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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / Howling

Howling tradutor Francês

681 parallel translation
You're not man enough to get up for another, but you lie there howling murder.
Et tu n'oses pas te relever. Tu préfères pleurnicher.
And just as I was commencing to get drowsy, I heard dogs howling.
Et alors que le sommeil commençait à me gagner, j'ai entendu des chiens hurler.
- It sounds like a wolf howling.
- On dirait un loup qui hurle.
And I have heard howling at night.
Et j'ai entendu hurler la nuit.
Slowly, and may it heal her howling.
Lentement! Et qu'elle guérisse complètement, complètement!
I heard some queer beast howling back there along the water.
J'ai entendu un hurlement de bête étrange au bord de l'eau
Well, it looks like the reunion's a howling success.
On dirait que les retrouvailles sont une réussite.
"Gorged with the blood of the poor, the wolves are howling for more."
"Déjà gavés du sang des pauvres, les loups hurlent encore pour en avoir plus."
- The wolves were howling.
- "Les loups hurlent encore."
But somebody else is going to do the howling.
Mais c'est quelqu'un d'autre qui va crier.
- Yeah. - ( WOLF HOWLING )
( WOLVES HOWLING ) JACK : ( CHUCKLING ) Aw, that's grand music.I
C'est de Ia bonne musique.
- I heard his lady friend howling last night. 1
- Jai entendu sa compagne hurler hier.
I'll get you food, but stop howling for it!
Je vais vous nourrir, mais arrêtez de crier!
I mean, the authorities were gravely concerned... Oh. ... with a series of murders, not unlike this one and they were always preceded by the howling of a wolf.
Je veux dire, les autorités étaient très préoccupées... par une série de meurtres semblables à celui-ci... qui étaient toujours précédés du hurlement d'un loup.
I knew it by the howling of the dogs.
Je le sais grâce aux hurlements des chiens.
And there he come, howling at me and waving them just like...
Et il m'a sauté dessus en hurlant comme...
The military clique howling Clemenceau down because he told them that the army was honeycombed with graft and warned them not to provoke the Prussians.
La clique militaire a hué Clémenceau qui accusait l'Armée de corruption et la mettait en garde de ne pas provoquer la Prusse.
He ran so fast, his legs couldn " t keep up with him, so that he fell and rose howling and ran some more.
Il courait plus vite que ses jambes. Il est tombé en hurlant et s'est remis à courir.
Instead of sitting decently at the table eating their dinners... they're howling and roaring at one another like a lot of banshees.
Au lieu de dîner tranquillement, ils crient comme des putois.
Well, Myra, we're a couple of howling successes.
Décidément, tout va bien!
I've got to make you wake up to what you and Sam are doing to this state, troops everywhere, radicals in congress howling their heads off for reconstruction, murders, robberies, bitterness, neighbor against neighbor.
Je dois t'ouvrir les yeux! Des troupes partout, la Reconstruction en péril! Tout n'est que meurtres, vols et ressentiment!
Strumming a guitar and howling at the moon.
Gratter une guitare, hurler à la lune.
Wish that dog would stop howling.
Que ce clebs la boucle!
He doesn't need more than one second... to invent the most howling lie you ever heard.
Il va vous inventer un roman instantanément!
I am sitting in me new wig as lord of Jamaica... when 100 foaming parents come clattering... and howling for me life's blood.
Je portais ma perruque neuve de gouverneur quand une foule est venue réclamer ma tête.
Junior wolves are howling.
Les jeunes loups se mettent à hurler.
Already the British lion is howling with terror.
Déjà le lion britannique hurle de terreur.
- You'll be howling in a minute. Come out.
- Et toi qui brailles.
Oh, yes. But suppose that spook starts howling?
Mais si ce spectre se remet à hurler?
The gauchos were howling with laughter... when they saw us come out on the track.
Les gauchos ont bien rigolé en nous voyant sur la ligne de départ.
Don't laugh. What if, after all, for these thousand years, it has been our souls... haunting in the howling of the wind on the ramparts, and through the woods.
Ne riez pas, si c'était nous pourtant si depuis mille ans c'était nos âmes qui se poursuivaient dans les gémissements du vent sur les remparts, et dans les bois.
Then quit howling!
Alors, cesse de hurler!
In any case... if milord will but give me the day and hour of the fete... I will prepare a masque of madness that will set you howling.
Quoi qu'il en soit, si milord daignait me donner le jour et l'heure de la fête, je préparerais une mascarade qui vous ferait hurler de rire.
Those dogs and their constant howling are driving me frantic.
Les hurlements constants des chiens me rendent folle.
They do say the howling of a dog means death.
On dit bien que le hurlement d'un chien signifie la mort.
Every night they keep me awake with their howling.
Je ne dors jamais tant ils aboient et ils hurlent.
We feel that the thing that's upsetting you... is more sinister than howling dogs.
Selon nous, ce qui te contrarie est plus sinistre que des chiens hurlants.
Everything is comparatively quiet. With the exception of a few dogs howling.
Tout est relativement calme... mis à part quelques chiens qui hurlent.
Carol mentioned your being frightened of howling dogs of late. I merely added up the facts.
Carol m'a dit à quel point les hurlements de chiens... vous effrayaient dernièrement et j'en ai déduit ça.
Oh, darling, no wonder he's howling. He's never been locked up in his entire life.
Pas étonnant qu'il pleure, il n'a jamais été enfermé.
- Well, gentlemen, as I was saying... there I was, besieged on all sides... the citizens to the front, the howling investors behind me... the sheriff's men closing in.
Comme je vous le disais, j'étais là, cerné de toutes parts. Les citoyens devant, les investisseurs derrière. Les hommes du shérif tout près.
He'll start on the prowl, looking for me with a cold howling heart of hate... and a gun full of bullets to try and stop me from talking about what I don't know.
Il va se lancer à ma recherche, le revolver à la main, pour m'empêcher de parler.
Poor howling idiot, he never even did that.
Pauvre crétin, il ne l'a même pas fait.
I tell thee, churlish priest, a ministering angel shall my sister be when thou liest howling.
Elle sera un ange... et tu brûleras en enfer...
I heard a peafowl howling.
J'ai entendu un faisan.
- Don't pay attention to that public howling.
- Ignorez la presse. - C'est ce que je fais.
You won't leave the palace until tomorrow morning when you'll fall into the hands of a howling mob!
"Partir"? Tu ne partiras pas avant demain matin. Quand tu franchiras le seuil, tu tomberas aux mains de la foule.
Stop that howling'and watch were you're goin'!
Arrête de brailler et regarde où tu vas!
- He's getting twenty strokes did i order that? - why is he howling?
Pourquoi hurler ainsi?
You don't suppose we've made the most howling mistake, do you?
Et si on avait fait une erreur?

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