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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I've got to tell you

I've got to tell you tradutor Francês

930 parallel translation
"I've got an awful lot to tell you."
"J'ai des choses affreuses à vous dire."
You run along, Jed. I've got to tell Hank something.
Vas-y Jed, je dois dire quelque chose à Hank.
I've got so much to tell you.
J'ai tellement de choses à te dire.
Then, you've got to go to him right now! And explain that I didn't mean it! Tell him how it was and everything!
Alors il faut aller le voir tout de suite et lui dire que je n'avais pas de mauvaise intention.
I've got nothing to tell you or the police.
Je n'ai rien à dire, ni à vous ni à la police.
But if I tell you I've got to have it, that there's no other chance of keeping them from sending my brother to the jug back home, you'll believe me.
Mais si je te dis que j'en ai besoin... qu'il n'y a pas d'autre façon de les empêcher... d'envoyer mon frère en prison aux États-Unis... tu me croiras.
Yes, well, i've come to tell you that i've got to.
Justement, je dois le faire.
There's something I've got to tell you.
J'ai quelque chose à te dire.
- I've got to tell you this.
- Il faut que je vous dise.
I've got to tell you this.
Je dois vous dire quelque chose.
I'll have to tell you, I've got to tell somebody, to get it out of my head.
II faut que je te le d ¡ se, pour me sort ¡ r ces ¡ dées de la tête.
I've got something to tell you.
J'ai un truc à te dire.
You've got to find him, I tell you.
Vous devez le trouver, je vous dis. Vous devez le trouver!
Oliver, I've got something very important to tell you.
J'ai une chose importante à vous dire.
Why, I've got loads to tell you. And I wanna hear all about you.
J'ai plein de choses à te dire et je veux tout savoir de toi.
But I tell you you've got to give me some. You've got to!
Mais vous devez m'en donner!
Well, come on. I've got something great to tell you.
Montez, j'ai une bonne nouvelle à vous annoncer.
I know what I'm asking isn't part of your contract but all you've got to do is to tell her I'm out of town got a long-distance call from Chicago.
Ça ne fait pas partie de votre contrat, mais il suffit de dire que je suis parti en voyage... Un appel de Chicago.
Porter, there's something I've got to tell you.
Porter, je dois vous dire quelque chose.
There's something I've got to tell you, Annie.
J'ai quelque chose à te dire.
But I've got something to tell you, you're going to clear out of this kid's life.
Mais moi, j'ai quelque chose à vous dire, ne revenez plus jamais la voir.
I'll tell you all about it some other time. You've got to let me have some money.
II me faut de l'argent.
I've got to tell you something.
J " ai quelque chose à te dire.
I've come to tell you you've got to stop making a fool out of my father.
je suis venu vous dire que vous devez cesser de ridiculiser mon père
I tell you, I-I got a model in the workshop, the one I've been working on, if you'd like to see that.
J'ai un modèle à l'atelier... sur lequel je travaille, si vous voulez le voir.
You see... ... I've got to tell you now that I love you.
Vous voyez, le temps est venu pour moi de vous dire que je vous aime.
Pop, I've got something wonderful to tell you.
Papa, j'ai quelque chose de merveilleux à te dire.
You swine, I tell you, you've got to help me up.
Espèces de fumiers, vous devez venir m'aider.
I've got a few things I want to tell you, too.
J'ai aussi des choses à te dire.
I've got to tell you.
Il faut que je vous le dise...
Oh, I tell you, I've got to go through with this thing, Pris.
Je n'ai pas le choix, Priss.
- but I've got to tell you that...
- mais figure-toi que...
Because I've got to tell you that Penny and Romero... are getting married this afternoon.
Dommage que Penny et Romero se marient cet après-midi.
I tell you, we've got to fire them.
Je vous le dis, il faut les virer.
There's something else I've got to tell you.
J'ai autre chose à te dire.
You two, get your ears up'cause I've got something to tell you.
Si vous voulez sortir d'ici, écoutez-moi bien.
I - I've got to tell you Something.
Je dois vous dire quelque chose.
I've been waiting for you to tell me I've got you beat... so I would think I have not got you beat, but I personally know I have got you beat... with my two kings against your lonely ace.
Tu dis ça pour que je crois que je ne t'ai "pas" battue. Mais personnellement, je crois que je t'ai battue... avec mes deux roi contre ton seul as.
I tell you, Toby, you've got to let me see Lefty.
Je te le dis, Toby, tu dois me laisser voir Lefty.
- You've got to help. - Do as I tell you!
- Fais ce que je te dis.
Ellen, there's something I've got to tell you.
Ellen. Je dois te dire quelque chose.
I've got something to tell you, Red.
Il faut que je vous dise quelque chose, Red.
- Well, there's something I've got to tell you.
- J'ai quelque chose à te dire.
I've got something to tell you, and I don't want you to say a word.
J'ai quelque chose à te dire et je veux que tu te taises.
You see, I... You tell me I've got to hire Bijou.
Tu m'as dit d'engager Bijou.
I've come back to tell you you got to get out.
Je suis revenue vous dire de partir.
But I've got to ask and you've got to tell me.
Mais si!
Il y a une chose que je dois te dire.
You've got to tell me if I'm gonna use it.
Il le faut si je veux le porter.
- You see, I've got to tell you.
- C'est pour ça qu'il faut que je te raconte.
You tell the police to pick up Connell, I've got the girl here.
Que la police s'occupe de Connel.

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