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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I'll get him for you

I'll get him for you tradutor Francês

108 parallel translation
Go on. You get him. I'll wait for you outside.
Occupe-toi de lui, je t'attends dehors.
I'll get him for you. Well, we are all set, kid.
Tout est arrangé, ma petite.
I'll get him for you.
Je vais aller le chercher.
He'll get in touch with you. If I can only see him for five minutes...
Laissez-moi le voir 5 minutes.
I'll go right sown ans get ris of him for you, Jusy, honey.
Je descends tout de suite te débarrasser de lui, Judy chérie.
- You "d beter get back. I" ll watch out for him.
- Retournez-y. Je reste près de lui.
- I'll be glad to get him for you.
- Il est dans sa chambre.
Yes, for you, I'll get him to make peace.
Tu vas voir, je vais arranger ça.
We'll come and get you. I'm setting him up for you, Mr D'Angelo.
Tout est prêt.
─ I'll get him for you, Sir Arnold. Oh, I'm sorry.
- A vos ordres, Sir Arnold.
If you get him and anything goes wrong, I'll work for you for 1 0 years as a stable boy.
Si je me suis trompé, je serai votre garçon d'écurie pendant 1 0 ans.
We'll get him back for the inquiry, and then perhaps when I've talked to him, I could... oh, I don't think you could mean that, sir David.
Nous allons le faire revenir pour l'enquête. Puis, peut-être quand je lui aurais parlé... Oh, je ne pense pas que vous puissiez dire ça, sir David.
I'll get him for you.
- Je l'amènerai.
I'll get him for you.
Je vous l'aurai.
I'll call him for you as soon as we get inside the station.
Je l'appellerai de la gare.
"Cher colonel, ce paquet est pour mon père..."
No, i'll wait for him to get up. Yeah, you do that.
Otez votre stéthoscope et faites comme chez vous.
- I'll get him for you, sir.
- Je vais le chercher.
If you do, I'll go to court and fight for that boy, and I'll get him!
Si vous restez, je demanderai la garde du garçon et je l'aurai!
Well, I'd feel sorry for him too, except for one thing : If he ever finds out about you I'll get thrown out of the space program.
En effet, mais c'est oublier que s'il apprend ton existence, je serai chassé du programme spatial.
I'll get him for you, effendi. You wait.
Attendez ici, Sahib.
I'll get him for you.
Je te le trouverai.
I'll get him ready for you.
Je vais te le préparer.
If you want, I'll get rid of the kid for you. I can take him back.
Si vous voulez que je vous débarrasse du gosse, Mademoiselle, je peux le raccompagner.
- I'll be glad to go get him for you.
- Je peux aller le chercher.
I'll get him for you. What's his name?
Je vais envoyer le chercher, comment s'appelle-t-il?
You can get a fugitive warrant for Chaney and $ 2 for bringing him in, plus 10 cents a mile for each of you, and I'll give you $ 50 reward!
Le gouvernement vous donnera 2 dollars si vous ramenez Chaney, plus 20 cents par kilomètre parcourus et je vous donnerai 50 dollars!
I'll get him for you.
J'vais l'chercher pour vous.
I'll get him for you.
Je vais m'en occuper.
Oh, yes. I'll get him for you. Just a minute.
Je vais le chercher.
If I see a doctor, I'll see if I can get him to give you something for that.
Si le docteur passe, je lui demanderai quelque chose pour soigner ça.
I'll get him. I'll get him for you, Hazel.
Je te l'apporterai.
- I'll get him for you.
- Je vais vous le chercher.
If you know what's good for you, you better get on that phone and tell Mr. Big-shot Farmer that I said he'd better let me on that stage or I'll crucify him in 150 newspapers every day for the rest of his useless life. - Hello, Polly.
Attrapez ce téléphone... et dites à Farmer... qu'il a intérêt à me laisser entrer sur ce plateau... s'il ne veut pas que je lui règle son compte dans 150 journaux... tous les jours jusqu'à la fin de sa misérable existence!
Well, I'll keep an eye out for him, pass the word on to my deputies, but I wouldn't get any hopes up if I were you. Sorry.
Bon, j'ouvrirai l'oeil, je passerai le mot à mes adjoints, mais je ne me ferais pas d'illusions si j'étais vous.
- I'll get him for you.
- Je vais le chercher.
For now, I advise you to send him where he'll get pure air and sun.
Pour le moment, je vous conseille de l'envoyer à l'air pur et au soleil.
I'll get him for you.
Je te vengerai.
C'est ça.
Let me get changed. I'll take you home, then look for him.
Je te ramène chez toi et je vais le chercher.
I'll get him for you.
Je vais te le chopper.
I tell you what. If Birdlace doesn't show up, I'll get his for him.
Si Birdlace ne vient pas, je prendrai la sienne.
I'll get him for you.
Je te l'amènerai.
You go get the tickets. I'll wait for him.
Allez chercher les billets, j'attendrai ici.
If we can't get him, you'll be responsible for everything! How can I be so stupid!
Si on n'arrive pas à le coincer, c'est sur toi que ça tombera.
Monfriez is over there. I'll get him for you.
Monfriez est là-bas.
I'll go get him for you.
Je vais le chercher.
- I'll get him for you.
Je vais le chercher.
I'll get him for you
- Où ça?
Kelso's right downstairs. In fact, I'll go get him for you, " I said.
"Je vais même te le chercher", j'ai dit!
All right, I'll go get him for you.
Je vais le chercher.

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