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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / How did you get this

How did you get this tradutor Francês

782 parallel translation
How did you get this way?
Comment es-tu devenu ainsi?
How did you get this letter?
- Comment l'avez-vu obtenue?
How did you get this?
Comment l'avez-vous eue?
How did you get this power to interfere in people's lives?
De quel droit te mêles-tu de sa vie?
How did you get this car?
D'où vient cette voiture?
My letter to Johann. How did you get this?
Ma lettre à Johann!
How did you get this, Charley?
Où avez-vous eu ça, Charley?
Well, Gladys, how did you get this idea?
Gladys, comment avez-vous eu cette idée?
My Costume for the Boléro... how did you get this?
Mon costume pour le Boléro, comment l'avez vous eu?
How did you get this address?
Qui vous a donné cette adresse?
- How did you get this information?
- D'où viennent ces informations?
With this driving skill, how on earth did you get your driving license?
comment avez-vous eu votre permis?
How long did you think you could get away with this?
Vous pensiez pouvoir vous en tirer comme ca?
How did you get to this little bit of heaven, kid?
Comment tu as atterri dans ce coin de paradis, petit?
How did you get mixed up in this brawl?
Vous étiez là aussi?
All right. Gosh, how did you ever get down here at this hour?
Comment as-tu fait pour venir ici si tôt?
- How did you ever get on this ship, anyway?
- Comment es-tu montée à bord?
Goodness! How did you ever get like this?
Comment en étes-vous arrivé lé?
- Mrs. Rocke, how did you get into this museum?
- Comment êtes-vous entrée dans le musée?
- How did you get all this money?
- Ça fait une somme!
And how many did you get in this time?
Et combien dans le chapeau?
How in the world did you do it? I mean... get the money to send to me and buy all this too?
Comment as-tu réussi à m'envoyer de l'argent et acheter tout ça?
How did you get on this train?
Comment es-tu arrivée ici?
Elizabeth, Elizabeth, how did you ever get into this gang?
Elizabeth! On se demande ce que tu fais avec eux!
How did you get this necklace?
Comment vous l'êtes-vous procuré?
Young man, how did you get in this dressing room?
Jeune homme, comment êtes-vous entré dans cette loge?
- How did you get into this house?
- Par où êtes-vous entré?
How much did you get out of this?
Combien t'ont-ils payée pour ça?
How did you happen to get mixed up with this outfit of leaping fleas, anyway?
Pourquoi ëtes-vous parachutiste?
Say, how did you get so good at this?
Vous êtes vraiment très bon à ce jeu.
Say, how did you get this?
Comment avez-vous eu ça?
How did they ever get you in on this deal?
Comment on t'a embarqué dans l'affaire?
How did you get here? This is for war brides and military personnel.
Ce navire est pour les mariées de guerre et les militaires.
You're not wearing your usual deadpan look, that "how did I ever get into this family" look.
Tu n'as pas ton air : "Persone-ne - me-comprend-dans-cette-famille".
How did you people get in this room?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Comment êtes-vous entrés ici?
- How did you get into this?
- Comment avez-vous atterri ici?
Before you go any further with this, how did he get in through the street door?
Attendez un peu... Et la porte de la rue?
Now that you've gathered all this information, how did you ever plan to get out of Russia with it?
Une fois l'information en main... comment pensais-tu la faire sortir de la Russie?
How did you ever get interested in all this?
Ces choses vous intéressent?
How did you get invited to this party?
Comment avez-vous été invitée?
How did you get the ear of the prosecution to tell them about this conversation you had with Lt. Manion?
Comment avez-vous été en rapport avec l'accusation pour lui rapporter la conversation que vous aviez eue avec Manion?
Did she tell you how they intended to get this information out?
Est-ce qu'elle vous a dit comment ils comptaient sortir les infos du pays?
How did you get out of this?
Comment t'es-tu évadée?
You never did a job like this because you never could do a job like this, and that's why you're gonna do this one, jackie. And that's how you're going to get away with it. But, george, i got no guts.
T'as jamais fait ça parce que t'as pas le cran, c'est pour ça que tu vas faire ce coup-là, et t'en sortir.
How did you even get into this outfit, Muley?
Pourquoi tu t'es engagé?
How did you get mixed up with this crowd?
Comment t'es-tu retrouvée dans ce groupe?
How did you get mixed up in this, Rev?
Comment avez-vous été mêlé à tout ça, révérend?
- How did you get into this game?
- Pourquoi travaillez-vous avec eux?
Just how did you get to this country, then?
Comment êtes-vous arrivé ici?
How many trucks did you get up this cliff?
combien de camions sont là-haut?
What are you doing here? How did you get past the roadblock? What is this?
Comment êtes-vous arrivé jusqu'ici, malgré le barrage?

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