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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I'll call her

I'll call her tradutor Francês

1,062 parallel translation
No, I'll call her at home.
Non. Je l'appellerai à la maison.
- Tell her I'll call her.
- Dis-lui que je l'appellerai.
When Dr. Cushing hears about it, he'll have her committed right away. He's in Baker. I'll call him tonight.
quand le dr Cushing sera informé de ce qui s'est passé sur la route, ce sera utile de l'appeler, ce soir.
I'll call her at once.
Je lui téléphone.
And I'll call Agnes and have her fix up something real special, huh?
J'appelle Agnes, elle fera un bon petit dîner.
I'll call her tomorrow morning, without fail.
- Je l'appelle demain matin. - C'est ça.
If you want to meet the woman, I'll call her up.
Si tu veux la rencontrer, je l'appellerai.
Can I name her? We'll call her'Harumi'.
Je peux lui en donner un?
I'll take her after roll call.
Je l'accompagnerai après l'appel.
I don't care what you call her. She was born, she'll die, won't she?
Elle est née et elle mourra.
- Don't worry, I'll call her.
Ne t'en fais pas, je vais lui téléphoner. Bien.
Miss Blanche, I'll tell you right now, if that sister of yours... has gone and given you sleeping pills just to keep you quiet... while she's out doing I don't know what... I'm sure as hell gonna call the police on her.
Mlle Blanche, si votre sœur vous a donné des somnifères pendant qu'elle est sortie faire je ne sais quoi, je vais appeler la police.
But you'll have to call her because she isn't here. I've already sent her home.
Appelez-la, elle est rentrée chez elle.
I'll call her the Argo, after her builder.
Je le nommerai l'Argo, en l'honneur de son constructeur.
So I'll call, and if she's alone, I'll go join her.
Je téléphone. Si elle est seule, j'y vais.
I'll call her.
Je vais l'appeler.
I'll call her in case she wants to tell me. Take it easy.
Je l'appelle pour voir si elle veut me le dire.
- Go and change, and I'll give her a call.
- Allez vous changer. Je l'appelle.
I'll call Nellie if I need her, you if I need you, ice company if I need ice, the coal company if I need coal, and the happiness people if I need happiness.
J'appellerai Nellie, si j'ai besoin d'elle, toi, si j'ai besoin de toi, la compagnie de glace, si j'ai besoin de glace et les gens du bonheur, si j'ai besoin de bonheur.
If I miss her, she'll arrive, and you'll call me.
( Si je la rate, elle arrivera, et tu m'appelleras. )
I'll call her right now, and you wait right where you are.
Je vais l'appeler. Ne bouge pas.
I'll call her and get the name of that psychiatrist.
Elle me donnera le nom de son psychiatre.
- I'll call her. - No.
- Encore mieux, donne-moi son numéro.
She's special, I'll call her myself.
- Non, elle, c'est différent.
- Tell her I'll call her.
- Dis-lui que je l'appelerai.
- Good idea, I'll go call her.
- Bonne idée, je vais l'appeler.
I'll call her tomorrow night.
- Non, je l'appellerai demain soir.
Yes, I'll call her later.
Tout de suite, papa.
Well, I'll call her.
Alors, je vous l'emmène.
I'll call her!
Attendez! Je vais l'appeler!
I'll call her and give her your message.
Je lui transmettrai votre message.
I'll call her in a couple of days because we have a lot to talk about.
Je l'appellerai dans deux jours. On a beaucoup de choses á se dire.
All right. Give me her number. I'll call her.
- Donnez-moi son numéro, je l'appellerai.
I'll call her... - Well?
- Bon, eh bien!
Then I'll call her.
- Je vais l'appeler.
Well, I'll call her at home and tell her it's here, so she won't worry.
Je vais l'appeler pour la prévenir. Sinon, elle va s'inquiéter.
I'll call her what she is.
- Il a signé de mon nom!
Now that I know her, I'll just call her.
Puisque je la connais.
I'll give her a call.
- Je lui téléphonerai.
Maybe I'll call my mother and ask her to...
Je vais peut-être appeler ma mère et lui demander de...
- Put it in your pocket, and I'll call her.
- Mets-la dans ta poche. Je l'appelle.
I'll call her and surprise her now, all right?
Je lui ferai la surprise tout de suite. D'accord?
No, no. I'll call her for you.
Je vais la chercher.
As a matter of fact, I'll have her call you as soon as she gets home.
Je lui dirai de vous appeler.
No, I'll go with her, you hang back until I call you in.
Non, j'y vais avec elle, tu reste ici en attedant que je t'appel.
I'll call your wife and tell her what flight you're on.
Je téléphonerai à ta femme.
I'll have her call you in the morning.
Elle t'appellera demain matin.
I'll call her if you want.
Je l'appelle si vous voulez.
If it were a real girl, call me, I'll talk to her.
If I want to see Marianne, I'll call her.
Si je veux voir Marianne, je l'appellerai.
And I'm to call her back and tell her the time and the place, and she'll meet you at the front entrance.
Je dois la rappeler pour lui dire où et quand, et elle vous retrouvera devant l'entrée.

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