
I'm not sure how to get you back where you belong yet but I can sure keep you out of the way until I figure it out.
Je ne sais pas encore comment vous renvoyer d'où vous venez, mais je peux vous envoyer ailleurs en attendant.

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