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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I want you to have this

I want you to have this tradutor Francês

1,157 parallel translation
I want you to have this book. Read it.
Je veux que vous preniez ce livre.
I want you to have this.
Je veux te donner ceci.
If anything happens to me... I want you to have this place.
Si je ne revenais pas... je veux qu " il soit à toi.
- I want you to have this.
- Je veux que tu prennes ceci.
I want you to have this.
Je veux que tu prennes ceci.
I want you to have this, Lennier.
Tenez, c'est pour vous, Lennier.
Dharma, I want you to have this.
Dharma, je veux te donner ça.
I want you to have this. You broke into my quarters to give me a tongo wheel?
Vous êtes entré par effraction pour m'offrir une roue de tongo?
Look Alan I want you to have this car just for a little while Ok?
Je veux que tu l'aies.
I want you to have this collar.
Je t'offre mon collier.
- Hey, I want you to have this.
- Hé, je voulais te donner ça.
- I want you to have this.
- J'aimerais vous offrir cela.
I want you to have this.
Je voudrais te l'offrir.
[Sighs] I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you this... but I'm afraid your family doesn't want you back.
J'aurais voulu éviter de te le dire, mais ta famille ne veut pas que tu reviennes.
You have a deeper love of this country than any man I've ever known... and I want to know what it says to you that in the past seven weeks... fifty-nine percent of Americans have begun to question your patriotism?
Car vous aimez ce pays plus profondément que quiconque. Dites-moi quel effet ça vous fait que depuis 7 semaines, 59 % des Américains doutent de votre patriotisme?
- Counselor, before you continue... - I want to have this marked this Commission acts on a motion denying the Rothstein application.
- Maître, avant que vous poursuiviez, cette commission propose d'adopter une motion rejetant la demande.
I want you to know that I love you very much, and I hope you understand that I have to do this.
Sache que je t'aime très fort, et j'espère que tu comprends pourquoi je fais ça.
Do whatever you have to do, but I want this stopped.
Faites tout ce qu'il faudra pour arrêter ces attentats.
I know you like this and I want you to have it.
Elle te plaisait.
Now that I have, I swear to you I want to do this.
Mais maintenant, je le veux.
I don't want to have to tell you this, I really don't.
Ça ne me fait pas plaisir...
Didn't I ask to see you? Yeah, but I think you'll want to know about this. I think that what I have to ask you is important, Barry.
La loi a été renforcée pour ce qui est du grand public, car Welch faisait arrêter n'importe quel homme politique.
I have told you this before, but I want to be really clear.
Soyons claires.
Do not look upon me lest with this piteous action you convert my stern effects. Then what I have to do will want true color. Tears perchance for blood.
Ne me regardez pas, de peur que la pitié de votre regard ne me détourne de mon sévère dessein et n'enlève à mon devoir sa vraie couleur en noyant le sang dans les larmes.
- You don't have to do this. - I want to.
Vous n'avez pas à le faire.
I think we have to work on the music a little bit more. Fine. But i don't want to make trouble, so... and i don't really want to do this in front of them, but i think... where do you want to do it?
On doit encore travailler la musique, mais je ne veux pas faire d'histoires, alors, je ne veux pas le faire devant eux.
But I wanted you to have this and for you to know that whatever time I have left I want to spend it with you.
Je veux que tu aies ceci pour que tu saches que quelque soit le temps... qu'il me reste, je veux le passer avec toi.
Commander, what are you doing up at this hour? I want you to have a look at something.
- Je veux vous montrer quelque chose.
Yeah. I want you to taste this great new thing they have now.
Je veux te faire goûter ce nouveau truc génial.
I want you to have a front row sit for this.
Je veux que tu sois au premier rang.
We all have to live in the real world, or this place is gonna close... but I just want you all to know I intend to run this one business really well.
Soyons réalistes, ou ce zoo fermera. Mais je vous garantis... que cette filiale, j'ai l'intention de bien la gérer.
- You guys are all guests in my house this weekend... and I want us to have a good time.
Alors? Vous êtes mes invités ce week-end, et je veux qu'on s'amuse.
T.K. and I have discussed this... "inside player" notion. And I just want you to know that...
Nous avons parlé de cette idée de mouchard avec T.K., etje voulais vous dire que je vais me pencher très sérieusement là-dessus.
I want to tell you something. It doesn't have to be this way.
tout cela peut changer.
I don't want the money if this is how you have to earn it!
Je ne veux pas de cet argent, si c'est comme ça que tu le gagnes!
I don't understand why you don't want me to have this.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ça te chiffonne.
Imagine how they are feels to a little boy knowing that their father could careless weather he to see them or not and you have every means to deny me something that I want, something that I deserved, something that this family needs
Je manifestais contre le NAFTA. Pardon? Le NAFTA.
Cut to commercial Cut to commercial I have a question I want to ask This network pays you for this task
Envoyez la pub J'ai une question pour la chaîne Qui vous paie pour être à l'antenne
I don't mean to butt in fellas, but with this you can have anything you want and never have to set foot off this boat
Quitter ces planches en bois à la con, pour aller à la rencontre de la gloire et de la fortune. Je ne voudrais pas vous déranger, mais avec ça, vous pourrez avoir tout ce que vous désirez, sans jamais quitter ce navire.
Oh, Dog, I think you want to have a look at this.
Dog, il faut que tu jettes un œil là-dessus.
You want me to work with you? I don't have time for this.
Je devrais bosser avec toi?
baby, I just want you to know that all this, everything I did, is'cause I love you and I wanted you to have that wedding like you always wanted to have, ok?
Tu dois savoir que j'ai fait tout ça par amour et pour t'offrir ce mariage dont tu rêvais tant.
Please, you know how I love doing this, and I don't want you to think that you even have to apologize.
Vous savez que j'adore faire ça, et je ne veux surtout pas que vous vous sentiez obligée de vous excuser.
Lisa Cusak was my friend but you are also my friends and I want my friends in my life because someday we're going to wake up and we're going to find that someone is missing from this circle and on that day, we're going to mourn, and we shouldn't have to mourn alone.
Lisa Cusak était mon amie, mais vous êtes aussi mes amis, et je veux que mes amis fassent partie de ma vie, parce qu'un jour, à notre réveil, on s'apercevra qu'un de nous manque à l'appel et ce jour-là, on portera le deuil et on ne devrait pas porter le deuil seul.
I didn't want to have this whole big thing with you and Beth and Pat.
Je ne voulais pas avoir tout un truc avec toi... et Beth et Pat.
If you don't want to have this baby, Homer and I will take you to a place.
Si tu n'en veux pas, nous connaissons un endroit.
[Annie] I don't want to sit here and have you try to tell me that this isn't true. - I just- -
Je ne veuxpasresterassise et vous entendre dire que ce n'estpas vrai.
First, I want you to know that you have my full cooperation, and the cooperation of everyone on this base. Thank you, sir.
D'abord soyez assurés de mon entière coopération et de celle de tous ceux qui sont sur cette base.
I just want you to have this... for whatever you needed it for when I made the offer.
Je veux que tu le prennes comme un cadeau de ma part.
I must tell you, Your Majesty, that I have not done this in some time and, seeing as the evening has gone so well, we wouldn't want to end up in a heap now, would we?
Je dois avouer, Votre Majesté, que je n'ai pas dansé depuis longtemps et, vu que la soirée s'est si bien déroulée, je ne voudrais pas que nous terminions par terre.
I just want to say that I'm really glad that it's you that I have to do this with.
Je veux juste dire que je suis contente que ce soit avec toi que je doive le faire.

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