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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I'm still working on that

I'm still working on that tradutor Francês

93 parallel translation
I'm still working on him with a little serum that I cooked up myself.
Je travaille sur lui avec un petit sérum que... j'ai concocté moi-même.
I'm still working on that.
Je cherche encore.
Ah yes, about that... I'm still working on it.
À ce propos, j'y travaille en ce moment même, mais notre budget est serré.
I'm still working on that one.
Je cherche encore la réponse.
- Je peux la voir?
I'm still working on that one.
J'y travaille encore.
I'm still working on that.
J'y travaille.
I'm still working on that.
Je continue les recherches.
I'm still working on that.
Il n'est pas réparé.
I'm still working on that one. This'll be great.
On dirait que nos prénoms ambigus nous jouent des tours.
But still, I'm looking at you, and you got all this already... and you're sitting here with me, working with a partner... in the city where you live, on a job that's gotten more complicated... than you thought it was gonna be.
N'empêche, t'as déjà tout ça... et t'es là avec moi, pour bosser en équipe... dans la ville que t'habites, sur un coup... plus compliqué que prévu.
No, I'm still working on that chair in the garage.
Je dois travailler à mon fauteuil au garage.
Yeah, I'm still working on his laptop... but he's got a serious protection system on that thing.
- Alors?
The stuff after the gunshots, the man's muttering, I'm still working on that.
Juste après les coups de feu, on entend l'homme qui murmure, j'y travaille encore.
Yeah, I'm still working on that.
Je m'en occupe.
I'm still working on that.
Je réfléchis.
It's housed in this watch that's awesomely designed - by me, Marshall J. Flinkman, except I'm still working on that overheating problem.
Il est camouflé dans cette montre magnifiquement créée par moi, Marshall J. Flinkman. Sauf que je travaille toujours sur ce problème de surchauffe - -
I'm still working on that.
Je travaille dessus.
Actually, I'm still working on that one.
En fait, j'y réfléchis encore.
I'm still working on getting the meeting back that you fucked up.
J'essaie encore de récupérer le rendez-vous que tu as foiré.
I'm still working on that.
Je travaille encore là-dessus.
I'm still working on that.
Je suis en train d'y réfléchir.
Well, I'm still working on that one.
Je me le demande encore.
I'm not sure. I'm still working on figuring that one out.
J'en suis pas sûr mais j'enquête
I'm still working on that diamond. I didn't forget the diamond.
Et je n'ai pas zappé, pour le diamant.
I'm still working on that.
J'y travaille toujours.
I'm-I'm still working on that.
J'y... travaille encore
Um, j'y travaille toujours.
I'm still working on that.
J'y travaille encore.
I'm still working on that part, boss.
Je bosse toujours sur cette question.
- I'm still working on it, you know that.
- J'y travaille.
I'm still working on that.
J'en suis pas sûr.
I'm still working on that.
Je travaille toujours là dessus.
I'm still working my magic on that.
Je n'ai pas fini d'analyser les résultats.
She saw i was of value, and i'm still working on buying into that one.
Elle a vu que j'étais quelqu'un de bien. Mais j'essaie encore d'y croire.
I'm still working on that.
- J'y travaille.
I'm... still working on that.
J'y travaille.
I'm still working on that modification.
J'y travaille encore.
I'm still working on that.Anywhere but here.
Je sais pas encore. Pas ici en tout cas.
Cancer isn't some magical reset button, and I just want to make sure that we're still working on our marriage, whether you're sick or not.
Le cancer n'est pas un bouton magique de remise à zéro et je veux juste m'assurer qu'on continue à régler nos problèmes de couple. Que tu sois malade ou non.
I'm--I'm still working on that.
J'y réfléchis.
That's the part I'm still working on.
C'est là-dessus que je travaille encore.
I'm still working on that one.
Je ne suis pas certaine que ce sera si facile.
- Yeah, I'm still working on that Musketeer...
- Je cherche la barre chocolatée.
I'm still working on that.
- Je cherche encore.
I'm - - I'm still working on that.
Je travaille toujours là-dessus.
- I'm still working on that part.
- Je cherche.
You still haven't told me what we're doing. Well, I can't tell you yet, but I've been working on something that I'm pretty stoked about.
Je peux rien dire, mais ce que je vous ai préparé me branche bien.
I don't know, I'm still working on that.
- Je sais pas, j'y travaille encore.
I'm still working on that part.
Je suis sur le coup.
I got Dominique on the teleconference, And I'm still working on the identity Of the girl that came over with her.
J'a une photo de la téléconférence et toujours rien sur l'autre fille.

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