I'll do better tradutor Francês
544 parallel translation
Come in, I'll see what I can do. Oh, maybe I better wait here.
Entrez, je vais voir Je n'aimerais mieux pas
I suppose you'll think I'm a meddling old fool, but... You know, I'd feel a good deal better if you'd clear out of this place after you're married, and have nothing more to do with Mr. Beaumont.
Vous allez me prendre pour un vieux toqué qui se mêle de vos affaires mais, vous savez, je serais vraiment soulagé si vous quittiez cet endroit après votre mariage, et si vous n'aviez plus rien à faire avec monsieur Beaumont.
There, I've done my best. If that won't do, I'll have to wait until I can do better.
Si ça, ça va pas, j'attendrai... de pouvoir faire mieux!
Oh, I'll admit I'm not proud of it, but I hope to do better someday.
J'avoue ne pas en être fier, mais j'espère faire mieux, un jour.
I got along well here then ; in Paris, I'll do it even better, no?
Ah quoi! Je me suis bien défendu ici, alors, à Paris, je me défendrai un peu mieux, non!
Five-to-four, he doesn't know the day. I'll do better.
Lui qui ne sait jamais quel jour il est.
You'd better stay out of here, baby. I'll do whatever's got to be done. Oh, fiddlesticks.
Restez ici, je m'occupe de lui.
I'd better get out of here, Millie, before I do something I'll be very sorry for.
Je ferais bien de partir avant de faire une chose que je regretterai.
I have made money for this paper, and for Mr. John Carter, and for myself, and for the minority stockholders, and if you can do as well or better, Mr. Bradford, we'll all be quite satisfied.
J'ai fait gagner de l'argent à ce journal, à M. Carter et à moi-même, ainsi qu'aux actionnaires minoritaires. Si vous parvenez à faire de même ou mieux, nous serons très satisfaits.
Decide to do that and I'll bet you'll sleep much better tonight.
Si vous décidez de le faire, vous dormirez beaucoup mieux ce soir.
I was just thinking... that maybe I'll do better next year, Sister.
Je pensais juste que je ferai peut-être mieux l'an prochain.
I don't like this any better than you do. But we had orders to come here, and we'll stay here if we rot waiting.
Ça ne m'emballe pas plus que vous... mais ce sont les ordres!
I'll do better.
Je ferai mieux la prochaine fois.
I do hope you'll feel better. Thanks.
- J'espère que vous irez mieux.
If you forgive me, I promise I'll try to do better.
Mais si tu me pardonnes, je m'amenderai!
You'd better do it Brad, or I'll march in that dressing room and ask him myself.
Si tu ne le fais pas, je le ferais moi-même
I don't want you up here Perhaps you'll be kind enough to send my wife home if she's nothing better to do
Pas toi. Daphné, si elle n'a rien de mieux à faire.
I'll do much better if you don't touch me.
Je m'en sortirais mieux si vous ne me touchez pas.
I'll do better.
Je vais faire mieux.
I'll do better than that.
Mieux que ça. J'irai moi-même.
Well, I... better do some pumping, we'll be swimming pretty soon.
Heu... il va falloir pomper, sinon, nous allons couler.
I figure they'll do better than some. Worse than others.
Ils sauront tenir leur rôle.
If you can't do any better, I'll have to get a new postman.
Si ça continue, je demande à changer de facteur.
I'll do better than you've done.
Je ferai mieux que toi.
Perhaps it's the name that's confusing you. If you let me work for a couple of hours, - I'll be better able to prove what it will do.
Donnez-moi encore quelques heures et on aura une meilleure idée des effets.
I'll do better than that.
Je vais faire mieux que ça.
Tell you what you'd better do. You keep your herds away from the stream for a while and I'll write to the office in Chicago and if they'll stand still for...
Ne laissez pas vos bêtes approcher de l'eau, et j'écrirai à Chicago pour demander si...
All right. I'll do better.
Je tâcherai de faire mieux.
I'll do better than that, I'll put you in jail.
Mieux, je vous mettrai en prison.
I beg your pardon that's better. don't do it again once in Edo, we'll have a party no, I'm through with saké because of this stink I'm ashamed.
J'ai honte.
When I do, maybe I'll have a better notion of what my fee is.
Quand je reviendrai, je connaîtrai peut-être mieux mon prix.
I'll do better than that. By the time you arrive in town tomorrow... I'll have the cattle sold and paid for and I'll be fixed to pay you off.
Le temps que vous arriviez à Mineral City, les bêtes seront vendues et je vous paierai.
I think you'd better drop the whole matter. I'll do it myself.
Laissez tomber le projet, je m'en occuperai moi-même.
I'll tell you, I'd treat her better than you do.
Seulement, je la gâterais plus que toi.
Well, I'll try to do better from now on.
Je vais essayer de faire mieux.
I'll do better than give you instructions.
Je vais faire mieux.
He'd better not do anything to try me or he'll soon discover how soft I am.
II ferait bien de ne pas me chercher ou il verra vite que je ne suis pas tendre.
I'll do better than that. I'll let him have the key to your cell anytime he wants it.
II pourra même avoir la clé de la cellule, quand il la voudra.
You better drag because I'll never do it on my...
Traînez-moi, je n'irai pas seul.
I asked for Vincenzo because I know him better,.. But you'll do.
Je pensais parler à Vincenzo que je connais un peu, mais toi, c'est aussi bien.
You'll stand better what I've got to do.
Vous supporterez mieux ce que je dois faire.
You just relax and stretch out on the seat, if that will make you feel better and I'll see what I can do about changing the tire.
Etends-toi sur le siège. Je vais essayer de... changer de pneu.
I thought you were a little tart. I'll do better than that.
Je dois me rattraper.
I'll do better than that.
C'était donc ça.
Yes, Monday is a slow night, but I'll do better next time.
Le lundi, c'est calme. Je ferai mieux après.
- But I'll do better next time.
- Mais je ferai mieux la prochaine fois.
I'll do better than that.
Je ferai mieux que ça.
I'm afraid I wasn't much help but I'll do better next time.
Moi, je ferai mieux la prochaine fois.
I'll do better next time.
La prochaine fois...
Yes, sir. I'll try to do better, sir.
Et Fétide, si tu sens venir la panique, pense au cousin Machin et aux problèmes qu'il doit affronter.
I'll do even better than that.
Je dirais même plus.
i'll do my best 416
i'll do it tomorrow 25
i'll do it 2851
i'll do it right now 26
i'll do it myself 230
i'll do it later 51
i'll do whatever it takes 58
i'll do whatever you want 121
i'll do anything for you 31
i'll do it for you 75
i'll do it tomorrow 25
i'll do it 2851
i'll do it right now 26
i'll do it myself 230
i'll do it later 51
i'll do whatever it takes 58
i'll do whatever you want 121
i'll do anything for you 31
i'll do it for you 75