I wasn't myself tradutor Francês
610 parallel translation
I took it myself when she wasn't looking.
Je l'ai prise quand elle ne regardait pas.
I wasn't myself.
J'étais pas comme d'habitude.
No, I'm not saying there wasn't a lot of truth in what you said last night, but I'm not alibi-ing myself.
- Je ne dis pas que tout ce que tu as dit hier soir était faux. Je ne fais pas d'excuses.
I'd marry you myself if I wasn't already married.
Je t'épouserais si je n'étais pas déjà marié.
Well, I told you I wasn't going to make myself...
Je te l'avais dit!
I wasn't sorry to be by myself for a bit.
J'étais plutôt contente d'être seule pour un moment.
I was only thinking of you, my dear. I wasn't thinking of myself, really.
Je ne pensais qu'â toi, pas â moi.
- I wasn't much of a rose myself.
- Je n'étais pas bien mieux.
Well, I'm afraid I wasn't thinking of anybody but myself just then.
Je l'ai surtout fait pour moi, sur le moment.
But I wasn't afraid for myself, do you understand?
Mais je n'avais pas peur de moi, comprenez-vous?
There was never an hour when I was at peace, when I wasn't reproaching myself.
Pas une minute je ne suis restée en paix avec moi-même.
I'm always telling myself there wasn't. It makes me feel better.
Y a rien eu... ça me soulage.
Well, I sort of helped myself to a little salary I wasn't entitled to.
Disons que je m'étais octroyé mon salaire personnel
And all that sob stuff about me being ashamed of myself that was just a bid for sympathy. I wasn't ashamed.
Tout ce mélo que je vous ai débité sur ma carrière ratée... c'était un truc pour vous ferrer.
- I was pretty snippy myself, wasn't I?
- Je me suis emportée aussi, non?
I had to make a blood test. There wasn't time to run down to my lab at Scotland Yard... so I took the liberty of availing myself of yours.
Pas le temps de courir à mon labo de Scotland Yard... alors, j'ai pris la liberté de profiter du vôtre.
It's a good thing I wasn't born an Englishman. With the history their flag has, I'd have waved myself to death.
Un drapeau aussi historique m'aurait tué!
I wasn't in the mood to be by myself.
J'avais besoin de compagnie.
I wasn't singing to myself.
Non, pas à moi-même.
Because if I wasn't a coward, I'd ride you myself.
Si je n'étais pas un lâche, je te monterais.
I wasn't asking for myself.
Je ne disais pas ça pour moi.
You know, not knowing much about you because you make me talk about myself so that for a minute there I wasn't very bright on the uptake.
Je te connais mal, puisque tu me fais toujours parler de moi, si bien que j'ai été un peu lente à comprendre.
I wasn't bad at the game myself. I was sure I had shaken him loose, and I felt good.
J'étais expert dans le genre et j'étais faraud de le semer.
I began to ask myself if I wasn ´ t out of my head entirely.
Je me demandai si je n'avais pas perdu la raison.
I blame myself, but it just wasn't a marriage.
Je m'en veux, mais ce n'était pas un vrai mariage.
I wasn't talking about myself.
- Je ne parlais pas pour moi.
- I wasn't thinking of myself. - What can she do to me?
Il ne s'agit pas de moi.
I found myself saying things I wasn't even thinking.
J'ai dit des choses que je ne pensais pas.
Professor, I don't want you to think that I wasn't sure of myself
Professeur, ne pensez pas que je n'étais pas sûr de moi-même.
- I wasn't myself.
- Je n'étais pas moi.
I wanted to prove to myself and to him that I wasn't afraid!
Je voulais me prouver et lui prouver que je n'avais pas peur.
I wasn't... There were things to adjust myself to later on.
Par la suite j'ai dû accepter certaines choses bien sûr.
I would myself if it wasn't for...
Moi-même, si ce n'était pas que je...
I wasn't asking a favor for myself. It was really forJohn.
La faveur n'était pas pour moi, c'était vraiment pour John,
I didn't want to, but I pretended to enjoy myself. And then I wasn't sure I was pretending.
Je ne voulais pas, mais je prétendais m'amuser et pourtant je n'étais pas sûre de faire semblant,
I wasn't talking about myself. Well, I am.
- Je ne parlais pas de moi.
Maybe I wasn't really, because I knew this would happen if I ever got near you, I kept telling myself I was coming out here to help Fran, but I wasn't. I... I just wanted what she'd found.
Même si je savais comment ça finirait entre nous. Je me répétais que je venais pour Fran, mais c'était faux. Je voulais juste la même chose qu'elle.
I know, I tried them. I convinced myself, but I wasn't convinced.
J'ai essayé d'y croire, mais en vain.
She became so alive to me that I had to come back and see for myself... if the place really wasn't here.
Fiona semblait m'appeler. Il me fallait la preuve que Brigadoon avait disparu.
I wasn't thinking of myself.
Je ne parlais pas pour moi.
I wasn't talking about myself.
Je ne parlais pas de moi.
I said I wasn't always willing to ask of my people what I ask of myself, Jake.
J'ai dit que je ne pouvais pas forcer mes gens à agir comme je l'entends, Jake.
That wasn't a meteorite that fell on Panama. It was the burned remains of Number 7. I made sure of that myself.
Ce n'était pas un météorite... qui s'est désintégré au-dessus de Panama.
I wasn't myself.
Je n'étais pas moi-même.
About last night, Jake - I wasn't myself.
La nuit dernière, Jake... Je n'étais pas dans mon état normal.
There wasn't anyone to look after him but myself... so I was pretty well stuck here.
Personne d'autre ne pouvait s'en occuper, donc j'étais un peu coincée ici.
I wasn't talking about myself. It was a trick.
Mon histoire était celle de Setsuko.
When I suggested there might be a lack in your life I wasn't offering myself as compensation.
Je parlais d'un manque, mais je ne m'offrais pas en compensation.
I wasn't trying to introduce myself, I was coming back, that's all.
Je ne cherchais pas à m'introduire, je rentrais, c'est tout.
It wasn't too bad when I was grubbing along by myself.
C'était pas si mal quand je trimais tout seul.
Pas aussi stupide que tu le penses.
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i wasn't looking 38
i wasn't paying attention 53
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i wasn't looking 38