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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I'll do it now

I'll do it now tradutor Francês

373 parallel translation
"Now, I'll show you the right way to do it."
Voilà comme il faut faire.
When they get to 20, I'll sock you in the nose. - In fact, I ought to do it now.
À vingt, je vous mets mon poing sur le nez.
I won't raise my cup for now, I'll do it later on, because we are going to begin the election for Miss Seamstress, a humble, but honest working class... Thank you.
Je ne lève pas mon verre pour le moment, je le ferai plus tard, car nous allons commencer l'élection de la Miss Couturière, une humble mais honorable classe ouvrière...
And since after the execution you will all be anxious to write your stories I'll ask you to do it now.
Et puisqu après l'exécution, vous voudrez tous écrire vos articles, je vous demanderai de le faire maintenant.
I wonder if you'll do me a favor and come with me while I get it for her now.
Me feriez-vous le plaisir de venir avec moi lui acheter?
Remember, I did make a home for you once, and I'll do it again... only you've got to let me have my fling now... because you're simply rushing at old age, Sam.
Rappelle-toi, je t'ai créé un foyer et je le referai... mais tu dois me laisser avoir une aventure maintenant... parce que tu ne fais que hâter notre vieillesse, Sam.
- I think I'll do it right now.
- Je vais le faire maintenant.
Now that I do know, I... It's too late.
Maintenant que je sais... ll est trop tard.
Now, if there's anything I can do to help ya, I'll do it.
Si je peux t'aider en quoi que ce soit, dis-le-moi. Non, merci, Wash.
Well, now look, don't you do that, and I'll show you an exercise later that will take it all off with only half the effort.
Ne faites pas ça, je vous montrerai un exercice deux fois plus efficace pour deux fois moins d'efforts.
- J'y vais tout de suite.
If I don't do it now, I'll never be strong enough again.
Si je ne le fais pas maintenant, je n'en aurai plus la force.
No, but I'll do it now and call you as soon as I have them.
Je vous téléphonerai dès que je les aurai.
Do I hear £ 10? You'll get it now.
- Tu vas y gouter.
If I don't do it now, I'll never dare.
Si je n'y vais pas maintenant, je n'oserai jamais.
I do love it now more than you'll ever know.
Je l'aime plus que tu ne crois.
We're leaving now, and I'll do it as quickly as possible. We've got guns, sir.
On part de suite, et je le prendrai aussitôt.
I'll do it now
Tu exagères! Je rangerai.
I'll do it tomorrow morning. I said now!
- Je peux venir demain matin?
So, you see, if you invest a bit now, I'll see you get good interest for it. What do you say to that, huh?
Il y a de sacré dommages et intérêts à la clé.
Now you must understand though you feel strong as an ox, don't pull too hard the water reopened the crack and it's not solid up there. Don't worry, I'll do just right!
Cloche de l'église
I'll do it now.
Je m'en occupe tout de suite.
I'll be glad to do it. I'll go right now.
Je suis heureux de faire ça pour vous.
You must do it now or I'll do something crazy!
Sinon je fais un malheur, maréchal.
I'll do it now.
Je vais le faire tout de suite.
Now, I'll do it again.
Ecoute, je recommence.
I'll do it now.
J'y vais.
And when you've seen it all and have lived with it as I have... in 25 years from now, you'll feel about Texas just like I do.
Quand vous aurez tout vu et vécu là-dedans, comme moi... dans 25 ans, vous ressentirez ce que j'éprouve pour le Texas.
I'm sheriff now and I'll do it my way.
C'est moi, le shérif, et j'agis a mon gré!
I'll have the pressure pouring in, but Kyne keeps harping on this murder thing, as if solving it could be a factor... now, do you suppose that
Cela devrait finir par payer, mais Kyne ne parle que de ce meurtre, comme si son élucidation était la clé de tout. Tu penses que...
- What'll I do with it now?
- De quoi on a l'air avec ça?
From now on, you do exactly what I tell you to do, and you'll do it on the double.
A partir de maintenant, vous faites ce que je dis, tous les deux.
Now, lift your hand up there and I'll show you how to do it.
Mets ta main là-haut, je vais te montrer comment faire.
J'y vais tout de suite, c'est sur mon chemin.
I'll be damned if I'm gonna do it now.
Je ne vais pas commencer maintenant.
From now on when I ask you to do something, We'll do it together. Yes, Bud.
Dorénavant, tous nous ferons ce que je demande.
I'll do it right now.
Je vais le faire!
It is true, and you know it. Now, in order to catch Red Lynch, if I have to interrogate Joey, I'll do it anytime it's necessary.
Et pour capturer Red Lynch... je n'hésiterai pas à faire parler Joey.
I'll guarantee in writing the kitchen is in perfect condition except now it is quite messy so I ask you please do not look at it.
Je parle des murs, du plafond et du sol. Mais il y règne une telle pagaille que je ne signerai cette promesse, en accord avec ma fille, que si nous en restons là de la visite.
I'll do it right now.
You put so much spice in Amal's betel that it burns his mouth. I'll do it from now on.
Tu as mis trop d'épices dans le bétel d'Amal, je vais le préparer.
Call the police right now or I'll do it.
Faites-le ou je m'en charge.
It's been two nights running now. I'll tell you what i'll do.
- Ca fait deux nuits que ça dure.
I don't suppose you'll do it again now that you know. I've got the playing order for the tournament here.
C'est bon mais qu'on ne vous y reprenne pas.
Now I order you... and you will do it because... Your mind must obey my wish. You'll do whatever I ask...
Ce que je t'ordonne de faire maintenant, tu le feras parce que ton esprit a toujours obéi à ma volonté depuis que tu es toute petite.
- No, I'll do it... after I've read them. No, now.
Non, je le ferai après les avoir lus.
I got it. Now we'll do Ginger Ali's system
Rahamim, emploie la méthode du rouquin.
Do it! Now I'll come too!
Rien qu'un seul crac!
Now, if it's just a question of paying your fare to wherever you want to go, I'll do that.
Si la question est de payer votre billet jusqu'à votre destination de choix... je le ferai.
But I'll do it now.
Je vais le faire néammoins.
Now, what about it, Tony? I can't take this girl home. If I do, they'll trace me right back to here.
Si c'est moi qui la raccompagne, on saura d'où elle vient.

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