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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I'll get it later

I'll get it later tradutor Francês

128 parallel translation
Oh, I'll get it sooner or later.
Je l'aurai tôt ou tard.
It won't wait till tomorrow, not even till later. I'll get her now.
Regardez, c'est ni pour demain ni pour plus tard, c'est pour tout de suite!
I'll... I'll get it later.
Je le récupérerai plus tard.
I'll get it for you later.
Je vous le confirmerai.
I'll get it for you later. I'll bring it to you.
Je vous l'apporterai.
I'll get it later on.
Je le ferai plus tard.
Then I'll have Robby run it off for you... and you'll get it not later than tomorrow noon.
Robby les synthetisera pour vous... et vous les aurez avant demain midi.
- I'll get it later.
- Plus tard.
I'll get it later then come for you.
J'irai la chercher plus tard puis je viendrai vous chercher.
I'll mix some medicine for him, so come get it later. Take good care of him.
Je vais lui préparer son traitement.
Just get me outta here and I'll figure it out later.
Faites-moi sortir d'ici, je verrai après.
- Yeah, right, I'll get it later.
- Je le prendrai plus tard.
If I can possibly do it tonight, I'll try to relay this dedication in and get it on the air for you later on.
Si je peux le faire ce soir, je ferai jouer cette dédicace sur les ondes un peu plus tard.
I'll get around to it later.
Je m'y pencherai plus tard.
There's something you're not telling me. But sooner or later, you'll have to tell me. Yes, I'll get it out of you eventually.
Vous me cachez quelque chose, tôt ou tard vous l'avouerez j'arriverai à vous faire avouer.
I'll get it later, ma'am, when I park the car.
Je les prendrai en garant la voiture, madame.
It's not over yet. I'll get you sooner or later.
La chance est avec vous pour cette fois.
I'll get rid of it later.
Sukegoro va tout jeter.
I'll get it later.
Je la récupérerai plus tard.
- No, but I'll get it later.
- Non, mais je m'en occupe. - Super.
I've got to log in, but I'll get back to you on it later.
Je dois démarrer l'ordinateur, mais je te dirai ça plus tard -
I'll tell you about it later. Let's get out of here.
Je te raconterai plus tard, allons-nous-en.
Oh, jeez, I'm late. I'll get it later.
Je suis en retard.
My passport's at the bottom of my case. I'll get it later. Yes, sir. I'll get the key.
Je veux me marier, avoir un bébé... apprendre à jouer du saxophone.
I'll get it later.
Plus tard.
Oh, hey, don't worry about it. I'll get it later.
Laissez, je m'en occuperai plus tard.
I left it in the room I'll get it later
Je l'ai laissé dans la chambre. Je le prendrai plus tard.
You don't understand it now, but later, when you get home, with your dad, you'll hate me for all the things I've done to you.
Plus tard, tu me haïras.
I'll get that later. Just leave it.
Je m'en occuperai moi-même.
I'll get it for you later.
Je la prendrai plus tard.
I'll get it back later... when we solve the case.
Tu me le rendras plus tard, quand on résoudra l'affaire.
- I'll get it later.
- On la mettra après.
I'll drop by later to get it.
Je passerai la prendre plus tard.
. - Yeah. Leave it, I'll get it later.
- Oui, je la prendrai après.
No, I'll get it later.
Non, plus tard.
I'll get them to you, it'll be just a bit later.
Je sais. Tu les auras. Un peu plus tard.
- I'll get it later.
- Vas-y, à plus!
- I'll get it to you later.
- Tu l'auras plus tard. - Non, maintenant.
I'll get it out later.
Je le saurai tout à l'heure.
- I'll tell you later! Let's get it all out.
Dis-moi ce que tu as sur le cœur.
I'll get it later.
Je te le trouverai plus tard.
- Get outta here and I'll explain it to you later.
- Partez. Je vous expliquerai plus tard.
- No, screw it. I'll get it later.
Ne t'occupe pas de ça, je le ferai.
Listen, guys, it's 5 : 30. I'm supposed to get home, so I'll see you later.
Les garçons, il est 17h30, je dois rentrer.
I'll get to it later.
Je le ferai tout à l'heure.
- I get it. - Sash. - I'll see you later, roomie.
Salut, colocataire.
I'll get it from you later.
Tu me le donneras plus tar... Tu sais roter?
Leave it, I'll get it later!
Laisse-le, je le prendrai plus tard.
Please doctor, I have an important meeting and I can't make it at the hospital I promised you I'll get back later tonight to start my chemotherapy
Je t'en prie Docteur, j'ai un rendez-vous important etje ne peux pas aller à l'hôpital Je t'ai promis d'y retourner plus tard ce soir pour commencer ma chimiothérapie
I'll tell you what, I hope you get what's coming to you and I hope it's sooner rather than later.
Encore un truc, j'espère que vous finirez comme vous le méritez et le plus tôt sera le mieux.
No, I get it. It's cool. I'll see you later.
Non, j'ai compris, à plus tard.

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