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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / How did i do that

How did i do that tradutor Francês

172 parallel translation
How did I do that?
Quelle maladroite!
- How did I do that?
- Comment j'ai fait?
Tell me, how did I do that?
Dites-moi. Comment ai-je fait?
How did I do that?
Comment ai-je fait ça?
How did I do that?
Et comment aurais-je fait ça?
Now, how did I do that?
Comment j'ai fait?
How did I do that?
Et comment ca?
How did I do that?
Comment aurais-je fait ça?
How did I do that?
Comment j'ai fait ça?
- How did I do that?
- Et qu'ai-je fait?
How did I do that?
- Dois-je m'exprimer?
How did they decide that a fiddle was fit? Norman, is there anything I can do for you?
Et qui décide que la forme est pleine?
- Please. How did I do that?
Comment cela?
You never did a job like this because you never could do a job like this, and that's why you're gonna do this one, jackie. And that's how you're going to get away with it. But, george, i got no guts.
T'as jamais fait ça parce que t'as pas le cran, c'est pour ça que tu vas faire ce coup-là, et t'en sortir.
If I did that, how do I know that you would still be friendly?
Si je le fais, comment savoir si tu resteras gentil?
How do you know Scruggs had a good time? What did I do? Is that all right with you?
Ça te convient?
I want to look up to God and say, "How the hell did you do that... and why the hell can't I?"
Je veux demander à Dieu "Comment fais-tu des trucs pareils?" - "Pourquoi je n'y arrive pas, moi?"
Did I teach you how to do that?
Je t'ai appris ça?
I'm not asking you to admit it, nor tell me how you did it. Instead I am asking you again to do your best to follow her to the capital and prevent the chaos that would certainly derive from the Queen's hostility towards the Archduchess, the Ministers, and the Crown Council.
Je vous demande encore une fois de faire en sorte de la suivre et d'empêcher tout désordre dû à l'hostilité de la reine envers l'archiduchesse, envers les ministres, envers le conseil de la couronne.
Well, as a matter of fact, I do, but how did you know that?
C'est exact. Comment savez-vous ça?
- Yes, I'm fine. - How did she do that?
- Oui, ça va.
How the hell did I do that?
Comment est-ce possible?
How do you know that I did?
Comment savez-vous que j'y suis arrivé?
- How did you do that? I'm one of the proofers.
- Comment t'as fait?
Do you know how long I wondered what would happen if I did that?
J'ai toujours voulu savoir ce que ça entraînerait.
I want the French to say, "My God, how did they do that?"
Je veux que les Français disent : "Mon Dieu, comment ont-ils fait ça?"
How in the hell did I do that?
Comment est-ce possible?
How did you know that is just what I wanted to do myself?
Comment saviez-vous que est juste ce que je voulais faire moi-même?
I mean, how did you do that?
Comment as-tu fait?
Ha, I once did hold it, as our statists do a baseness to write fair and labored much how to forget that learning. But, sir, now, it did me yeoman's service.
Je trouvais jadis vulgaire l'art de calligraphier, mais ce jour-là, il m'a rendu un fier service.
Do you see how that hurt Damien, i think it did.
Oui. Tu as vu le tort que ça a fait à Damien?
How did I do that?
Comment ai-je fait?
No, a thing like this, no matter how it ends up, people are gonna think I did something that I didn't do.
Peu importe comment ça finira, les gens me croiront coupable alors que je n'ai rien fait.
I don't get it. I mean, how the hell did you do that?
J'veux dire, comment est ce que t'as bien pu faire ça?
- How'd you do that? - Furlow did the reprogramming, I came up with the idea.
- Furlow a fait la reprogrammation, et j'ai eu l'idée.
When did I learn how to do that?
Quand ai-je appris ca?
- How do I know he did that?
Comment je l'ai su?
How many times did I ask you not to meddle with the hotel... and its guests, that you do your business elsewhere?
Combien de fois t'ai-je dit de ne pas t'approcher de l'hôtel... et de ses clients, et de faire tes affaires ailleurs?
Nikki, do you have any idea how much it hurts to know that I did the right thing?
Nikki, sais-tu combien je souffre d'avoir pris la bonne décision?
- How'd you do that? - Actually, I did that.
- comment avez-vous fait?
How did you know how to answer my hail? I am the Jaffa who helped Teal'c escape. How do we know that?
Comment vous croire? C'est bon d'entendre ta voix, O'Neill.
You think that's what Rick did? How do I know?
Tu crois que Rick a fait ça?
Comment faire après ce que j'ai fait?
- I just... thought it. - I just... thought it. - How did you do that?
- Comment tu as fait ça?
-... how did I know that was coming? - I'm not saying it's not. But seeing it, seeing what they're making him do...
- Je ne dis pas que c'est une erreur, mais en voyant ce qu'ils veulent lui faire faire.
How did you know I could do that?
Comment saviez-vous que j'y arriverais?
I once read that you took something like $ 3 million and leveraged it... to build a $ 100 million building. How did you do that?
J'ai lu que tu avais disposé de 3 millions de dollars pour construire un immeuble de 100 millions.
How did I do that?
Ah ouais?
And how exactly did I do that?
Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait, au juste?
Do you have any idea how I felt whenever you did that?
Sais-tu ce que j'éprouvais lorsque tu faisais ça?
I bought you! How did I forget that that's all you do?
Je t'ai acheté et j'ai oublié que tu faisais ça!

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