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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I'm still in love with you

I'm still in love with you tradutor Francês

115 parallel translation
Because I'm still in love with you.
Parce que je t'aime.
I'm sort of sorry I'm not in love with you anymore, because if I was still in love with you I'd be awfully in love with you.
Je regrette de ne plus t'aimer, car si j'étais encore amoureuse de toi, je le serais terriblement.
I'm still in love with you and I still wanna make a go of it but this ain't it, Kay.
Je t'aime toujours et je veux essayer, mais ça ne marche pas.
I loved you. And I'm still in love with you.
Je t'aimais... et je t'aime encore.
I don't know why I haven't done it. - Probably because I'm still in love with you.
Mais je ne l'ai pas fait... peut-être parce que je t'aime toujours.
I'm still in love with you.
Je t'aime toujours.
My head maybe full of tapioca, but I'm still in love with you.
Ma tête doit-être pleine de bouillie, Mais je suis toujours amoureux de toi.
I'm still in love with you, and I want you so to love me.
Je t'aime encore etje veux que tu m'aimes. e.
I'll tell you that I'm in love with someone else, that we have to get a divorce but we could still be friends.
Je te dirai que j'en aime un autre, qu'on doit se séparer, mais qu'on restera amis.
- Oh, baby, you know that I'm still in love with you.
Mon chéri, tu sais bien que je t'aime toujours.
I'm still in love with you.
Je suis toujours amoureuse de toi.
And I'm still very much in love with you.
Moi aussi, je t'aime toujours autant.
#'Cause I'm still in love # # With you # #
Parce que je t'aime toujours
You could tell me- - That I'm still in love with you.
- Tu pourrais me dire- -
Look, I'm still in love with you.
Tu vois, je t'aime encore.
Kate, I'm still in love with you.
Je suis toujours amoureux de toi.
I can stand here watching you try to destroy everything I've ever wanted in my life wanting to smash your face with my fists because you won't even make the slightest effort to opt for happiness and still know I love you.
Je m'oppose à ce que tu détruises ce que j'ai toujours désiré. Je voudrais t'assener un coup de poing dans la figure, car tu ne fais pas le moindre effort pour notre bonheur. Sache que je t'aime toujours.
That I'm still in love with you.
Que je t'aime toujours.
I think I'm still in love with you.
Je t'aime encore.
Becky, I think I'm still in love with you. I do.
Becky, je crois que je t'aime encore.
What do you want me to say, I'm still in love with him?
Que veux-tu que je dise, que je l'aime toujours?
You know I'm not stupid! You're still in love with Geoff!
Je ne suis pas complètement débile!
Dharma, uh, Greg is the greatest guy I've ever known... and if I were to be totally honest with you... I'd have to say that, um, I'm still in love with your husband.
Dharma, Greg est le gars le plus génial que j'aie connu... et si je devais être honnête avec vous... je vous dirais que je suis encore amoureuse de votre mari.
I'm still in love with you, Leslie.
Je t'aime encore, Leslie.
I'm still in love with you!
Je suis toujours amoureux de toi!
Last time you asked me if I'm still in love with Joe... -
La dernière fois tu m'as demandé si j'étais encore amoureuse de Joe.
I'm wondering why... why have you been seeing me if you're still in love with your wife?
Alors, pourquoi sommes-nous ensemble?
You know I'm still in love with you.
Je croyais que c'était fini, mais je pense à toi tout Ie temps.
I'm not still in love with your brother, if that's what you're thinking.
Je ne suis plus amoureuse de ton frère, si c'est ça ce que tu crois.
He said when he saw me with you... he knew that I was still in love with you.
Quand il m'a vue avec toi... il a su que je t'aimais encore.
I'm still in love with you.
- De toi, et je le suis toujours.
Say you're still in love with me, and I'll stay.
Dis-moi que tu m'aimes encore, je resterai.
You think I'm still in love with Brenda?
Tu crois que je l'aime encore?
I'm still in love with you
Je t'aime encore.
I swear I'm still in love with you
Je jure que je t'aime encore.
Bree, I'm worried because he is obviously still in love with you.
Je suis inquiet parce que c'est évident qu'il est toujours amoureux de toi. Non, il veut juste qu'on soit amis.
That I'm still in love with you? I should abandon my dying husband, and we should head for Rio.
Je t'aime encore et je devrais quitter mon mari mourant et partir à Rio?
I'm still in love with you. Discuss?
"Je suis toujours amoureux de vous." Vous voulez en parler?
I'm still in love with you.
Mais je suis toujours amoureuse de toi.
In case you think I'm still in love with Molly, maybe you should take a look at these.
Si tu penses encore que je suis amoureux de Molly, tu devrais regarder ça.
I'm still in love with you, Hawkins
Je suis toujours amoureux de toi, Hawkins.
I'm still in love with you.
Je suis toujours amoureux de toi.
He couldn't be with me anymore knowing that I'm still in love with you.
Il ne voulait plus être avec moi si j'étais encore amoureuse de toi.
I love you, I'm still in love with you.
Je t'aime, je suis toujours amoureux de toi.
I'm still the same woman you fell in love with.
Je suis la même femme dont tu es tombé amoureux.
Because I'm still in love with you.
Parce que je t'aime encore.
So you're saying that I wanna kiss Lois. And keep Chloe in my back pocket... while the whole time, I'm still in love with Lana?
Tu es en train de dire que je drague Lois, que je me garde Chloé sous le coude et que je suis toujours amoureux de Lana?
I'm Still In Love With You.
Je suis toujours amoureux de toi.
Why did you tell Allison that i'm still in love with her?
Pourquoi vous avez dit à Allison que je l'aimais toujours?
"I'm Still In Love With You".
- l'm Still In Love With You. - PRODUCTEUR DE REGGAE ANGLAIS
But I'm still in love with you
Mais je suis encore amoureux de toi

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