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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I don't know how to do this

I don't know how to do this tradutor Francês

240 parallel translation
I don't know how much this boy had to do with it.
J'ignore s'il était impliqué ou non.
Maybe I don't know how to read or write, but this I do know —
Je suis illettré, mais j'ai gagné des fortunes.
I don't know how you'll solve this or what good is going to come of it... but whatever you do, Vic, I wish you all the happiness in the book.
J'ignore comment tu t'en tireras et ce qui en résultera mais, quoi que tu fasses, je souhaite ton bonheur.
I'm going to do something about it, but... right this minute, I... I just don't know how.
Je ferai quelque chose pour l'aider, mais sur le moment je ne vois ni quoi ni comment.
I don't know yet just how I can do this... but that's what I want to do.
Je ne le connais pas, mais je veux l'aider.
You seem to know more about this than I do. I don't know, I think this trial of yours is the one thing we need to show us how this organization works.
Le procès nous en dira long sur l'organisation.
I don't know how you could bring yourself to do this to me, Tom Witherspoon, after all the business I've given to you over the years.
Je ne sais pas comment tu as pu en venir... á me faire un coup pareil, Tom Witherspoon. Aprés toutes les affaires que je t'ai données au fil des ans!
Colby, I don't know how to play this game, so where do I stand for the corner kick?
Colby, comme je ne sais pas jouer... où je me mets pour le corner?
I don't know how to do this stuff.
Ah! Non, je n'y connais rien.
I don't know how to do this.
Je ne suis pas très à l'aise.
- I don't know how to do this.
- Je ne sais pas comment on fait.
I can't do this. I don't know how to do this.
Mon Dieu, je vous en prie.
- I don't know how to do this.
- Je ne sais pas faire ça.
Please, please, I don't know how to do this.
Je t'en prie, je ne sais pas comment faire ça.
I don't know how to do this.
Je... ne sais pas comment te dire ça.
- I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to make this better.
Je ne sais pas comment arranger les choses.
The press says I don't know how to do this stuff?
Et la presse dit que je suis nul à ça.
Maybe you don't realize how lucky we are to have you along for this ride but I do, and I know the others do, too.
Tu ne réalises pas la chance qu'on a de t'avoir. Moi si, et je sais que les autres aussi.
I don't know how girls do this because this thing was a bitch to get on.
J'ignore comment les filles font, mais c'est pas facile à mettre ce truc.
I don't know how to give an injection. - Can we do this, please?
On y va?
I don't know how to do this.
Je ne sais pas ce qu'il faut faire.
If I killed Nate, how do you know I don't want to do this?
Si j'ai tué Nate, pourquoi je m'arrêterais?
I don't suppose you know how to drive this thing, do you?
Je suppose que vous ne savez pas comment on conduit cet engin?
Dad, I don't know how to tell you this... and I was gonna wait for a while to do it, but...
Papa, je ne sais comment te le dire. Je voulais attendre, mais...
I don't know how to do this.
Je ne sais pas quoi faire.
I don't know how much time I have left to do this for you.
Je ne sais pas combien de temps je pourrai continuer.
And just what kind of stuff are you people thinkin'about? You know, I don't see how this has anything to do with Thomas's murder.
Je ne vois pas le rapport avec le meurtre de Thomas.
I don't exactly know how to say this, but I'm sure that you might find it painful, as I do.
Je ne sais pas comment te le dire, mais je suis sûr que ça te fera autant de mal qu'à moi.
I don't know how the world has seeped to this but I do know one thing : That not one great act has been accomplished in this most glorious universe without a fight.
J'ignore comment le monde en est arrivé là, mais ce que je sais, c'est que les grandes choses ne se réalisent jamais sans lutte.
You don't know how hard it was to get this audition. I cannot do that.
J'ai eu du mal à décrocher ce casting.
Thanks for your hospitality I don't know how to thank you lt's common for people here to do this
Merci pour votre hospitalité. Je ne sais pas comment vous remercier. C'est tout à fait naturel de faire ça.
I don't know how to do this.
Je ne sais que faire.
This is out of left field, but do you know about a woman I don't know how to say this, going crazy during a tour?
La question est incongrue : Avez-vous entendu parler d'une femme... qui aurait un peu perdu la tête au cours d'une visite?
Hell, I don't even know how to do the paperwork on this.
Je ne sais meme pas comment remplir ces papiers.
I don't know how to do this job!
Je sais pas comment accomplir ma tâche.
I don't know how to go up the chimney, what to do about this bag... that keeps throwing'toys, and I don't know anything about these reindeers!
Je ne sais pas monter dans une cheminée, je ne sais rien sur la hotte, et je ne connais rien aux rennes.
Listen to me. I don't know how you do this... nor why, but I don't care! I don't want to see you again!
Écoutez-moi, je ne sais pas comment vous faites, ni pourquoi mais je ne veux pas vous revoir.
I don't know how to do this. It's wrong.
Je ne sais pas faire ça.
I don't know how to do this.
Je ne sais pas comment adapter ça.
I don't know how to do this!
C'est trop dur!
I don't know how we're going to make do with this.
J'ignore comment on va se débrouiller.
I don't know how you could do this to all of us.
Je ne sais pas comment tu pouvais nous faire cela à tous.
- I don't know how else to do this!
- Je ne sais pas comment faire autrement!
I don't know how to do this without Diane.
Je suis perdu, sans Diane.
I mean, I guess I always feel like this right before a big battle, and then Leo comes down, and I don't know how he does it, but he makes me feel like I have the power to do anything
Je veux dire, je suppose que je me sens toujours comme ça avant une grande bataille, Et Léo arrive, et je ne sais pas comment il fait, mais il me donne l'impression d'avoir le pouvoir de faire n'importe quoi
I mean, uh... you know, you see how much thought I put into this Chinese idea, and you don't want anything to do with it.
Tu vois combien j'ai réfléchi à cette idée du chinois, et tu ne veux pas en entendre parler.
- I don't know how to do this, alright?
Je ne sais pas comment faire ça, okay?
i don't know how to play bass. token, how many times do we have to go through this? you're black.
Token, tu es Black, tu sais jouer de la basse.
Look, you don't call me back, so I don't know how to do this.
Tu ne me rappelles pas. Je ne sais pas comment m'y prendre.
Look, I don't know how to do this... but you're gonna need to come home now.
Je ne sais pas comment te le dire... mais tu vas devoir rentrer.
But I don't know how to do this sort of thing.
Je ne peux rien faire là-dessus.

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