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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I'll do it for you

I'll do it for you tradutor Francês

559 parallel translation
It isn't customary to ask for salutes here. But I'll tell you what we'll do.
C'est pas habituel de saluer ici mais voilà ce qu'on va faire.
Do it for me. Do it even blindly if you must, and I promise you, I'm so sure of it, I promise you that for the first time in your life you'll know what real happiness is.
Même si vous ne ressentez rien, je vous promets, que pour la première fois vous connaitrez une joie profonde.
I won't raise my cup for now, I'll do it later on, because we are going to begin the election for Miss Seamstress, a humble, but honest working class... Thank you.
Je ne lève pas mon verre pour le moment, je le ferai plus tard, car nous allons commencer l'élection de la Miss Couturière, une humble mais honorable classe ouvrière...
I'll have you jailed for this if it's the last thing I ever do! - Oh, yes?
Je vous ferai mettre en prison, quoi qu'il m'en coûte.
I wonder if you'll do me a favor and come with me while I get it for her now.
Me feriez-vous le plaisir de venir avec moi lui acheter?
I hope you'll do all you can to get it back for me.
Vous ferez tout pour Ia récupérer.
If you do, I'll buy it for a good price.
Je l'achèterai un bon prix.
I'll tell you what I'll do, not that I believe in it, but for you.
Voilà ce que je vais faire, non parce que j " y crois, mais pour vous.
Remember, I did make a home for you once, and I'll do it again... only you've got to let me have my fling now... because you're simply rushing at old age, Sam.
Rappelle-toi, je t'ai créé un foyer et je le referai... mais tu dois me laisser avoir une aventure maintenant... parce que tu ne fais que hâter notre vieillesse, Sam.
I mean, I'll do it for you. Sit still.
Bougez pas.
Then I " ll do it for you.
- Je le ferai pour vous.
Look, if you do it, I'll pay you for it.
Écoute, si tu acceptes, je te paierai.
I'll do it for you because I like you.
C'est parce que je t'aime bien.
If you do, so help me, I'll kill you if I hang for it.
Sinon, je pourrais te tuer, qu'on me pende, je m'en fiche.
All right, I'll do it for you.
Très bien. Je vais les faire à votre place.
If you think you have a chance, fight for it. I'll do the same.
Tu crois avoir ta petite chance, défends-la.
For you, I'll do it.
- Merci.
Tell you what I'll do, I'll toss you for it.
Attendez! Pile, on entre.
I do, but for all I know, you'll hand me the 1,500 and wave good-bye. I'll be left out in the cold with nothing to show for it.
Mais vous allez me donner 1 500 et me dire salut, et je me retrouverai sans rien.
You try that again, and maybe I'll do it for you.
Essayez encore, et c'est moi qui vais vous tuer.
- C'mon, what are we waiting for, let's do it. - You do it, I'll wait here. What?
Notre chance a tourné.
If you don't stop it immediately... - I'll have to get this officer to do it for you. - Alright.
Je ne cherche pas le scandale, mais interviens, ou ce policier le fera à ta place!
All you want to do is to propose to Liz again. - I'll do it for you and get a no for you.
Votre énième demande en mariage est refusée.
I'll do the best I can for them. If I can't do it with you, I'll do it alone.
Je ferai tout pour elles, avec toi ou sans toi.
I'll do it for you.
- Vous voulez que je m'en charge?
If you do, just say the word, I'll throw a lasso around it and pull her down for you.
Tu voudrais la lune? Dis-le et je l'attraperai au lasso.
Okay, I'll do it for you. Come on.
D'accord, je vais le faire pour vous.
She might give you a hard time, but... it's too much responsibility for me, but I'll do my best.
Elle va peut-être vous en faire baver, mais... C'est trop de responsabilités pour moi, mais je ferai de mon mieux.
That evens this. Fold your hands, or I'll do it for you.
Gare tes pattes ou je m'en charge.
Tell you what I'll do I'll toss you for it.
Voyons ça à pile ou face.
I'll do it for you afterwards.
Je t'aiderai après. Viens.
Am I? Then take care I don't overdo it. - You'll be the worse for it if I do.
Prends garde que je ne le joue jusqu'au bout.
Here, darling I'll do it for you
Je vais le faire, chéri.
I've a fearful temper, but I do not think I'll ever make you suffer for it.
J'ai un fort tempérament, mais vous n'aurez pas à en souffrir.
As I like to do things handsomely, I'll give you 30 for it.
Comme j'aime faire les choses largement,
I'll do it for you.
Je vais le faire pour vous.
So, you see, if you invest a bit now, I'll see you get good interest for it. What do you say to that, huh?
Il y a de sacré dommages et intérêts à la clé.
I am for it, lieutenant, and i'll do you justice.
- Je m'y joins, lieutenant, et je vous fais justice.
I'll do it for you and for Chucho.
Je vais le faire pour vous et pour Chucho.
All right, I'll do it for you because...
Bon, je vais le faire, pour vous, parce que...
Perhaps it's the name that's confusing you. If you let me work for a couple of hours, - I'll be better able to prove what it will do.
Donnez-moi encore quelques heures et on aura une meilleure idée des effets.
No, I'll do it for you, but there's not much to pack.
Je vais la faire.
But you're not ready for marriage. And I'll do it, when you come to me.
Mais vous n'êtes pas prêt pour le mariage et je vais le faire, quand vous venez à moi.
I'll get you for this, Pan, if it's the last thing I do!
Tu me le paieras, Pan! Même si je dois en mourir!
Just leave it, I'll do it. You're late for jogging.
Laissez, je le ferai, vous êtes en retard pour votre footing.
Listen, if you want it as much as I do, we'll see each other again, but it's the normal thing for you to go back and find them.
Écoutez... Si vous le désirez autant que moi, nous nous reverrons... Mais allez-le retrouver, c'est normal!
I'll come back for you, even if it's the last thing I do!
Je reviendrai te chercher, je le jure.
I'll do it for you, Franz.
Je le ferai pour toi, Franz.
I'll do what I can later, but in the meantime it's important for you to sleep.
Je ferai ce que je pourrais plus tard, mais en attendant, il faut que vous dormiez.
I'll let the law do it for me this time, and you lose everything.
Je la laisserai agir à ma place cette fois, et tu perdras tout.
I don't think there'll be much for you to do. It's an open-and-shut case.
Vous n'aurez pas grand-chose à faire, ce procès est jugé d'avance.

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