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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / Hyung

Hyung tradutor Francês

731 parallel translation
Wasn't Shin Yang hyung going to do that?
Shin Yang hyung ne veut pas le faire?
Hyung, what about the charity event for senior citizens?
et l'évènement de charité pour les citoyens séniors?
What did you think, Hyung? Darling, if I had the brains to tell whether a script is good or not, would I ask you?
Hyung? est-ce que je t'aurais posé cette question?
But Hyung, shouldn't you be talking to the Representative?
tu ne devrais pas parler au directeur?
Then, Hyung, what are you going to do?
que vas-tu faire?
Hyung, if it's not certain isn't it better to go with Empire?
Ou si c'est du bluff... pourquoi tu ne choisis pas Empire?
Find out where Kang Min Hyung is.
Trouvez où se trouve Kang Hyun Min.
Hyung, each time I see this team, they just brighten my day.
ma journée est illuminée.
Hyung, you're not coming back tonight?
tu ne reviens pas ce soir?
Hyung, it's a guest.
c'est un invité.
But hyung, what kind of Director will come?
quel genre de Directeur viendra?
Hyung, how did it go?
comment c'était?
Hyung... It's Bit Na, but she says your cell phone is turned off so...
Hyung... mais elle a dit que ton téléphone était éteint...
Hyung... it's your mother... Oh my god, seriously!
Hyung... c'est ta mère... sérieusement!
Oh, Hyung, look at this!
regarde ça!
Hyun Min, even so, shouldn't you read the revised script before the reading session? Hyung, in a car, why would I read it, hurting my eyes?
tu ne devrais pas revoir le script révisé avant la session de lecture? pourquoi je lirais ça si ça me blesse les yeux?
Hyung, with this time, you better memorize an extra line of the new script...
tu ferais mieux de mémoriser une ligne supplémentaire du nouveau script...
Hyung, are you telling me you've been thinking about that till now.
es-tu en train de me dire que tu pensais à ça depuis tout à l'heure?
Hyung, call Anthony.
appelle Anthony.
I can't do this, Hyung, this money means so much to me!
cet argent est important pour moi!
Hyung, are you crazy?
es-tu fou?
Are you alright Hyung?
Tu vas bien Hyung?
Yes, Hyung.
Hyung, this is bad.
c'est mauvais.
Hyung, I guess the microphone isn't turned off.
je suppose que les micros ne sont pas éteints.
Hyung, have you read the script for episode 7?
avez vous lu le script de l'épisode 7?
By the way, Hyung.
Mais Hyung.
Hyung we're here.
nous sommes arrivés.
So, Hyung, do you think Writer Lee will revise it?
penses-tu que la Scénariste Lee va le changer?
Chil Goo Hyung!
Chil Goo Hyung!
- Gwang Soo. - Yes, Hyung.
Don't let me wait too long. Hyung, Hyung, Hyung, Hyung, Wake up.
Ne me faites pas autant attendre. Réveille-toi!
Hyung, what are you waiting for?
qu'est-ce que tu es en train d'attendre?
You know it. Our Hyun Min is so gentle and considerate, which could cause such rumors with Miss Sung Min Ah, but... Hyung, what are you doing?
Tu le sais. mais... qu'est-ce que tu fais?
Only Kang Hyun Min. Um, Hyung, is Sung Min Ah even prettier than on screen?
Seulement Kang Hyun Min. Est-ce que Sung Min Ah est encore plus belle qu'à la télé?
Hyung, do it quick, hurry!
fais-le vite! Vite!
Ha Gyoon Hyung.
Ha Gyoon Hyung.
At this point, I need an impactful scene that will set this Kang Hyun Min apart for sure! Hyung, you just said that the new script is out, right? Hyung, when Jin Hye Rin is bawling her eyes out at the end here, what if I did that?
A ce point j'ai besoin d'une scène forte pour faire ressortir le jeu de Kang Hyun Min! n'est-ce pas? Et si je faisais ça?
Hyung, tell Gwang Soo to get the car ready.
dis à Gwang Soo de préparer la voiture.
Please take good care of our Hyun Min Hyung. Unlike what appears on TV, there are many surprising things about Hyung.
prends soin de notre Hyun Min Hyung.
Also, when Hyung chooses a drama, he prefers melodrama.
il préfère les mélodrames.
He may not be that bright, but he's a good Hyung.
Mais c'est un bon Hyung.
Stay in good health, Hyung.
Hyung! Hyung, thank you for everything, in 2 years from now, I'll be back in better shape.
Hyung! Je serai de retour encore mieux former!
Ha Gyoon Hyung and I are strong candidates for the Grand Prize for Best Actor.
Ha Gyoon Hyung et moi sommes les plus forts candidats pour le Grand Prix du Meilleur Acteur.
Episode 8 Reinforcements Will Not Come Hyung, why is he so late returning? That's what I'm saying.
44 ) } p 30 ) } HALLYU
It was so annoying I though I was going to die! Hyung, hyung, hyung!
Actually, Hyun Min Hyung does not like to read the script.
Hyun Min Hyung

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