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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I was just wondering if

I was just wondering if tradutor Francês

947 parallel translation
I was just wondering if...
Je sais. Je me demandais juste...
I was just wondering if there was any special reason... why she didn't show up at rehearsal today.
Je m'interrogeais sur la raison de son absence aujourd'hui.
I was just wondering if you got home alright.
Je me demandais si vous étiez bien rentrée.
I was just wondering if you love me as much as I love you.
Je me demandais si tu m'aimes autant que je t'aime.
I was just wondering if you meant what you said the other day - about showing me the run of things.
Vous aviez parlé de m'expliquer comment les choses fonctionnent ici.
I was just wondering if I couldn't sort of help you with the admiral?
Je me disais que je pouvais peut-être vous aider avec l'amiral.
I was just wondering if...
Je me demande si...
I was just wondering if I shouldn ´ t tell him about me.
Mais je me demande si je ne devrais pas tout lui dire.
Well, I... I was just wondering if I had anything to receive.
Je me demandais... si je recevrais quelque chose.
I was just wondering if you could use another girl to wait tables?
Je me demandais si vous auriez besoin d'une serveuse.
Oh, hello. Excuse me. I was just wondering if you were free for lunch.
Seriez-vous libre pour déjeuner?
I was just wondering if there's much to be done.
Je me demandais s'il restait beaucoup à faire.
Never mind the "sir," but I'm a stranger in this so-called planet... and I was just wondering if you could tell me... where I could get hold of some of the real stuff.
Laisse tomber le "monsieur". Je suis etranger sur cette planete... et je me demandais si tu pourrais m'indiquer... ou je pourrais me procurer un peu de tord-boyau.
Eh bien, je me demandais si...
I was just wondering if we could drive around for a while.
Si on allait se promener en voiture?
I was just wondering if I left a book here.
Je croyais avoir laissé un livre.
I was just wondering if you'd stop by the office while you're downtown.
Mais pourriez-vous passer au bureau?
And I was just wondering if there was someone I hadn't met.
Peut-être y a-t-il quelqu'un d'autre?
I need a full-time job, and I was just wondering if maybe you could use me with the circus? .
Je cherche un travail et je me demandais... si vous m'embaucheriez dans votre cirque.
I was just wondering if he had any real talent or is just wasting his time.
Je me demande... s'il a du talent ou s'il perd son temps.
- Excuse me, I was just wondering if you were OK
- Excusez-moi, je me demandais si vous étiez en vie.
Well, uh, I wrote this novel, and I was just wondering if Charlie would read it and give me some notes, let me know if I'm on the right track.
Rien non plus pour les bites que je suce pas. - L'addition. - En même temps, je sais pas.
Actually, I was just wondering if there was anyone in here that would be interested in a rousing round of pool.
Il y a quelqu'un ici que ça intéresse de faire une partie de billard?
Well, I was just wondering if you'd been over here very often since the baby was born.
Eh bien, je me demandais si vous étiez venue souvent depuis que le bébé est né.
I was just wondering if you had an opinion.
Je voulais une opinion.
I was just wondering if you'd heard anything yet.
Tu as des nouvelles?
I was just wondering if...
Ce n'est pas vous?
Well, I was just wondering if you were going to hang around or not.
Je me demandais si vous restiez ou pas.
Well, I was just wondering if maybe you can hold on to everything you've got now and then sell it all later on.
Vous gardez tout le bois que vous avez abattu, et vous le revendez plus tard à d'autres compagnies.
Excuse me, I was just wondering if there was any word on my application for transfer, Sergeant?
Je me demandais s'il y avait du nouveau pour ma demande de transfert?
I was just wondering if you were having a good time.
Et je me demandais si tu étais bien.
- I know this sounds crazy. But, you see, I know a lot about snakes, and I was just wondering if you would let me see him.
- Je sais que ça a l'air fou... mais vous voyez, je m'y connais beaucoup en serpents... et je me demandais si vous me laisseriez le voir?
I was just wondering if you've seen anything interesting going on?
Je me demandais si vous n'aviez pas remarqué des choses intéressantes.
Hi, this is Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post... and I was just wondering if you can remember... any books that a Howard Hunt checked out on Senator Kennedy?
Carl Bernstein, du "Washington Post". Pourriez-vous m'indiquer quels livres un certain H. Hunt a empruntés sur le Sénateur Kennedy?
I was just wondering if you have any books...
Je me demandais si vous aviez des livres...
Sir, I was just wondering if I could ask you some questions?
Monsieur... quelques questions? Quelle heure est-il?
I was just wondering what I'd do if you stopped dropping in.
Je me demandais ce que je ferais si tu ne passais plus.
I was just wondering what would happen if marines had to do a good day's work.
Je me demandais si les marines pouvaient faire un bon jour de travail.
I was just wondering. I was wondering if anybody could have seen him coming in here tonight.
Je me demandais... si quelqu'un pouvait l'avoir vu arriver ici ce soir.
Well, I was just wondering, if, if, if you don't need it, i  d make a nice handy little wash basket and I'd be happy to give you a quarter for it.
Si vous n'en avez pas besoin... je vous l'achèterais volontiers, pour mon linge.
I was only just wondering if there mightn't be a little mercy.
J'espérais seulement... qu'il y ait un peu de miséricorde.
I was just wondering if...
Je me demandais...
I was just wondering. If you're gonna be here for a little while, - maybe I could show you where I go fishing.
Je me disais que si tu restes, on pourrait aller pêcher ensemble.
I was just wondering if...
Je me demandais si...
Well, i was wondering if i just couldn't stay for a little while.
Je me demandais si je ne pourrais pas rester un moment.
I was wondering if he's disturbed why he couldn't have just wandered off?
Je me demandais simplement s'il n'a pas erré à l'aventure.
But I was wondering if you could give me just a little sign.
Mais j'aimerais bien un petit signe de Vous.
I was just wondering, if, uh... if he wanted something last night, why he didn't just ring for it.
S'il voulait quelque chose, hier soir, pourquoi n'a-t-il pas sonné?
No, I guess I was just wondering... if you had a file here on Nora Chandler and, of course, I never asked to see it.
Non, je me demandais juste si vous aviez un dossier sur Nora Chandler. Je ne vous ai pas demandé de me le montrer.
Yes, I was just wondering... if I would have been the first or the last... to impersonate...
Je me demande... si j'aurais été le premier ou le dernier à incarner...
No, I was just wondering... if Mr. Stafford was used to having you answer the phone in the office... why wasn't he surprised when you answered the phone in the house?
Je me disais juste qu'il est habitué à vous avoir au bureau mais qu'il aurait dû être surpris de vous avoir à la maison.

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